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Hat Jack/Stretcher

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 1:31 am
by KJB

My good ol' AB has recently decided that it needs some time off and so it would prefer to stay on its hook. Specifically, it voices this opinion by imparting a nice, throbbing headache whenever I wear it for more than a few minutes or so. :x

I understand this is the nature of the beast. I'm looking to get a hat stretcher and I've seen several variations on different websites (wood or plastic, ends that reach all the way around or don't). From experience, do you know if there's a particular one that's any better or do they all pretty much work just fine?

Thanks for the info! I'll bet a certain Knower of Things will chime in sooner or later...

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:09 pm
by Michaelson
Thel hat shape retainer (stretcher) that I use is sold by Peter's Brothers. There are a lot of other makers and sellers, but that one has served me well.

Scroll down this page and you'll find the one I'm talking about.

Regards! Michaelson


Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:12 pm
by BendingOak
I have the same stretcher and like very much.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:13 pm
by Michaelson
I especially like the fact it's plastic. If you decide to use the sweatband wetting technique to stretch a band to say, the plastic stretcher won't stain mildew. It dries quickly.

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 2:17 pm
by KJB
Michaelson wrote:If you decide to use the sweatband wetting technique to stretch a band
The wha? :-k

Somehow I thought you just stuck it in the hat, adjusted, and poof! back to the right size. You mean it's not that easy? It's supposed to work like magic, dangit!

I hope I don't end up hurrying back in a week or two to ask if anyone wants to buy this new size 8 AB I just made :lol:

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 5:36 pm
by Michaelson
It just takes an overnight 'stay' in the hat to get it back to shape.

The 'wetting' trick I'm referring to is if the hat is to snug, turn the sweatband inside out, wet it slightly with water (not a whole lot is needed. Just wet your finger and rub it around inside the back of the sweatband until it's noticably wet), insert the stretcher and tighten. Leave overnight, or until the sweatband completely dries.

The hat will be stretched out to fit your head, and due to the wetting of the leather, the leather has also been stretched to shape and should stay that way.

No biggie, and easy to do. As you surmise in your reply, don't get ham handed with your application of the stretcher. Just make it snug in the hat when you tighten it up.

Sometimes this has to be done on occasion, but sooner or later, the hat will stay put in the shape and size you're after due to regular use, and this technique.

Regards! Michaelson