
Discuss technique for prolonging the life of your gear or giving it that aged look

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Post by swright007 »

I took my jacket by a local leather shop and they recommended a spray on product called Lexol even over Pecards. I have already ordered the Pecards but was wondering if anyone had any experience with Lexol. It sounds like it would be easier to apply and sounds like it would last longer (6 months per treatment as opposed to 4 weeks for the Pecards). Any advice would be appreciated.

P.S. it has been hours and I noticed where he applied a little for show to the tail of the sleeve of my coat, it is still darker than the rest of the coat. I really don't want something that will alter or take away from the distressed look of my coat.
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Post by Michaelson »

Lexol is EXACTLY like Pecards leather lotion. It's a water based leather conditioner. It's great stuff, but in no way 'better' than Pecards. It's about the same. Best used on smooth leathers like lambskin.

ANY leather product is going to darken pre-distressed leather. Repeat...ANY product. It will eventually lighten up after the product has evaporated out.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Forrestal »

I have been using Lexol for about 6 years on my Wested Lamb ToD jacket. It works great!
I also use it on just about anything I own made of leather; my belt, briefcase, seats of my car, tobacco pouch, etc.
You usually can find it cheapest at Tack shops.
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Post by rick5150 »

I put the Pecard lotion in a spray bottle that you can get at any supermarket and use that on some of my leathers. I prefer the smell of the Pecard to that of the Lexol, but I still use both.
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