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Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 7:28 am
by Indiana Danny
I want to thank you guys for teaching me something I never understood before. All my life, I have thought that a man would be fine wearing whatever he could find at Wal-mart.
Honestly, Most of my life I have dressed like a schmuck. Sweat pants, tennis shoes, target and wal mart crapola. I never dressed like a degreed professional (anthro and arch people tend to dress like farmers, its true)
As such, I have not really been treated like a degreed professional.

I can't tell you how many times people have arched their eyebrows in shock to discover that I had a graduate degree, top 2% IQ, and had no interest in football. People see a 6'2", 250 pound dude in sweatpants, a black t-shirt and a windbreaker, they just make assumptions, I guess. I always thought they took me lightly because of my size, but now I think those were only a minority. I think the majority took me lightly because of the way I dressed. Right or wrong, it's how the world works.

This research into the Indy outfit has taught me a lesson someone should have taught me a long time ago. Good clothes cost money, but they are worth it in more ways than one. Fine clothes arent just more expensive, they are tougher than that cheap stuff and they last a long time AND they can be repaired/resoled AND they look good and feel good. Not only that, the clothes do proclaim the man, or at least, they do help you express your true self, whether you think you are high class or not. (and you probably are)

Dang I wish I could get back some of the many opportunities I probably threw away because of ignorance about the world. I wasn't stupid or belligerent, I just didn't know!

I am replacing my entire wardrobe with good stuff now. Im going to get my teeth fixed too. The next time there is a wedding, I don't want to wonder if I have a nice jacket that fits. I want to be the best dressed dude in the church. I'll be poor for a while, but at least I won't look poor.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:30 am
by Serial Hero
Check out this site:

Nuff said

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:51 pm
by Indiana Johnson
Danny you bring up some good points.
I learned long ago that quality does cost, and there is a certain amount of respect that goes with someone who cares about his appearance. No just respect from others, but it generates a certain amount of self respect, at least for me.
However, I also know that there are certain brands / companies that sell at a premium price, despite the fact that their quality is only so-so.

I personally try to dress a little better, even if I am just running to the grocery store. My wife tells me she appreciates that her man cares about his appearance.