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Please welcome the newest member of the Adventurebilt Co.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:19 am
by Marc
Dear Gentlemen and Ladies,

I am VERY proud to announce, that Adventurebilt has gotton a new member who will soon start production of the probably finest, handcrafted leathergoods around. Big words, I know, but what I've seen so far really takes my breath away (and here I thought I had seen it all).

Here's a lil' trivia to fill you in: After a business appointment that I had in Northern Denmark last Friday, I had the chance to meet our very own JEEP at his place, to give him his AB-Dlx. and to spend a couple of hours with a fellow gearhead. My good impressions on this man from earlier e-mails and phonecalls were more than confirmed and after some chit chat about the hat and other stuff, Jakob showed me some of the leathergoods he had crafted. While he explained some minor details that he wanted to fix yet (and which I honestly didn't even see AFTER he showed me), I had plenty of time to test the water resistancy of his good, due to me sitting and drooling over it :lol: He showed me a holster that he had gotton from another supplier (which again looked very nice to me) and again pointed out some details that gave me a very hard time seeing. I've seen PLENTY of Indygear leathergoods over the last years on various occassions such as summits and cometogethers, but Jakob's handcrafted leathergoods just blew me away.

So when I had finally dryed away the drool from his stuff, my pants and his floor, it kind of stroke me and I turned around and asked him right up, if he'd be interested to become a member of Adventurebilt. Then I kind of regret to overrun the man who had invited me for dinner like that, and told him to think about it, and I’d go and ask Steve for permittance in the meanwhile.

Well, I think I’ve stressed your patience enough for now, so I won’t get into details, how I couldn’t sleep all night in excitement etc. etc. etc. To put it short, Steve aggreed to letting Jakob comming aboard and Jakob made up his mind in the meanwhile too.

As mentioned above, he wants get rid of some invisible „flaws“ yet, but should be up and running in round about two months. Of course I’ll post pictures as soon as I can.

So a heartly welcome from my side Jakob. May this joint venture bring you as much joy as it brought to Steve and me.



Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:27 am
by agent5
So, what is he going to be doing? Making leather hats? What?

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:31 am
by Michaelson
So, if I'm understanding this, the AB name is now branching out from being something other than a custom hat company? :-s

Strictly speaking for myself, I'm not so sure I welcome this news. I'm sure Jeep is making some of the best leather stuff out there, but it's starting to dilute the AB name. AB has been to this point the benchmark fedora hat company, representing old world craftsmanship in the making of custom fedoras. It appears it's now going to be a generic name for a multitude of things.

Is that what Steve had in mind when he started all this? If so, that's sure news to me! You're just reinventing the Lee Keppler store. :-k

Anyway, best of luck, Jeep.

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:08 am
by Strider
Michaelson wrote:So, if I'm understanding this, the AB name is now branching out from being something other than a custom hat company? :-s

Strictly speaking for myself, I'm not so sure I welcome this news. I'm sure Jeep is making some of the best leather stuff out there, but it's starting to dilute the AB name. AB has been to this point the benchmark fedora hat company, representing old world craftsmanship in the making of custom fedoras. It appears it's now going to be a generic name for a multitude of things.

Is that what Steve had in mind when he started all this? If so, that's sure news to me! You're just reinventing the Lee Keppler store. :-k

Anyway, best of luck, Jeep.

Regards! Michaelson
Yeah, this is kinda what I was thinking, as well.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:16 am
by Marc
Aventurebilt Hat Co. will always remain to be a Fedora hat company, representing old world craftmanship.

I'm no way re-inventing the Lee Keppler store, as I'll remain to be a hatter of The Adventurebilt Hat Co. and have enough to look for filling this part.

But it is exactly this old world craftmanship that Jakob is so much into, that made us (Steve and me) wanna offer him to be part of a brand that has always been striving for the ultimate in terms of quality and craftmanship. Jakob will represent the Adventurebilt Leather Co. (or something like that) and if I would have the smallest doubt that he wouldn't be up to honor this brand, then I wouldn't even have givin this a second thought. If Steve had felt bad about this, it wouldn't have happened neither. So I'm not trying to copy anyone here, but to give a man the possibility to make his fine product under a label that speaks for itself.



Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:31 am
by K on the run
I'm very excited having seen Jeeps leather work first hand. Jeep is also a middle age reenactor and makes leather goods for that hobby as well. He is very thorough and only uses the best materials.
My guess is that he will be offering belts, gun holsters, whip holders and bag straps. >As I said it's only my guess but it will go nice with the things he makes for reenactors.

Best of luck Jeep.


Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:34 am
by agent5
So, if I'm understanding this, the AB name is now branching out from being something other than a custom hat company?
You're still not fully explaining what exactly the new addition will be doing for AB? Is AB branching out into other merchandise as Michaelson asked?

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:41 am
by Marc
Jakob will be making bagstraps, whipholders, gunbelts and holsters. Sorry for not pointing this out :oops:



Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:59 am
by agent5
In my best Obi Wan Kenobi, "There. You can do it." :wink:

Cool. Maybe someone will FINALLY do us a nice holster which is the right high quality, lightweight leather and the right mid-brown color. None of this orangish-brown. Let ol' Jakob know I'll be happy to provide as many screen caps and behind the scenes pics as he needs to get it done. :tup: Happy to help out in any way I can on this on if you guys need an old screen accurate buff such as myself with over 2000 Raiders pics. :wink:

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:02 am
by Michaelson
webhead73 wrote: Why can't they still be the benchmark of quality and craftmanship for fedoras and branch out into other areas? I don't see how trying new things would be bad. If for some reason these new ideas don't work out or if they start to affect the production/quality of the hats, then I would think the appropriate steps would be taken to protect the name and reputation of the AB fedora.
Not saying it can't be. You have to remember I'm old school, and just remember Stetson doing exactly the same thing many years ago. They used to make good hats too. What next....AB aftershave? :shock: :lol:

Just kidding. :wink:

If you feel that's the way this needs to go, lock and load. I just stated my opinion, and haven't read anything yet that would swing me one way or the other. I still feel it's diluting the AB name by branching out into other items, but that's just me and a long memory of vendors past.

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:15 am
by Marc
@ Jason: HIGHLY appreciated!!! Thank you VERY much!!! - Jakob, are you reading???
What next....AB aftershave?
:-k Actually we first wanted some overpriced guy to come up with ideas like this for us, but since you're doing it for free... THANK YOU :D :lol:
I just stated my opinion, and haven't read anything yet that would swing me one way or the other.
Hey, if we can't have our own opinions anymore, than something would be completely wrong in here IMHO! Don't forget that without the input and opinions of people in here, there would never have been ANY Adventurebilt Co.



Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:36 am
by Fedora
Thought I better chirp in here. :lol: Marc is interested in all things gear related, while I am just a hat guy. Sure I love that other stuff, but personally have no interest in doing anything other than hats. He approached me with this idea awhile ago, and my response was........sure Marc, as long as quality and accuracy is the primary goal. I trust Marc to only put the AB name on quality gear. But, this is Marc's ballgame, as I have no interest in ever doing this myself. I do not have the time, or the motivation to do anything other than hats. So, when he gets this up and running, this will be his race, as I have no dogs in it. Marc is also gearing up for the new Indy film, and the business that it will someone, and I guess it may as well be him. :D I do personally think his attention to detail will improve the overall mix of the non hat items, as he is a detail oriented chap. I don't think he would even consider the non hat items unless he saw a need for improvement somewhere, but I will let him address that point. For me, and AB USA, we will just stick with the hats.

It may very well work out great for the folks who spend their hard earned money on Indy gear. Marc, being an international sort of fellow has the advantage and ability in sourcing high quality products from all parts of the globe. I discovered this when he started sourcing parts for his hats. He sniffed out the original ribbon that HJ used to use, and as far as I know, this super dark brown ribbon can't be found anywhere else!! You certainly can't find it as a stock color from any ribbon manufacturer here in the states. I became painfully aware of that early on.

In closing, any questions in regards to these new AB offerings should be directed to Marc. I will know nothing of them, except if it wasn't good, he would not offer it. I trust him to do the AB name right, and I know he will do so. Regards, and good luck Marc! Fedora

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:52 am
Thanks for the support and positive feedback :D

I was wery honoured when I was approached with this offer - and still is. Being offerd to produce leather under the AB brand is the biggest compliment to my work I have ever recieved.

I have been making leathergoods for the danish medieval re-enactment society for a few year now, mostly belts, bags, pouches and scabbards. I am known for making high quality products, with a high level of authenticy and functionality. Everything I make is cut, dyed and stitched by hand - and the leather I use is top-grade.

The items I will be offering under the AB name is;

Gunbelts, with the choice of either ROTLA, TOD or LC hardware. The customer can choose to have it handstitched (the period-accurate way) or fitted with Chicago screws.

Backstraps, with the choice of either ROTLA/TOD of LC hardware. Fitted with Chicago screws. I can fit the backstraps with brass hardware, instead of the standard silvered/nickeled hardware, if the customer wishes it.

Whipholders, both a screen-accurate and a more "practical" model.

Holsters, first off a ROTLA holster, but later on a TOD and LC holster as well.

The belts, bagstraps and whipholders will be made after measurements provided by the customers. And all the products can be dyed in whether colour the customer wishes.

Options is the keyword in my production - the customer can choose between screen-accuracy (and the choice of which of the three movies they would like their gear to represent) or their own personal tastes/ideas.



Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:56 am
agent5 wrote:In my best Obi Wan Kenobi, "There. You can do it." :wink:

Cool. Maybe someone will FINALLY do us a nice holster which is the right high quality, lightweight leather and the right mid-brown color. None of this orangish-brown. Let ol' Jakob know I'll be happy to provide as many screen caps and behind the scenes pics as he needs to get it done. :tup: Happy to help out in any way I can on this on if you guys need an old screen accurate buff such as myself with over 2000 Raiders pics. :wink:
I would appriciate that wery much, thanks :D

High regards.


Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:05 am
by Indiana G
sounds like an exciting business venture jeep/marc. i look forward to seeing what you gents come up with!


Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:11 am
by Kt Templar
Ah! Now I understand what you are doing!

Sounds interesting! I'll will be facinated with what you come up with. The leather is obviously the primary concern for you here but the hardware is vital too especially for the gunbelt and the strap!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:38 am
by Michaelson
Marc wrote:
What next....AB aftershave?
:-k Actually we first wanted some overpriced guy to come up with ideas like this for us, but since you're doing it for free... THANK YOU :D :lol:


Actually, I'd recommend rick5150 for that task. He invented a really good leather smelling lotion a few years back. I highly recommend him to that work. :lol:

Thanks for the clarification, Steve. That's what I needed to know. :tup:

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:57 am
by agent5
I would appriciate that wery much, thanks
No problem at all. Just let me know when you want to get started.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:19 pm
by Marc
Excellent written Steve. Hope you don't mind if I add a little here and there, just to keep everything straight.
Marc is interested in all things gear related, while I am just a hat guy. Sure I love that other stuff, but personally have no interest in doing anything other than hats.
Same with me. All the other gear items are neat, but the one thing I wouldn't leave the house without wearing is the hat for me as well. It would never cross my mind to make any leather goods or similar. First of all do I have absolutely no interest in doing this, second no time and third no knowledge, so I guess it's a no brainer why :lol: I don't even own a screen accurate shirt, pants, whipholder, gunbelt, holster, bagstrap nor gun, while I've had QUITE a few hats over the years. So this pretty much tells the entire story. I've seen quite a few over the years, it just never cought my attention (before seeing THIS).
I do personally think his attention to detail will improve the overall mix of the non hat items, as he is a detail oriented chap. I don't think he would even consider the non hat items unless he saw a need for improvement somewhere, but I will let him address that point.

Oh, this is Jakob doing the details. All I can say, is that I was impressed with the quality and the craftmanship of the goods I saw last Friday and Jakob is the one who knows to tell screen accurate from un-accurate when it comes to this stuff (and BOY he's picky)! He has a great eye for details on stuff that I have a hard time seeing, while I'm rather anal about details on the hat, so that most people would wonder why I even bother about such things.
Marc, being an international sort of fellow has the advantage and ability in sourcing high quality products from all parts of the globe. I discovered this when he started sourcing parts for his hats.

Thanks :oops: How did Erri put it yet? "It's an obsession Marc. I never understood it" :lol:
I will know nothing of them, except if it wasn't good, he would not offer it. I trust him to do the AB name right, and I know he will do so.
You got my word on that one my friend (and I've got Jakob's :wink: )



Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:32 pm
by Jens
If that ain't good news, then what?

I was afraid you will go into another business your self (and had the fear you will forget about that ceratin house, that needs your rare sparetime :wink: ), but with JEEP on board you seem to have another ... Dane ... er - specialist.

Looking forward to see the new "line" of products. Did I mention, that I am looking for a gunbelt and bagbelt for some time now, but wasn't sure which one to choose ... now - another option arose. Thanks. :x :wink:

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:37 pm
by Indiana Kev
I look forward to seeing some new holster offerings.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:41 pm
by Abner1925
Glad to hear about this, as these new products will certainly benefit the hobby. 8)

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:42 pm
by McFly
I don't think this is bad news at all. If Steve or Marc were venturing out into making these leather goods, that would be bad. It would take away from the time they spend on their hats and quality would go down, OR the wait times would double. But since we've got Jeep doing the leather goods, and that's his specialty, that's great!

I'm looking forward to the gunbelts...! Hopefully they'll stay under $50. The prices should be reasonable - but I guess "reasonable" is a variable, depending on time and materials. Hmmm... :-k

It does seem reminiscent of the Lee Keppler Adventure Supply though. As soon as we get Adventurebilt gun holsters for mounting under your desk, and Lara Croft models showing off the hats and gear - we're in trouble. :lol:

In Christ,

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 3:07 pm
by Kt Templar
IndyMcFly wrote: Lara Croft models showing off the hats and gear - we're in trouble. :lol:
How would that be a bad thing? :shock: :lol: 8)

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 3:35 pm
by coronado3
NOT bad if it's Angelina Jolie!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:24 pm
by VP
JEEP wrote:Gunbelts, with the choice of either ROTLA, TOD or LC hardware.
NH hardware like with IndyK? Any idea of the price?

Hey IndyJens, where's your first name? :-k ;)

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:28 pm
by Michaelson
He asked it to be removed, and make him simply 'Jens'.

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:49 pm
by Marc
Copying me eh? :lol:



Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:58 pm
by Jens
Yes Marc - you know you always was and are my "brother in ... uh ... yes, mind" :wink:

Thought it would be obvious that I am an Indyfan, and removed the "Indy" from my name ... since "Jens" is my first name ...

Okay, to be honest, I just wanted to be noticed a more serious way, being a full power mod and such - so back on topic, guys. :wink: :lol:

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 6:11 pm
VP wrote:
JEEP wrote:Gunbelts, with the choice of either ROTLA, TOD or LC hardware.
NH hardware like with IndyK? Any idea of the price?
I have my own supplier of hardware. Some of the hardware I have found is dead on, some of it is just ok - I am always on the lookout for the perfect hardware. In the end I will probably try to have some of it custom made.

The prices will come up together with pics in a not so far future.

Oh, by the way; all my belts and backstraps will come with the option of grooves or no grooves :D


Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:12 pm
by Farnham54
Congrats, Jakob. I look forward to seeing what you produce.

To me, and it would seem to Steve and Marc, the Adventurebilt name is one that stands for quality and value; not cologne and hype a la Stetson.

Although, if they made an Adventurebilt Cologne, and the lady liked it, my order would be in :P All in all it's now a brand name--Just as we trust Columbia or here in Canada MEC (both companies make a variety of 'adventure' gear, albeit modern), we have come to trust Adventurebilt.


Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:16 pm
by Michaelson
That's ok, Craig. I'm used to being a voice in the wilderness. Carry on.

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 6:21 am
Talking options; the customer can chose which colour thread he/she would like the stitches to be made with: white, brown or black.

I usually use waxed linen thread - its the most period accurate and it is extreamly sturdy. I can, if the customer wishes it, use white nylon thread, but I wouldn't reccomend it, as it hast the ability to cut into the leather and damage the stitching holes.


Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 7:07 am
by Magnum Jones
I wecome any new Indy gear, their are several good well established sources now, Lee Keppler, Western Stage Props, Todds Costume, David Morgan, just to name a few.
I'm sure there are enough fans to support one more and sure to gain some more with a younger generation who may get their first exposure to Indiana Jones with the coming of Indy 4.
Price is always a factor to me , and I can only have The utmost respect for Steve and AB, someone who is very intouch with Indy fans and works hard and use his skill time and talent to offer what he does best at a very fair price.
From my veiwpoint (however small it may be) keep up the good work AB. :clap:
I don't think you can compare Stetson to AB, as AB seems to be established by "The Fan(s)" employeed by the fans for the fans. And only one thing in mind the Indy fans. As long as it stays close to that or something like Todds
who supplies a FEW other things they should always have our support.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:36 pm
by rick5150
Michaelson wrote:What next....AB aftershave?
Michaelson wrote:Actually, I'd recommend rick5150 for that task. He invented a really good leather smelling lotion a few years back. I highly recommend him to that work. :lol:

Regards! Michaelson
Although you are not serious, I was trying to figure out if this could be done using the fragrance that I have.

There is already English Leather of course, and Black Leather by Avon - but nothing that actually smelled of leather. I was looking for a hint of the "Oh my God, I just rubbed a brand new leather jacket all over my face" fragrance. You know, for those days when it is too warm to actually wear a jacket. :wink:

I scoured the internet looking to see if this already existed, but the closest I could come up with is a cologne called Curion byHelmut Lang. Men's Health described it as a cross between leather and plums - neither of which is repulsive by any means. The problem is that I bought it for a pretty hefty price tag (it is now discontinued) and it did not smell like I expected. It is still okay, but not what I was after.

So although you were kidding, I have looked into it a bit. :lol: :wink: The next try will be Demeter's unisex Leather cologne. Of course, I get nervous ordering anything from a company that has fragrances named "Dirt", "Grass", "Laundromat" and "Stable" :shock: (4th column on the bottom). Hopefully, it does not smell like one would expect.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:53 pm
by Michaelson
Sure I was kidding....kinda....sorta..... 8-[

Just be glad those are like the Jelly Belly jelly beans they created for the Harry Potter movies. :shock: :lol:

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 10:59 pm
by Strider
You know, the more I think about this, the more the idea grows on me. I was thinking about the leather goods, as well as the hats, and thought ok ... what we have here with Steve and Marc are two hatmakers who are making two of the finest hats we have ever had the pleasure of owning, and they are selling them at reasonable prices so that fans like us can actually fit them into our budgets. Their attention to detail, as well as the quality of their work and craftsmanship are second to none.

So I keep thinking, what would be so wrong about having other things bear the "Adventurebilt" name? The name in and of itself signifies superb quality and attention to detail, as well as the most excellent customer service one could hope to find, and as long as any new member of that family can adhere to those standards, why would it be a bad thing if they were making something other than hats?

Personally, I had this vision of this kind of crack team of vendors, all making some of the best stuff money could buy at prices we could all afford, doing it all because they were fans of the movies and of the hobby. Doing it as much for the love of what they were making as they were for us. That can't be all bad, can it? Who is to say if this will branch off into other pieces of gear (shirt, shoes, etc.), but if it did, and the Adventurebilt standard was adhered to (which you know would be done, as the Adventurebilt name would never be put on anything less than superlative), I don't think it would be a bad thing at all. Kind of like the "golden age of gear," if you ask me. Anyway, that's just what I was thinking.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:55 pm
by Farnham54
Michaelson wrote:That's ok, Craig. I'm used to being a voice in the wilderness. Carry on.

Regards! Michaelson
And without it, Mark, there'd be an awful lot of members and vendors walking into trees or the dens of hibernating bears or some other such wilderness mishap :) Of all the members' feedback that should make people stop and think, yours is the most valuable. :)


Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:00 am
by IndyK
JEEP wrote:I am always on the lookout for the perfect hardware.

Well, I guess I'll just stop making my belts then, so... You wanna buy a handfull of original NH buckles? :-)


Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:26 am
IndyK wrote:
JEEP wrote:I am always on the lookout for the perfect hardware.

Well, I guess I'll just stop making my belts then, so... You wanna buy a handfull of original NH buckles? :-)

Why stop? From what I have heard and seen you make really nice belts.

If you are serious about stopping; then yes, I would very much like to buy your stock of NH buckles. Please PM me with the numbers.



Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:39 am
by IndyK
JEEP wrote: Why stop?

Because I cant see a need for my belts then, simple as that.

And I'm totally with Michaelson on this one. When I began collecting Indy gear years ago, a lot of the sport was to hunt down the real gear from the original suppliers - Wested, NH, Alden, HJ etc. The AB was a fine alternative because HJ didn't show any interest in making quality, screenaccurate Fedoras, and I beleive Steve and Mark has put a lot of effort into the making of the best fedoras around.
But as for the belts we still have NH selling "the real thing", so I dont see the need for more than maybe just one alternative here in europe, and that may as well be You. Please remember I only made belts because I bought some crappy belts from various suppliers around the world and NH offered to sell me the original buckles so I could make some durable belts to myself and a few other fans. I've never promoted the belts more than a link here and there.

I wish You the best of luck with Your project.


Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:06 pm
by Michaelson
Farnham54 wrote:
Michaelson wrote:That's ok, Craig. I'm used to being a voice in the wilderness. Carry on.

Regards! Michaelson
And without it, Mark, there'd be an awful lot of members and vendors walking into trees or the dens of hibernating bears or some other such wilderness mishap :) Of all the members' feedback that should make people stop and think, yours is the most valuable. :)

Thanks Criag. I appreciate that. I have always tried to help when I can. Sometimes it's not seen that way, but it has always been in intention.

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:16 pm
by JAN
Great news, Jacob (and Marc)!

Only a few month inhere, Jacob and now Marc really has taking You to the edge of madness :wink: - if You were not there before...

But knowing Marc, You must have made a real great impact with the quality of Your stuff - Marc´s emotions usually don´t run loose (unless we are taking hats or Isabella :D )

I am looking fore ward to see Your work, and maybe a danish mini-summit
could be an option (that way we´ll know each other before 22. may 2008 (edit) 8) )

And IndyK, I never knew You where stocking the original NH-buckles :shock:
I´ll be in touch...

Best regards


Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 3:25 pm
by K on the run
maybe a danish mini-summit
could be an option (that way we´ll know each other before 22. may 2007 )
things are set in motion 8)


Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 4:16 am
by VP
JAN wrote:(that way we´ll know each other before 22. may 2007 8) )
What happens on 22. may 2007?

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 4:33 am
by JAN
My typewriter-cause is starting up - 1. lesson is why "7" and "8" are placed
next to each other, and what the difference between them is :P

Best regards


Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 5:34 am
by Erri
Sorry for posting a bit late Marc. I couldn't be more happy about the news. Knowing those two mad men hiding behind the Adventurebilt Hat Company I can't be more excited about the new partner. I'm sure we will see high quality-accuracy for a deal price now also in indy-related leather goods. \:D/
It's time to start thinking about a leather belt, holster and whipholder! :D

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:35 am
by VP

Any news?

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:11 am
Not yet - I'm still in the designing/prototyping phase. I have top men helping me :D


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:16 pm
by Don't Call Me Junior!
JEEP wrote:Not yet - I'm still in the designing/prototyping phase. I have top men helping me :D



Sorry, couldn't resist.