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How much have you spent for hats????

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:59 pm
by Fedora
I was adding it up the other day, listing all of the hats I have owned in the last 10 years, and what I paid for them. I was astounded when it came up to be more than 7 grand!!! And that does not even include the scores of vintage hats that I own!! :lol: I think I have bought every hat out there that looked like an Indy fedora. I always bought my hats in 3's when a new offering was found. Some, like the Federation and Federation Deluxe, I have bought more than 3. If I liked the hat, I moved beyond the perfunctial 3. How about you guys? How much have you spent? Here is a list of what I have bought, in new hats over the last 10 years, if you are curious as to what I have owned. I have lost track of the order of purchase, but I know what the first ones were, and the chronological order. The rest, will just be close to being right because there was a time when we found out about a new offering from several different vendors at one time. I would buy 3 from all of them.

Bee Brands Indy 500 (my very first Indy fedora found at a local outdoor shop back in 1992, and the most accurate Radiers fedora I have seen from a factory. Too bad the felt was cheap and fell apart on my head)

Mallory Indy fedora(made in Canada) (got this one from a mail order catalog, that showed the TOD bridge scene fedora. It wasn't even close!!!)

Stetson Temple(got these from a local western hatter who ordered them for me from Stetson)

Stetson Nostalgia(from same hatter as the Temple. This dates back to the days of Indyfan when we were all there)

Gary White Custom. (Michaelson ended up with this one on a horse trade)

Miller Indy fedora (this was a hot item for the fans when we first discovered it. What a nice tobacco color too! I bought many of these)

Keppler Indy fedora. (my first ones were too wide for my face, so I took Dakota's advice and ordered the long oval. Perfect!!!)

HJ. (I have lost track of the number I have owned, but have seen several different felts and shades of brown coming out of HJ, before the SAB days.

Optimo. (bought 3 of these babies as I was impressed with the felt at that time as well as the craftmanship. Still impressed with the craftmanship)

Akubra Bushman(great hat)

Akubra Campdraft(my all time favorite hat out of Akubra. Ron knew how much I loved this hat and awhile after Akubra discontinued my favorite hat, Ron called me and said he had found one in my size in his shop, that had not sold and got buried. I bought it immediately!! It remains to this day the finest Akubra I ever owned)

Akubra Drover. I bought one of these after _ had bought one from David Morgan and had a local hatter show him how to do the dimensional cut. This was _'s first Indy fedora, I think, and he got all of us looking toward Akubra as our Indy hatter. Ron was kind enough to start dealing with the anal Indy fans. Now that I think about it, _ actually taught me and others how to do a dimensional cut, via the hatter he met. Man, what a history we have here!!!) I think this hat should be ahead of the other Akubras in the chronological order. Too late now to edit, or just too lazy to do so. I will let it stand.

Akubra Federation. (this is what Ron got Akubra to make for us Indy fans, with input from me, Michaelson, IndyDawg, and Mk. A project by committee. I think we done well on this one as it remains a top choice for an Indy fedora. And it introduced Ron Lilburne to the madness we call gearhead syndrome. I don't think he has recuperated yet!!! :lol: )

Akubra Deluxe Federation. (now, I am foggy on the development of this Akubra, perhaps Michaelson will recall the details. I don't know if it was Ron's idea to offer a different shade of brown with the Heritage line of fur, or if it came from here. But, it was my favorite Akubra next to the Campdraft, that much I do know. And, I have owned scoreds of them. And, I need to order another one soon before the rush of orders Ron will get with the new Indy film.)

GH(hate to even mention this, but gotta be honest here in the list. And it adds quite a bit to the grand totals of my purchases. :lol: The truth of the matter is, I never owned one of his hats. What I did was to buy a pure beaver body from him, sweat, liner, ribbon and then used the parts to make my own. And I did not save much money by doing so. At the time, he did not even have the block to do the Indy fedoras, and I did. This led to me doing the block work on the Indy fedoras he sold here during that period. Some of the fans requested that he use my block. A long story, I won't burden you with. So, I owned a hybrid GH is more accurate. Add to this some 1928 bodies that I bought from him, 6 of them at 350.00 a pop, and I am still wincing from that. But, I am not including those in my grand total because I only kept one of them for myself. I included that one. )

AB. (Of course I had to include this one, but only own one of my own. I do have a moss green body that I bought myself last fall, but don't know if I will ever find the time to turn it into a hat. If I do, rest assured it will be totally Raiders, and I will distress it to get a SOC look. I currently alternate my AB with my vintage 10x Stetson and one of my vintage HJs. The rest of my vintage collections stay in moth balls and cedar, stored in tight boxes. I want to admire those hats instead of wearing them out. They cannot be replaced and to me anyone who wears a vintage hat exclusively should be hanged, and then shot. You take care of antiques, and irreplacable items. IMHO. My feelings today are, "it belongs in a museum"

Now, I always forget one or two brand of hats when I make these lists, so I am sure I did so this time as well. If I remember them later on, I will add to the list here. How about you guys, lets see some lists of the hats you have owned, or still own. Regards, Fedora

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:41 pm
by Marc
Oh lord. You really know how to add salt to the wound, don't you :lol:

I calculated it out, half a year or so ago. It was somewhere round about 3-4 grand, with two GH, two Optimos and some rather expensive vintage hats being the major part.

If I look at how much money I put into the development of the AB-Dlx. and what it cost me before I could make my own (2nd. batch felt, pre-aged and with the roan goat skin sweatband, but that's about to be exchanged with the new roohide sweatband, once I find the time)... well, then I shouldn't even CONSIDER wearing it, but rather put in behind bullet proof glass :lol:



Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 2:02 pm
by WConly
Wow :shock: ! I don't even want to go, my hat experience started out with no cash outlay -- inherited as a child, etc. Then, it started in my early twentys (now in my 50's)....I would say that I probably have both of you (Steve/Marc) beat on cost facters...well over ten grand, or more, over the years!

Is there a '12-step program' for 'hat junkies'? If there is, I will gladly go to the meetings -- in a different hat each time of coarse :lol: !

This is a truly scary thread! But, one man's fedora is another man's treasure! What can I say -- hats have always been one of my big passions! Now...let's talk about coats/jackets, etc....on second thought, let's not go there -- more meetings :shock: :lol: ! W>

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 2:45 pm
by Marc
Is there a '12-step program' for 'hat junkies'?
Of COURSE!!! Here it is:

1. Find yourself a unique hat, be it in a movie or on an old picture or alike.

2. Make sure, that this hat is not produced the exact same way anymore. This point is VERY important!

3. Spent a LOT of money on "close enoughs" etc., that you find all over the world. Make sure that the biggest part of your savings are used up this way.

4. Search the internet for people with the same obsession and become a member of at least one forum, to discuss the finer details of the hat you can't get anymore.

5. Make sure to buy any other hat you haven't bought yet, but of which is written on the forum(s). You should now be quite close to broke.

6. Become on of the best friends with one of the biggest fanatics on the forum(s). Make sure, that he or she is living on the other side of the big see, to make it more complicated.

7. Call him or her to discuss even finer details on the phone. Do so very often and for a very long time, to make sure that the little money you have left, wanish like ice cubes on a hot day in Japan as soon as you get the your phone bill.

8. Make sure, that you together come up with some almost un-solvable problems that can take away your well deserved sleep (things as: could the shape be optained using higher quality material than on the original, if so, how, and where to get these materials, work PERFECT).

9. Tell anybody - especially friends and collegues - that you can't sleep at night, due to the problems mentioned above. That will make sure that you have MUCH more spare time on your own, to think about these problems.

10. Start making hats yourself.

11. Search the entire world for materials for that purpose. Make sure that nothing is good enough for you as is, so you need to have it customized.

12. Pay the invoices you caused when ordering all the custom made stuff.

Now you'll be so darn broke, that buying new hats is the LEAST of your problems. Worked fine for me :wink: :lol:



Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:29 pm
by Indiana Blooze
I don't know if I can match Steve's $$$ outlay, but here's what I've aquired:
In the order bought
3 Stetson Indy's
1 Dorfman Pacific Indy
1 "Official" wad it up in a ball and it will pop right back into shape Indy -
the verdict is still out on that claim
2 Peter's Bros. Indy's
1 AB Deluxe
And arriving any day, an AB from HF body run.

Now My non-Indy hats:
2 Black Stetson Royal Deluxes - Vintage
1 Black Stetson Bowler - Vintage
1 Grey/Gray Stetson 25x cowbay hat
1 Black Resistol 100x cowboy hat - Owned by some famous Native
American actor, whose name I don't recall, this hat is beautiful
1 Resitol Straw 'George Strait cowboy hat
1 Black Charlie 1 Horse 3x cowboy hat
1 1998 Daytona 500 winner's hat autographed by Dale Earnhardt Sr.
1 2004 Daytona 500 Winner's Hat autographed by Dale Earnhardt Jr.
1 each 2001 and 2003 Daytona 500 winner's hat autographed by Michael
30 or 40 other assorted NASCAR hats

Other than the autographed hats, I have worn each and every hat that I have owned.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:57 pm
by Fedora
I knew I would forget a brand. PB. Yes, I bought 3 of those, perhaps more, I can't recall for sure. We are nudging 8 grand now. :shock:

I KNOW I need to attend a 12 step program. My outlays for just Indy fedoras is rather absurd. It is a disease, and I am the proof thereof.

And my buying days are not over yet. :lol: When HJ gets their act together and can give me what I see on first Indy film, I will gladly send them my money. And, I plan on buying another Federation to work over as that felt once it is broken down is very close to the Raiders felt. Take an Akubra, soak it in denatured alchohol for a few days and voila' you have the Raiders felt, in looks and feel. Pure rabbit, but that was what HJ was using at the time as best that I can tell from looking at the pics. You can pick up the rabbit fuzz in some pics, once the hat was distressed. So, the fuzz is accurate for the SOC hat, although I tend not to do that to mine. You have to draw the line somewhere. Fedora

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:28 pm
by Marc
When HJ gets their act together and can give me what I see on first Indy film, I will gladly send them my money.
I'm working on it my friend, I'm working on it! However it might have a "Handcrafted at AB" on the other sider of the HJ script on the sweatband :wink: But that's off topic...



Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 5:08 pm
by Bushman
How much have I spent? Apparently not enough!
I can't recall the details on all the fedoras and Irish flat caps from the past. The current stock is almost entirely Akubra (some bought for as low as thirty dollars, others as much as ninety-eight.

Bushman (on sale)
Squatter (on sale)
Campdraft (looks better on me than the Fed)
Regular Federation (grey)
Silver Spur (old stock)
Sombrero (Not a town hat! Great for the bush and watering the dog!)
Big Bend Saddlery (Alpine TX) palm leaf
Hanna Hats flat cap (current Irish flat cap)
Tilley T3

Bushman :wink:

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 5:15 pm
by Strider
I won't even be able to come close to some of the lists here, but I'll toss mine in for grins and giggles.

1 Dorfman Pacfic (wool) - about 50 bucks.
1 Peters Bros. Custom Indy - 115 bucks on eBay.
1 Lee Keppler - 150 bucks
3 Adventurebilts - 235 bucks apiece
1 Akubra Federation Regular - something like 110 bucks.

So that's 1,130 dollars over two years.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 6:54 pm
by Magnum Jones
Let me add it up??????HMMMMMM
1 keppler fedora $150.00 guess that about covers it :oops:
suppose you have to start somewhere. (and I don't even have it yet.)

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 7:15 pm
by Band Director Jones
In the three years I collected fedoras I spent around $4000. If you count straw, that brings the told up to about $4250. I have since stopped buying fedoras. I can't even wear all the ones that I own. Some just sit in their boxes waiting to be chosen, but I usually grab either my AB, JPD, or tweed driving cap. On a rare occasion I will break out my vintage grey Adam fedora, but that is only when I wear a black, blue, or grey suit. I will probably not buy another hat until I need to (one gets lost or ruined). I think I've been cured.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:56 pm
by Fedora
Campdraft (looks better on me than the Fed)
I am fond of the Campdraft as well. I love the color brown that it came in. I had to do some mods to make it into an Indy fedora, but I think that just consisted of cutting the brim.

I can't even wear all the ones that I own.

The list above is what I have bought over the years. Of that group I culled down to the Akubra, vintage HJ, Stetson vintage 10x and AB. I try to rotate them, especially in the wet season. My vintage collection, I almost never wear. I want to just pull them out once every so often and admire them. But recently I pulled out the vintage Cavanagh to wear with a suit. But that was a special occasion. If I would have had a gray AB, I would have worn it in place of the vintage hat.

I never leave the house without a hat though. I feel naked without one, and have been known to turn around and go back to fetch a hat. Fedora

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:06 am
by Indiana Johnson
I've only owned 5 hats,
2 leather at $40 each
A wool felt at $35
2 fur felts at $175 and $115 each
Just ordered and paid for an Adventurebilt
I guess that puts me at just over $500
Don't ask me about how much I spent on guns and leather jackets the last few years, cause now were talking about some cash

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:09 am
by WConly
Fedora: I love your comment about never leaving the house without a hat. In the last 13 years...or maybe more (but that is how long I have been with my wife), I have left (not a house, but a hotel) once without a hat -- in San Antonio, Texas to go to dinner one night...three different times (on the riverwalk) my wife turned around to talk to me and gave me a startled look and each time said...'...sorry, not used to you without a hat.' I wanted to walk back to the hotel and get one -- not to please her...but it was starting to make me nervous. Soooooo, I fully understand. As, I have stated many times, hats are a part of me...not a costume...not a fashion statement...but an extention of who/what I am as this person now and forever. W>

I've been hesitant to join this thread

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:30 am
by rcinlv
I admit it: I am embarrassed at how much I have spent on hats. I have always loved hats, and for the past 10+ years (my "earning years") I have spent my time mostly in Western Hats:

O'Farrell "Cowboy Collection", $275
O'Farrell "Outback", $475
Resistol "Black Gold", can't remember, but I think it was around $300

Then I started wearing straw (a holdover from the time I lived in New Orleans).

Borsalino "Plantation Style" $150
Biltmore "Panama" $100

I really began wearing hats this summer- I coach soccer, and I got tired of being sunburned after tournament weekends. Found that I liked the look (wearing the straws), and I have always loved Fedoras, so I took the leap, and ordered an "Indy" Fedora. Before I found COW and FL.

Baron's "Cliffhanger", $475. OBTW, long story, but I don't have it yet.

Found AB: great luck. Led me here. Read a lot, learned a lot. Finally decided to order one (in Black! I know the religious implications, which don't apply. I thought it would look great with my winter Coaching gear- 3/4 length black coat. Still hopeful it will arrive in time for a tournament in Cali next weekend. But soccer coaching has taught me patience, so if it doesn't arrive, that's okay! ;-) )

AB, $250 (hadn't joined COW yet)

Found the FL, learned how to bid (poorly) on EBay.

Borsalino, ?$75
Stetson Whippet (price tag inside sband says $10) $50
Stetson 100 (in original box) $150
Stetson Stratoliners, X2 (fawn and grey size 7, too small :cry: I don't have the heart to stretch them. $175
Silver Stetson Royal Deluxe, $85 A dream!

Found the sweetest hat ever here on COW: AB deluxe "Aviator", $525 Worth EVERY PENNY!!!

AB Grey (courtesy of Chewie!!!), $175

Various and sundry "mistakes" on EBay, around $500

Total since August, around $2300. Overall, ?$3000

"The first step is to admit you have a problem."


RC :wink:

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 7:22 am
by Swindiana
Why do I keep hearing the "Kaching!" sound as I read along? :)
Great stories. I loved your list, Marc. :lol:

Swindiana with his one Akubra

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 9:33 am
by Renderking Fisk
Average one fedora every-other year between 1982 to 2004. Then take the averge price on a fedora - I came up with $1650 Dollars.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 9:45 am
by Oklahoma Jones
Fedora, I am just about 8k over the years, too. I used to save my money from my first job to go to Shepler's and by a cowboy hat called The Westerner, made by Resistol. It was the right color, and came in an open crown. I had the hatter cut the brim to 2 7/8, and then I went home and sanded the brim down on the sides to get 'the look'(this is in the mid-80s, you understand). I ruined a bunch of 'em(can't add back what you sand off)! Tons of those at 60 a pop, lots of 'disposa-felt' DPs, 4PBs, 2PBBMs, 2 Millers, 1 Miller Borsalino, 5 reg akubras, 2 deluxe, 1 Campdraft(great Bogie fedora), and what will amount to 7ABs(you know the ones I mean??). Also have some vintage felts in ther, as well as some western lids. If I ever get robbed, there is no way the insurance adjuster will EVER believe what I paid for some of these hats!!

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:54 am
by Fedora
Fedora, I am just about 8k over the years, too.
:lol: I am in good company then. Of course, seen from one perspective, how much money have you spent on clothing and shoes during the last 10 years. That figure might surprise us as well. :lol:

Of all of the hats I have bought, I don't regret one purchase. It was a learning experience, and I got to see the differences in hats.

As the guys here who have large collections will attest, you need to own and wear a hat BEFORE you judge it. Nothing infuriates me more than to hear some guy say such and such is not a good hat, when he has never owned one, and wore it, and watched it. Now, this doesn't happen much here, if indeed it has ever happened. But on other sites I have read those sorts of statements. I have seen people look at a pic of a particular hat and say, it was a piece of junk!! How dishonest is that? Never judge a hat completely by a pic. Judge it by trial, and holding it in your hands, and on your head. :lol:

My newest addition will be one of Marc's AB Deluxes. Gotta have one. I have already held one in hands, but it was not mine. Since it is indeed a special sort of fedora as I know what he has in them moneywise, I must admit I will take great care of it, although I know it would take the abuse with no problem. Then after awhile, I will treat it like my other hats. Which means, I don't take care of them, I just wear them and toss them about. :lol: Like all good pure beaver felt, it will stand the test of time, and get better with age. I figure when I am 70 years old, I will just be getting it broken in. I will buy an eye patch like old Indy and ride into the sunset with my AB, AB Deluxe, Federation, and Stetson vintage 10x. Yep, I expect all of them to last the duration. Fedora

Re: How much have you spent for hats????

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:26 pm
by Michaelson
Fedora wrote:Gary White Custom. (Michaelson ended up with this one on a horse trade)......

Akubra Deluxe Federation. (now, I am foggy on the development of this Akubra, perhaps Michaelson will recall the details. I don't know if it was Ron's idea to offer a different shade of brown with the Heritage line of fur, or if it came from here. But, it was my favorite Akubra next to the Campdraft, that much I do know. And, I have owned scoreds of them. And, I need to order another one soon before the rush of orders Ron will get with the new Indy film.)

Regards, Fedora
I STILL own the Gary White, old friend, and wish it hadn't been so performated at the brim to crown are where you told me it would tear off should we try to reblock the hat. It has been the most comfortable one I've owned to date, and I still wear it on rare occasion as a dress hat. It never sees bad weather now, and enjoys it's retirement in it's hat box here at the house. :D

On the Fed Deluxe...Ron contacted me and asked what I thought about the idea of offering one in the high end Akubra felt. After quite a few back and forth emails, it was decided it was fesible to create this one, and I suggested the prototype be circulated between a few folks in committee. It was also discussed and decided at this time to eliminate the red liner in the standard Federation at this time, and off it in both the standard and this new Deluxe.

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:29 pm
by Dakota Ellison
3 wool Stetson IJs-$105 (about $35 apiece)
These were on the racks everywhere after TOD came out. I had two brown and one grey.

1 fur felt Stetson IJ-about $75
Offered through the Lucasfilm fan club

3 fur felt Dorfman Pacific IJs-$270 (about $90 apiece)

1 Resistol cowboy hat-fur felt in mink color-bought for the express reason of turning it into an IJ hat-$100
This was around 1990 and I wore the heck out of this hat.

1 Stetson Temple from the Stetson outlet in St. Jo-$35
After I discovered Indyfan and X marks the Spot.

3 Miller IJs-$390 (about $130 apiece)
These were bought over the years since they first were offered.

1 Peters Brothers-$185
I bought the first one fashioned accurately with a dimensioal cut brim. The pic is still there on PB's web page, turning round and round. I have worn the heck out of this one too. It's been soaked many times and the brim is still hard as Oddjob's bowler.

1 Akubra Federation-$60
Was a bit greenish at first, but faded nicely after I hung it out in the sun every day for 3 months.

1 Keppler-$130

1 Akubra Fed Deluxe-$90
A great hat.

1 Herbert Johnson IJ from ebay-was about $200 to the best of my memory.

1 HJ from the shop in London, by Richard Swales-$300

1 HJ shaggy Poet that I fashioned into an IJ-about $70

1 Grey Borsalino vintage that I fasion into an IJ-$70

1 Borsalino Indy from Miller-$300

1 HJ from ebay-$300
Owner claimed this was ordered for Last Crusade but never picked up. Is accurate to the film. Swales cut and styled.

1 Optimo IJ-about $500
My summer hat. Had to put lots of stiffener on the brim to make it behave.

1 HJ from the German Reflix site-$285

1 more Resistol cowboy hat that I bought on ebay for $50 and fashioned into another IJ. Did much better this time. I've learned a little since the first one.

1 HJ from Todd's Costume site-$225
I got this one with an uncut brim and did the Swales cut and later changed out the sweat and liner to ones from 13 Old Burlington St. from a
grey narrow brim triby I picked up on ebay for $50.

1 AdventureBilt-$225
How could I not get this hat. It's beautiful. The only reason I don't wear it more is the felt thickmess. Steve couln't get the thinner felt for the larger sizes (I'm a 7 5/8). But if it's raining or snowing outside, it's the one I grab.

I've tried to stick to just Indy type hats and also somewhat in chronological order. I also have derbies, cowboy hats, non Indy fedoras,
rock and movie baseball caps, a DI campaign hat, and a real pith helmet.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:13 pm
by Fedora
On the Fed Deluxe...Ron contacted me and asked what I thought about the idea of offering one in the high end Akubra felt. After quite a few back and forth emails, it was decided it was fesible to create this one, and I suggested the prototype be circulated between a few folks in committee. It was also discussed and decided at this time to eliminate the red liner in the standard Federation at this time, and off it in both the standard and this new Deluxe.
Duh, now how could I forget that I ended up with the first Heritage line Deluxe Federation sample in the Loden color??? I think I was the only one that it fit, once it was sent around to a few of us for perusal. My memory is going, going, gone. :lol: Thanks, now it is all coming back. My first thought when the Loden color was brought up by Ron was, what, a green Indy fedora? It turned out, Loden is not green everywhere across the globe. Fedora

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:15 pm
by rebelgtp
wow i really need to get with the program...i had never bought any of the "official" hats except for one when i was really young cause they never looked right. when i found cow almost 2 years ago i first started looking at federations and the ab...i bought the ab rabbit and early last year my friend bought me a fed regular...looks like i have some work to do *l*...i also only have one wested, was going to get a goat but with the shortage of skins guess i'll get a uswings goat

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:56 am
by michaelb
1. Bollman "Lost Ark" style Fedora/Light Brown - $35 (1984)
2. Bollman "Lost Ark" style Fedora/Brown - $35 (1984)
3. Bollman "Raider" style Fedora - $35 (1984)
4. The "Official Raiders/IJ hat" - $30 (Gave this to my little cousin...) (1985)
5. Herbert Johnson - $235 (Early 2006)
6. Stetson Sovereign - $45 (2006)
7. Akubra Federation - $49 (2006)

Roughly $470 (Not too bad)

And hopefully an Adventurebilt very soon!

After that I will have to try and restrain myself... With no help from you guys of course! No more HATS! Show a little sympathy! Talk about, I don't know, more about... Indy's socks or something!

Michael B

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:04 am
by Farnham54
Originally had an Akubra Safari, but that was a gift so I don't count it.

Come to think of it, my Federation was a gift as well--though i did do some work for it--but all told, I'm sittin' pretty at $0.00 CDN (That's...lemme see...carry the two...$0.00 USD!)


Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:06 am
by Michaelson
Thanks for working that CDN to USD converstion for me, Craig. I was having trouble with the math! ](*,) :lol: :wink:

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:06 am
by greatgarlando
well I have
an Adventure built HF body

Disney IJ

My fathers old Beaver Stetson western which is in serious need of a reblock.

My Grandfathers old Straw Stetson

and about 150 ball caps (I swear they are like crack to me)

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:37 pm
by Indiana Kev
Well lets see...
1) I have a "vintage DP" with the correct center bash. I got that one at Disney when I was about 10 and my dad didn't want to "waste" the $39 dollars on it. I didn't take that hat off my head for years my dad later said it was the best money he ever spent.

2) I had to replace that DP with another DP a few years later - $45
3) another DP - $45
4) My latest purchase I was able to get one of the last rabbit ABs for $100

So grand total of $229

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:48 pm
by Indiana G
here's my 2 cents (wish that is all that i spent....):

not including shipping and duties:

todd's HJ - $239 USD
AB - $ 215 USD
fed reg - $90 USD
AB rabbit - $100 USD
smithbilt - approx $250 USD
SAB HJ - approx $450 USD

thats about $ 1344 USD for hats. future prospects include another HJ from todd, a jimmy pierce fedora, and maybe even one from marc...but those are just on the wish list for now....gotta pay off noel howard's invoice first.


Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 1:13 pm
by IndyFlyer
This sure is a fun thread, and educational as well as enjoyable. I myself have: (not exact prices which I don't really recall but you all know well enough):

2 AB's $450 (well, one in hand and one in the works)
1 Akubra Fed Deluxe $125
1 Akubra Cattleman in black $125
1 Akubra Bushman, still in box unbashed $125
Various low end panamas (Dorfman, Scala, etc...) $250
1 Montecriste from Robert Weber $150 + blocking
1 "IJ Official" from way back $40
A couple of western styled straws/palms from Mexico $150
1 Stetson Gun Club - retired and passed on $125
1 Stetson Temple - retired and passed on $75
Few other misc hats; forgotten, oiled canvas, hunting, fishing, wool fedoras when didn't know better, etc...

Maybe this wasn't such a great thread afterall, I've never really added it all up before, and buying more now than ever... :roll:

Here is a question that may be for a separate thread, where/how does everyone keep their hats? Some in boxes? Some on racks? Some hanging? Display? Wearable rotation? Yep, better save this one.