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WPG MK VII help needed

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:22 pm
by Perceval
I need adivce about WPG's original MK VII bags.
I have read many posts saying that his bags are bad and fall apart.
Is this also true for his originals?

Thanks a lot :wink:


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:56 pm
by Perceval
I actually just email Kevin to see if he can help me out with a bag.
I would really like a bag from him...because of the quality and to support him financially.
So, hopefully I will be able to get one from him!

Thanks for the comment Webhead :wink:


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:56 pm
by Chevalier Krak
Hate ta be a newbie, but who is WPG?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:15 pm
by Perceval
Hi dwardeden,
WPG is a vendor who sells repro and sometimes original MK bags and other Indy gear + many other British and U.S. army goodies.
Here is his website:


Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 2:08 pm
by Flyer05
I just purchased on original MK VII from WPG, and my expectations for the bag were COMPLETELY exceeded. The bag looks like it was just manufactured. Not a mark on it, which is amazing for something this old. It's W&G 1942. I can't say enough good things about the bag, and the speedy service.

The only problem is that the bag is so pristine and all original, that I can't bring myself to cut the original web strap off to put a leather one on.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 2:19 pm
by Indiana Jerry
Flyer05 wrote:The only problem is that the bag is so pristine and all original, that I can't bring myself to cut the original web strap off to put a leather one on.
You are not alone...kudos for realizing the gravity of the moment. ;) See here:

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:50 pm
by Perceval
I think someone said you can just undo the stiching on the original strap. That way you can always sew it on again without cutting it and ruining a great, old strap.

I decided to get my bag from Endicott. I'm in the process of saving up, so in about 9 weeks I'll buy it...can't wait \:D/


Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 2:57 am
by Indiana Jerry
That's the closest you can get to not cutting it, but you are still cutting it off...even if you're just cutting the original stitches. Even that gives some folks here pause.

(Me, I replaced mine, but I kept the original for posterity. I started a thread dedicated to those who carried these, and hopefully came home alive w/ them, in order to let people post the names they found. Search on 'Hursthouse', and you'll probably find it. L.D. Hursthouse, whoever he (or she) was...)

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 6:21 am
by dennist41
I bought the bag from WPG this past january and was satisfied with it. It actually appeared distressed or a little worn out, plus it wreaked like it had been soaked in rain water the past 50 years. However I really adore it because it came in this sorta pre-distressed fashion. I filled up the washer with cold water and 2 scoops of oxy clean and let the bag sit in it for 2 hours. After drying it on low-knits in the dryer for 45 minutes the bag no longer smelled. I polished the brass and metal parts with brass polish and it looks great!

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 1:39 pm
by VP
I just stuffed the old strap into the bag.



Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 9:27 am
by Flyer05
Well, the dilemma of whether or not to remove the strap is solved. I had the bag hanging from a halogen floor lamp, with the strap placed around the bowl, whatever you want to call it at the top. I hadn't used the lamp in a few days. For some reason I turned it on last night, though set low, and completely did not see the bag,or remember that it was there. I was hurrying around.

I cam back in the room about a half an hour later and the room was all smokey. I couldn't figure out why. I ran around the house checking the attics. downstairs, the ventilation system in the basement. I checked everything, and that room was the only room with smoke in it.

I was looking all over the room, trying to find the source. It has a lot of electronics. So, I checked all of those. Had I left a candle burning? Then I saw the bag, sitting on the floor with two halves of burned strap thrown to each side. I couldn't believe that I hadn't noticed the bag when I turned the lamp on. I still can't. How the #### did I not see it?

ticks me off. Solves the strap dilemma though.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 9:44 am
by Ben
OK, this is probably the best site for the bags, in my opinion :D

Try "SOF" and go to their reenactors page, and go to British WWII section.

Happy Hunting :D

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 2:03 pm
by coronado3
I got an unissued bag from WPG and it is in fantastic shape! Very tough...


Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 7:46 pm
by Indiana Jerry
Flyer05 wrote:Well, the dilemma of whether or not to remove the strap is solved.
You crack me up. ;) Sorry the choice was taken from you, but perhaps it was just as well? I'd blame it on gnomes and move on.

VP, I am compelled to point out that your pics are far too big as per the guidelines, but only because you delight in pointing this out to others. Have at you. ;)

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 9:10 pm
by Indiana G
i think vp just doesn't like to have to scroll across the screen when the text overruns the margins because the pic is so big. his pics don't do that.

i can a gigantic pic of indy's feet and write a couple paragraphs about the shoe stitching just to drive him crazy :D

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 9:20 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Indiana Jerry wrote:I'd blame it on gnomes and move on.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 1:23 am
by Indiana Jerry
I knew you were in league with them, you gnome-lover. Harboring gnomes is punishable in 10 star systems, you know. (Mostly cause they don't float so well.)

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 11:22 am
by binkmeisterRick
Be careful, Jerry. My gnome allies are everwhere and hard to see. In fact, I have it on good authority that you've been drinking straight out of the milk carton again.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 2:13 am
by Indiana Jerry
My best water bowl was in the dishwasher. I'm only human! (sorta)

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 12:15 pm
by Indiana G
...hey, that gnome is wearing my stetson temple!

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 1:15 pm
by VP
That's one narrow brim.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 2:15 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Actually, he's wearing a screen used fedora from ToD.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:50 pm
by Chevalier Krak
I got my WPG bag a few weeks ago. It was in fantastic shape - just some minor corrosion about the disc. It even still has the chest string neatly tucked into its little pocket. The brass fittings are even slightly shiny, without a hint of verdigris.
I left the strap on, until I found a site that had some very nice HK straps for $9.99 apiece. When these came, I carefully cut the stitching on on end of the strap and took it off, then substituted the HK. I have seen these combos go for nearly $100 on Ebay, so I was very happy to get mine put together for around half that. The bag is tough and resiliant, and I am really happy with it. I have left the partitions, as it makes it easier to organize my junk in it. it is my near constant companion, though I sometimes use my cheap repro as a more formal accessory or or my WWI American heavily distressed bag on gnomish days. Here are the pics:


Here are the 3. The cheap copy to the left, the WWI heavily-worn to the right, and the MK VII on top:

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:36 am
by Perceval
Nice bag collection dwardeden!
Your WPG does look very good and I like the straps too...$10, wow, nice find!
What is the length?


Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 6:53 pm
by Chevalier Krak
Shorter than others I have seen reported. They are only about 50" long fully extended, and that means onlt about 46" if the buckle is moved up. I am 5'6" (Minidiana Jones?), so it works for me, but if I had been one of these 6+ footers, the bag would be hiked up around my n*****s.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 2:56 pm
by VP
Well the bag is meant to be worn on the chest, not the hip. :P

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:03 pm
by Indiana Jerry
When did ipple become a banned word?

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:04 pm
by Jaredraptor

Nice bag collection. The MkVII looks the nicest.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:26 pm
by Indiana Jess
What's the turn around time for ordering a bag from WPG? I need one by the end of July.

*edit* I guess I could just check out the website. Need to stop looking with my mouth. :wink:

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:30 pm
by VP
IIRC the repros are out of stock, dunno 'bout the retros. :P

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:45 pm
by Bowie
I usually receive my orders with in 2-3 days, but that's S. Cal to AZ. Jerry @ WPG has been very expeditious in my past experiences.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:52 pm
by Indiana Jerry
So if it's in stock you should be okay, Jess. Unless you needed a repro...?

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:54 pm
by Michaelson
Repro. Original. Jess can use all the help he can get. 8) :wink:

Right, roomie? :lol:

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:57 pm
by Indiana Jerry
Oh, if he needs something roomier he ought to go with the repro... :-k

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:12 pm
by Indiana Jess
Indiana Jerry wrote:So if it's in stock you should be okay, Jess. Unless you needed a repro...?
It's going to be a gift so hopefully the ones they have in stock are in good condition.
Michaelson wrote:Repro. Original. Jess can use all the help he can get. 8) :wink: Right Roomie? :lol:
Exactly. Wait ... did I mean to agree with that? :-k

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:15 pm
by Michaelson
#-o :lol:

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:01 am
by djd
Just picked up another MkVII on It's funny but as long as sellers don't put 'Indiana Jones' in the item description they sell for half as much. My, very nice condition, original vintage one cost £15. I've seen ones described as Indy bags go for three times that amount!

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:40 am
by Perceval
Yeah, it's pretty crazy how much an "Indy MK VII" will go for compared to an "MK VII"! And if it includes a leather strap, you better hold on to your wallet :roll:
My guess is that Indy fans who are looking for the bag will type "Indy" or "Indiana Jones" bag, or something like that, and they don't even know about the other listings that don't have "Indy" in the title #-o
I usually just search for British gas mask and there are usually a couple of MK VII's among the listings.

Congrats on your find djd!

I'm still saving up for a bag from Endicott. I'll get it sometime in August...Can't wait :D


Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:16 pm
by Indiana Jerry
At one point the Endicott bags were going fairly economically as well until his demand skyrocketed. Almost makes you want to NEVER post a source you find...but that wouldn't help anybody either.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 6:10 am
by djd
Got my ebay bag. Absolutely mint. Not a mark on it. Really crisp, all the stitching perfect. £15. The seller had a few to sell at that price if anyone wants to look on ebay ( A happy buyer :)

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:16 am
by Perceval
Great looking bag djd!
And just 15 pounds...great deal :tup:

Are you going to get a leather strap for it?


Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:19 am
by djd
Yes I have a Todd delux job from my prevous MkVII (which was just a bit tatty) :)

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:20 pm
by Swindiana
Awaiting an issued R.D. & Co 1942 MkVII with Newey snaps at £8. Let's just hope it arrives. :shock:


Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:58 am
by Perceval
Another bag :lol:
How many do you have now?
Be sure to post pics when it arrives :wink:


Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 11:57 am
by Swindiana
4 MkVII bags, one of them Canadian, one of them "mint", though a bit rugged and fixed after daily use. That's the reason I'm getting another one. ;)
I've also got a MkVI missing a snap, and that's it.

I've given away a couple, but I've never had that many as you can see. ;)

Pictures coming when it arrives, for sure!


Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:43 pm
by Perceval
I thought you had a bunch of bags...maybe I'm getting you confused with someone else :-k

Nevertheless, 4 MKVII and an MKVI is a very nice collection :wink:

Looking forward to seeing the pictures!


Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 1:35 pm
by Indiana Jerry
Once he rolls out his cool comparison pics to answer questions, trust me, it will feel like you are surrounded by HUNDREDS of bags... ;)

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:15 pm
by VP
IIRC Texas Raider has like 14 MkVII's.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:30 pm
by Swindiana
Indiana Jerry wrote:Once he rolls out his cool comparison pics to answer questions, trust me, it will feel like you are surrounded by HUNDREDS of bags... ;)
Well, if we are talking pictures of seen bags... That's another story. ;)

Also, sometimes I've found a source and never bought a bag though I always aimed to get as much info as possible trying to find more knowledge about the smallest details.

Congrats! That's a fine looking MkVII!


Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:51 pm
by Perceval
Hey Swindiana,
Congrats on becoming a moderator :wink:
