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LC jacket pocket/Hi from Australia

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:12 pm
by CM
Greetings from Melbourne, Australia.

Love this forum. Particularly love your dedication to this important celebration of pop culture. Twenty years ago I was obsessed to find out all the jacket details - pockets, collar, yoke size, pleats... but couldn't get any. What I wouldn't have given for a look over this website!

Got a Wested in 2002. Great piece of gear which I treat as a working leather jacket. I have never done the costume thing.

But like may of you here, I have always found the Wested pockets an aesthetic weakness. I have a LC and it looks very little like the film jacket. It's all in those pockets. Even though I'm not dissimilar is size to HF (six foot one and a 42), the jacket does not really look like the one HF wore. And that’s okay, I’m not anal about screen accuracy, but I can’t work out why is it that there isn’t a single moment on film where the pockets look like the ones I have been given.

The product is clearly not a reflection of the actual patterns used. It also seems to me that the LC jacket (unlike the others) has a longer pocket flap (more like 3.5 inches than 3) and a more square pocket design – not just on film but even the Smithsonian Institution display. Does anyone agree or am I just an Australian nutjob?

Has anyone ever measured a “real” LC pocket flap?

Also, in looking back over this site I can’t find any specific material on Fedora/Abner’s jacket from LC. Are there any photos of the design? The screen captures don’t really show enough detail.

Has anyone had one made by Peter B? If so, what does it look like?

Anyway, bye for now.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:26 am
by davyjones007
I think Michaelson had one made for him.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:38 am
by independent
I love the LC jacket. Great distressing. Looks manly.

I think it's tough to pull off the Raiders jacket, actually. Because of it's slightly shorter length, and the relatively smooth appearance of the jacket gives it a truly 80s look. I'm not too sure how many guys can pull off the 80s look. Harrison Ford, Michael Jackson, and Captain Crunch.

I feel the Temple and LC are easier to pull off, due to the longer length and the more rugged appearance.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:05 am
by orb
I always thought the LC Jacket has the same length as the Raiders Jacket?
Just the TOD jacket is an inch longer?

Much regards
