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Airsoft Indy Pistols?
Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 11:19 pm
by Nick Daring
Haas anyone looked into airsoft versions of any of the Indy pistols?
If so, which models have been made?
Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 11:45 pm
by skywlkr
I got an airsoft .357/.38 special and it looks pretty close, except for the grips. Unfortunately, the grips cannot be changed because within them is housed the spring which allows the gun to fire.
Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 11:54 pm
by Henri Defense
where did you get it?
Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2002 2:32 am
by skywlkr
Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 8:32 pm
by MaryonRavenwood
Funny, this topic came up in another thread. Coincidentally, HJS spent all day today playing airsoft (I had to practice for my recital, then play in it, so I couldn't go.) Man, an Indy airsoft pistol against some of the guns the guys he went to play with have....that'd be suicide (figuratively.) They have sights and silencers and stuff....Hehe...some of the guys he plays with are cops....when else are you gonna get to shoot at cops and not get in trouble?! (No offense to any cops here on the forum, our society needs you!)
Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 8:38 pm
by skywlkr
The action on my airsoft revolver is very slow, but I didn't get it to play airsoft, I got it to sit in my gear holster. For that, it works great.
Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 8:41 pm
by MaryonRavenwood
Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 10:01 pm
by Indiana Texas-girl
What is airsoft? Is it like paintball?
Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 10:13 pm
by Henri Defense
I'm not exactly sure how to explain it (seeing I've never really used one) but I do hear they don't hurt as much as paintball can...but they shoot plastic pellets, not paintballs...
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 3:06 am
by Dalexs
They are basically different forms of BB guns. Airsoft is something like a national organization. There are many makers of the various guns:
spring action, gas, etc...
Check out
for more info.
Here is an example of the closest available Indy gun:
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 12:08 pm
by Michaelson
...take those Hogue grips off the weapon,and you've got a real good looking Smith and Wesson N-frame 'wannbe' there! Best I've seen to date! (Mary-on's right, though, I'm one of those that prefer the weapons that really go 'bang' myself. (grins)) Regards. Michaelson
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 12:57 pm
by prettybigguy
I agree Michaelson, it looks good minus the grips!
skywlkrinc wrote:Unfortunately, the grips cannot be changed because within them is housed the spring which allows the gun to fire.
Would the action still work (i.e. the hammer and cylinder)? I don't play airsoft so the fact that it didn't fire would be a plus. Especially if I got hassled by security or something if I wore it to a Halloween party. I'd rather have something like this then a solid resin prop, especially for the money they are going for on Ebay. If I wanted a weapon that could fire I'd buy a REAL S&W.
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 4:32 pm
by skywlkr
You can't take the grips off if you want the bb gun to function. I've tried. If you do, the spring mechanism has no housing and the wooden grips won't attach because of the internal firing mechs. But if you don't mind it not being able to fire, then you could totally make the conversion by removing all the internals. I just happen to like mine to be able to fire. Maybe if I get another one I'll make the conversion.
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 3:40 pm
by Indiana Neri
skywlkrinc Posted:
"The action on my airsoft revolver is very slow, but I didn't get it to play airsoft, I got it to sit in my gear holster. For that, it works great. "
I was wondering what holster it is that you have because I was looking into buying this Airsoft pistol (with the possability to change the grips!!) and I do not have a Raiders holster yet. Does it fit right or what??
Indy N.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 9:27 pm
by skywlkr
I have the Webley holster from IMA. It's larger than the Raiders holster, but is the same size as the Last Crusade holster.
Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 11:29 pm
by auntsugar
The airsoft pistol in the pic above is the TJ Hooker one. I've seen them online, and they're usually on sale for about $20.00
I would probably sacrifice the functionality for looks though. The grips have got to go.
Where would you get different grips???