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Sticky Lambskin

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 2:03 am
by Ghos7a55assin
I just went paintballing wearingmy wested under a jumpsuit for added padding, but I realized afterwards that the cotton jumpsuit didn't stop all of the paint from seeping through, atleast not after the 5 or 6 rounds I had played. I used a tiny bit of handsoap and water to get the paint off, as water alone would not get it off. Now, parts of the jackets feels sticky, like in the action pleats. It feels almost like post-it adhesive...the pleats stick and stay closed and peel apart when I stretch them open.
Is there any remedy for the stickiness? I left my tub of Pecards in Taiwan, and am awaiting my new one in the mail. Would that help? Is the leather just dried out from the soap?

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:22 am
by Castor Dioscuri
Well, at least those action pleats sound like they're really doing their job now! ;)

Sounds pretty serious though... Just gotta wait for that tub o' Pecards, I suppose.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:34 am
by Michaelson
The only Pecards that MIGHT help would be the leather cleaner and conditioner. Standard Pecards will just make it more tacky.

My suggestion for the interim would be to go to a auto parts store or like location and find you a bottle of Lexol leather cleaner AND conditioner. Not sure if you activated the dye surface, or the standard Pecards dressing by using regular hand soap. If you are going to use soap on leather, use saddle soap, NOT standard soap. Standard handsoap usually containes silicone.

Clean the entire jacket with the Lexol, following the directions, then allow the jacket to completely air dry over a day or so. Considering how humid it's been in our part of the country, the humidity could be the reason it's still sticky, as it's not drying completely.

Regards! Michaelson