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M.B.A. news

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2002 9:33 pm
by whipwarrior
I wasn't sure where to post this, but I reasoned that it pertains to General Gear. Anyway, today I received my annual Christmas Card from Noel Howard at M.B.A. Ltd. Similar to previous editions, the card featured a production costume sketch from the designer (this one for Peter O'Toole's outfit from the 1962 film, Lawrence of Arabia) Inside, beneath seasonal greetings in multiple languages, is a dedication within a small rectangular box. It reads:

Dedicated to the memory of
Monty M. Berman M.B.E.
16-2-1912 to 15-7-2002

Apparently the honorable Monty Berman, founder of M.B.A. Limited, passed away in July. I think that it would be appropriate for everyone to e-mail their condolences to Noel Howard and the dedicated staff of professionals at M.B.A. with our respects.

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 6:55 am
by geordie jones
I received that christmas card as well.

It is a nice touch by noel, not many businesses would go out of there way to send out such a card in there own country never mind overseas.

I have sent Noel a thank you and also a traditional festive card.