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1911 Purchase Opinions
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:06 am
by Stinchcomb
OK....I know this isn't a gun site, but I like to hear peoples opinions and their sometimes good points.
I used to carry a Colt 1911 “Compact” (6 round clip, short barrel). For practical reasons I switched to a large bore revolver snub nose for my everyday carry. So the Colt has been locked away for a while. Yesterday I saw the Springfield 1911 GI. Great classic looks, and a great price.
I'm thinking of trading the Colt for the Springfield, It want get used (I hope), but I thought I'd rather have a full size 1911 over the Compact if I didn’t have to carry it concealed. My minds probably made up already, but would still like to hear opinions.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:37 am
by matt1466
I have a full size 1911 and prefer it over most compacts. It's an oldie, manufactured by Remington-Rand during WWII but I still love it. The Springfield 1911 is a beauty.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:50 am
by pigirondan
You have a lot of choices. You could get a Springfield, either a Mil-Spec or a GI. You could get a Rock Island Armory GI or a High Standard GI. If you shop around you can get those new in the $450 -$550 range. (Or less)
What I plan on doing next, is getting a funky old Colt Sistema and rebuilding it from the ground up.
Full Size .45
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:37 am
by Terryhimself
If you take concealment out of the picture, then a full size has all the advantages. Capasity,sight radius, velocity,and comfort all increase.
Just about every manufacturer is producing 1911's. Shop around..Terry
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:55 am
by Stinchcomb
Well, you can tell I've got a slacker job. I've spent some time this morning researching and have decided to do the trade. I brought the Colt with me today........just in case, so during my lunch hour, I'll be tradin'. I just hope to get a good trade-in price for the Colt.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:40 pm
by Stinchcomb

Well, I’m the proud owner of a brand new Springfield 1911 GI. I traded the Colt. It cost me exactly $32.00 out of pocket. Not a bad trade I say.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:02 pm
by pigirondan
Shoot that baby, a lot. Shooting a 1911 is by far the best gunsmith. Get some decent magazines. Ed Brown, Cylinder & Slide, etc..
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:50 pm
by Stinchcomb
pigirondan wrote:Shoot that baby, a lot. Shooting a 1911 is by far the best gunsmith. Get some decent magazines. Ed Brown, Cylinder & Slide, etc..
I've got a couple of 10 round stainless Ed Brown clips. I've even got a handmade 50 round clip that my grandfather made nearly 50 years ago for a 1911, and it actually works.
They did have a Rock Island Armory and Auto Ordinance GI models, The Rock Island was a little cheaper, but the trigger was slightly different than a standard 1911. The Auto Ordinance was the same price and looked as good with U.S. Army stamped into the slide, but I wasn’t as familiar with them, so went with what I know.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:58 pm
by pigirondan
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:09 pm
by J_Weaver
The Springfield Mil-Spec is the best value in 1911's right now, IMHO. Although on paper and initial looks in a gun shop it might look like a more expensive version of the G.I., but its worth every penny. It only took me one trip to the range to see that the high profile sight, lowered and flared ejection port and beveled mag well and better fitting are worth far more than the extra $60 or so SA charges.
Mine is also extremely accurate. Today I was able to shoot a 0.5" 3 round group at 7 yards.
EDIT to add...I just saw you got a G.I. Contrats, you made a fine choice!

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:15 am
by Indy1939
I don't think the Rock Island 45's are as high a quality as, say either a Springfield or a Kimber. I've been looking into get one of the Springfields myself.
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:02 am
by carebear
How are you carrying? I find the full size 1911
far easier to conceal both IWB and OWB than
any of my revolvers (on the belt line anyway) due to its much flatter profile. It tucks right in at 3:30 under a light vest or sportcoat (even under just a Polo or t-shirt). Behind the hip in a decently hi-ish ride holster even the full 5# barrel isn't uncomfortable for all day wear.
Though my day-to-day gun is a LW Cmdr.
Because I'm a sissy.
Well, body type determines a lot I guess. Sounds like a good trade and whether you carry it or not, it's a great gun to own.
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:27 am
by Texas Raider
Good choice on the Springfield! It is the best 1911 for the money right now. I'm planning on the stainless model in the future. My 1911 right now is a Para Ordinance Hi-cap ;-). 15 rnds of good 'ol .45 acp at my disposal ;-), and another 14 on my hip.
Enjoy the Springfield!
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:25 pm
by zeus36
I picked up a Springfield Mil Spec three years ago for about $400. I had planned on building it into a custom combat auto with some mods,
but it just looked too nice to mess with.
I'd been wanting a .45 for a long time and it's a great shooter!
I had a Kimber with an alloy frame but never liked the way it looked and felt, so I sold it before even firing it.
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:51 am
by Stinchcomb
Yeah, over the years I've owned several more modern/modified 1911 and one Ruger .40. I just never liked the looks of the modern auto pistols, they where all fine guns though. I'm actually a revolver fan, they have more appeal to me in both looks and reliable functionality, but I've always liked the looks and feel of the classic 1911, they are such a smooth shooter. My local gunsmith says there is a lot of improvements he can do internally to this Springfield without effecting the external looks at all. I may have to have him take a look at it soon.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:54 pm
by feathers73
Auto Ordnance makes a GI spec 1911. The only thing I don't like about the Springfield are the grips but of course you can change that. They are a very well built gun for the money though.
To me the ultimate was the Colt WWII repro and now the WWI repro. The former is no longer being produced. The latter is still available. I think Collectors Firearms in Houston had like three of them.
Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 1:34 pm
by Scuffy
I purchased a "used" SA GI about 4 months ago and I've got almost 1500 rounds through it. It's niiiiiiice. Evidently the guy that owned it before me barely used it. Maybe a dozen rounds through it. It was nice and minty. It was around $460 or so at a local gun show.
While definitely holding more punch than a 9mm I love the way it handles. Yes it most certainly has some weight to it but it makes it feel "real". Not like some of the smaller options. Fun stuff. Not hard to conceal at all. Actually I'm going to carry it after I finish my CC course next week. I wanted something that the class of the older Colts and I found it! I want to change out the grips for some originals that are floating around on ebay. Either that or some nice pewter grips with scroll work on them. Classy.
Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 6:26 pm
by IndianaRedmon
You will not be unhappy in the Springfield Armory classic M1911. Its my favorite these days. Mine seens to function well feeding from any of the old 45 clips I've ran into thus far.
Good choice