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Indiana Rook holster and whip holder discussion

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 11:47 pm
by Rook
Okay, it's not really as bad as all that. :D

Thanks to the plans drawn up by K on the Run, I made myself a holster.

I've been an Indiana Jones fan since I first saw the film in 1981.

Now, years later after being involved in the prop/costuming groups, and after meeting Minnesota Jones at a local convention, I decided to start looking into it again.

I nabbed a copy of K on the Run's plans...

And I went from there.

I think the photos are too big, so I'll just link 'em in.

Now (obviously) this holster design is for the 4" barrel Smith & Wesson revolver. Since I plan on getting a 6" Webley eventually, I added an additional 2.25" of length to the bottom of the holster. To do this I printed and cut out the plans, and with a strait edge drew an extension off the bottom of the plans. I then used the original curved bottom of the original plans as a basis for the curve on my extension. Cut and tape in place and you're done. :)

Imagine the template is made out of leather... :)

Cutting it out after drawing on the backside of the leather. Also,
remember to flip your template over... or you'll end up with a left handed holster!

Basic shape with belt loop...

Halfway on. Only took me an hour to figure out how to use the bloody sewing awl.

Belt loop and closure strap finished! I did a half-fast (say it... go ahead...)
job on the belt loop, but the next one I do will be better.

Hand punching all those holes will make anyone a brain eating zombie!

Holes... holes... holes...

All done! Sort of. I FUBARed the attachment of the brass closure post,
busting the flat back of the post off, so I had to buy another one. Doh.
Also bought a little post holding deal and with that the process went slick as could be.

No, that's not Indy's stun gun from Stargate SG-1. ;)

The plug was a PAIN to sew. But it worked out okay in the end.

It will hold a 6" revolver OR a solid AL cast Colt 1911. How's THAT
for one size fits all? :lol:

All told I spent about $70 (or so) on the project.
Basically it went like this:

$12 - heavy duty titanium Fiskers scissors. (half off on sale!)
$15 - leather
$1 - Brass post
$4 - extra waxed thread
$16 - Sewing Awl kit
$9 - Rotory punch (for punching holes)
$9 - overstitcher (round spikey wheel used to pre-punch and space holes)

So Why did I make the holster rather than just buying a Webley holster off ePay for about $60? Because. That's why. :) The tools I consider an investment as they can be reused. I plan to make a holster for my wife as well eventually, so that just dropped the cost of the project to about $45 or so.

It took me a long time (frequent runs to the store looking for tools I KNEW I already owned... but couldn't find...) to complete, figure appx. 5.5 hours off and on. But now that I know what I'm doing with that sewing Awl... muahahahahahaha... ;)


Indiana Russ ;)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:19 am
by Indiana Max
Welcome aboard
:clap: :clap: :clap: You done very well, congrats, the same way how I tried to make my own one. It looks really good, especially the longer part up to the bottom it gives the whole holster another tipe of appearance. Well done :!: :wink:

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:22 am
by Kt Templar
Hi Rook,

Welcome, glad you finally made it here!


Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 4:54 pm
by Indiana G
welcome aboard. nice work on the holster. its a great tutorial that you've contributed as well.


Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 5:28 pm
by Rook
Thanks everyone! I couldn't have done it without a great set of plans to start from that's for certain. Mine is lacking a couple detail aspects (surface detailing, like along the flap edge) but over all I'm pretty pleased with it. Now I just need to get my whip holder done. :)


Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 6:25 pm
by K on the run
Welcome aboard Rook :D

It looks good, nice job with the conversion. You're right about the plug, it's a pain.
Glad that I could help and looking forward to see your next holster.

Best regards,

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 8:50 pm
by Rook
(Cue Music by DEVO: Whip it!)

Based on the images supplied by another member, I spent an hour tonight making up my whip holder and #### it works well!!

I neglected to take any pics of the building process (bad, bad Russ...)
so you'll just have to imagine how it came togeather...

Most people use the plastic/"faux ivory" bead thing. To me, the bead just didn't seem to fit Indy. While hunting for a piece of brass/copper pipe I found a bronze bearing at the local hardware store. It has rounded edges so I don't have to worry too much about it cutting through the leather straps.






And me, with my new US Wings indy jacket ($79 on sale!), holster and whip. Ignore the pirate shirt. ;)


And tonight I finally got the mother of all whip cracks out of that thing! Sounded like someone shooting off a shotgun! Sweeeeet! Neighbors prolly thing I'm REALLY crazy now. As if walking around the back yard carrying a P90 or G36 wouldn't do it first. :lol


Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 5:37 am
by K on the run
Nice whip holder, I like the fact that it almost looks screen accurate in pic no. 5.
Do you think that the press stud will hold up to more than a walk in the yard? I use a lock press stud just to be sure that it doesn't open unintentionally.
Leather shops has bone or horn beads about 4" long, you can cut the ends off and use it as the roller. That's what I use. Sometimes the brass reacts with the leather and causes a miss-colouration of the leather.

Best regards,

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:04 am
by Rook
What's a "lock press stud?" I went with the bronze bearing (not brass, I was originally looking for a brass one...) for the roller over the bone or horn bead just because I felt it fit "Indy" better. :)

I haven't taken it running through the forest yet, so I don't know how strong the snap will be. I walked around the block wearing it last night (being towed by the dog around the block actually...) and it worked just fine.

Thanks for the kind comments!


Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:29 am
by K on the run
The press stud with lock is a press stud with a pull release button that keeps the stud closed until it is pulled straight out.
You can see it here:

This holder has a bamboo roller (not good, had to make a new in bone)
Bronze has the same problem with leather but your paracord whip is safe, no chemical reaction there.

Best regards,

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 12:33 pm
by The real Henry
Very nice work!

Rook, may I ask what kind of fedora that is?


Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 3:12 pm
by Rook
No you may not ask.


It's one I got back in 1985/86 at Disneyland. It has a teardrop shaped top
on it. It's I believe 100% wool felt. The label inside says...

"International Collection
Golden Gate Hat Company
Los Angeles, Calif."

It cost me about $20 back then (Probably $50 now...) and It's not the
best fedora you could buy even back then. It's reeeeeally stiff for one
thing. The year I bought it I went to Disney (with the family...) with the
SOLE intention of getting an "Indy" fedora. The only hat stand I could find
had this one which was a tich too big (still a little too big even now...), but
it was the only one left, so I jumped on it.

Of course as we left the park that evening we ran across another stand
that had the one my buddy owned (which was a nicer hat and not as stiff)
for the same price. If I knew then about being able to exchange things for size like I do now... :)

I normally wear it as my "rain hat" when we're getting a downpour.
So in that regard the stiffness is good. :)


Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 6:07 pm
by Canyon
Rook, welcome! :P

Magnificent work with the holster and whip holder! :clap: :clap:

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 2:07 pm
by Chevalier Krak
Nice work on the both! I am itching to start both, and also a bag strap, but I can;t find my leather! I had a light tanned half hide around in the basement somewhere, and it's entirely gone! If the mice got it, I'd expect to see some very fat mice around. Bck in the 60s, you could find leather supplies and Tandy's on every corner, it seemed. Us hippies did like the leather!

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:38 am
by IndyTaz
Rook, Welcome mate. Amazing job. You've opened Pandora's box now mate. You'll be a gearhead forever....and lovin' it LOL

Warm Regards

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 3:26 am
by Castor Dioscuri
Rook wrote: Image
I am just so jealous of you guys and your custom made holsters... Nothing beats having your own holster... except knowing that YOU made it as well! ;) If only I was as resourceful as y'all!

But looking at that pic, I'd imagine that doing anything other than walking normally or standing still would be quite painful (or at the very least, extremely annoying) with the holster placed where it is? :-k

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:28 pm
by Indiana Jerry
Excellent work, Rook, simply excellent! Having made my own whip holder (albeit very cheesy in comparison with yours), I can appreciate the extra thought you put into that - well done!

Excellent work, and thanks for sharing!


Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:41 pm
by classicbullwhips
Hey Rook nice walkthrough on how to make the holster, Also I have to comment on your nice looking whip it looks very familiar, those were some of the first productions of whips that I made, they still look good but have come along way since then hows it been treating you. Well best of wishes to you. James

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:56 pm
by Castor Dioscuri
I know this isn't Indy-ish, but if I were to make my own holster, I think it would be pretty cool if I made the end maybe an inch or two shorter than the barrel, so that when your piece is holstered, you get that glint of silver barrel showing!

Of course, this probably sounds better in theory than it does in practice... ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:58 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Just keep in mind that it means the barrel isn't fully protected then, thus defeating half the purpose of what the holster is designed for. :wink:

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 5:09 pm
by Castor Dioscuri
But... But... But it looks cool! :D

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 5:12 pm
by Rook
The nylon whip is working just fine. reattaching the fall was a little ugly, but it works. :)

I've seen "cowboy" style holsters that expose the muzzle of the pistol. I made mine longer than average to hold a webley. :)


Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 5:14 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Castor Dioscuri wrote:But... But... But it looks cool! :D
Hey, I'm just sayin'! :lol:

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 4:14 pm
by Minnesota Jones
I meet ya in person at Marscon here in the Twin Cities, and you join up and I keep missing your threads! Ugh! Sorry man!

Nice looking holster AND whip holder! And I love it when you get off a gunshot loud whipcrack. It really gets you hooked on whip cracking.

Next time your down here in the TC, let me know and we can do some whipcracking in the yard or the local park.

Oh, what size fedora are you? 7 1/8? 7 1/4?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:32 pm
by Snakewhip_Sable
binkmeisterRick wrote:Just keep in mind that it means the barrel isn't fully protected then, thus defeating half the purpose of what the holster is designed for. :wink:
I thought the purpose of a holster was so you didn't have to carry it in your hand or luggage or pocket your whole trip.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:16 pm
by Rook
Minnesota Jones wrote:I meet ya in person at Marscon here in the Twin Cities, and you join up and I keep missing your threads! Ugh! Sorry man!
No problem! I missed your reply here, so we're even. ;)
Nice looking holster AND whip holder! And I love it when you get off a gunshot loud whipcrack. It really gets you hooked on whip cracking.

Next time your down here in the TC, let me know and we can do some whipcracking in the yard or the local park.
Sounds like fun!
Oh, what size fedora are you? 7 1/8? 7 1/4?
How tight are you really supposed to have it? My current fedora sits pretty loose unless I really tug it down on my head.

My measurement is 23-23 1/8" so according to the sizing charts I found online, that drops me around the "Large" or 7 1/4 range.

Why do you ask?

Castor said...
But looking at that pic, I'd imagine that doing anything other than walking normally or standing still would be quite painful (or at the very least, extremely annoying) with the holster placed where it is?
Well, if you look at a LOT of the pics of guys in gear (Harrison included) it
seems that the holster just decides to sit there for some reason. :)
Normally I'd wear it to the side of course, but I wanted to show off the
holster in the picture. ;)
