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MY New Federation Delux - Great!

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 10:50 pm
by ttocsic chemical
I just received my new Fed Delux from Akubra yesterday. I am most impressed. The size 58, or what I normally wear 7 1/4, is perfect. I spent the rest of the day messing with the bash, etc, getting used to actually wearing a nice hat. My first observation was that Akubra makes a very fine hat and the felt is much more refined than my issue Stratton. The brim has quite a bit of stiffener, so I'll wait a bit beforw I make any TOO dramatic changes to it.

Today was my first day OUT with my Fed. :D , going to a dentist appointment and other chores in a neighboring town. When I first walked into my dentist office, I could see the two women working behind the desk stare at my hat :?: . That's cool, I thought, gotta get over the newness sooner or later. (Maybe nobody in this area knows Indiana Jones or Maybe they think I'm Him?,,,Hmmmm). The next stop was Lowes, home remodeling type store. Initially I felt the same, that everyone was concerned about MY hat, but that also passed. When I went into the Mall, no one paid particular attention - apparantly much more worldly people here. More stores; my wife apparantly understands my adjustment and races to the cause! Yes, I feel comfortable now; wearing something that the general public hasen't been exposed to does cause looks.

Yet, thank God I am the first in this area and everyone else has to follow!. Love these hats :D !

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 10:56 pm
by Indiana G
akubra's are fine hats...all around. how bout some pics with your new lid?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 11:05 pm
by ttocsic chemical
Just as soon as I can fibure out this D**% timer!

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 11:59 pm
by WinstonWolf359
If you work the brim and crown a lot with your hands before bashing it will break down the stiffner and you'll have a butter soft hat to work with.

I've had my Fed Deluxe for almost six months and the brim is extremely soft now since I've been working with it, wearing it, and tweaking it the entire time.

Enjoy your new hat! :)

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 2:24 am
by Indakin
me 2 i love my Delux, i think it looks bettr than alot of AB's i even see, but it all depends on how u break it in too.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:42 am
by Fedoraman
Indakin wrote:...i think it looks bettr than alot of AB's i even see...
:shock: WOW. :shock: That is a bold statement right there...

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:42 pm
by jkingrph
Is the Fed deluxe available in any color other than brown??

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 12:50 pm
by GCR
jkingrph wrote:Is the Fed deluxe available in any color other than brown??
Nope. Only the regular Federation comes in other colors...


Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 7:20 pm
by Raider
ttocsic, two words for you: "sit and beat", "sit and beat", man... :twisted:

ups. Forgot about the third one: "cut" :)


:junior: Raider

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 8:37 pm
by WinstonWolf359
jkingrph wrote:Is the Fed deluxe available in any color other than brown??
The Federation Deluxe is also available in black.


Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:27 pm
by Strider
Raider wrote:
ups. Forgot about the third one: "cut" :)
ONLY if it's necessary.

Oh, and you knew this one was coming:

Fedoraman wrote::shock: WOW. :shock: That is a bold statement right there...
Why? It's just his opinion. I've seen his Fed Deluxe, and it looks awesome.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:42 pm
by GCR
WinstonWolf359 wrote:
jkingrph wrote:Is the Fed deluxe available in any color other than brown??
The Federation Deluxe is also available in black.

Really? :-k

Hatsdirect lists the only color as "Loden". I didn't think they made the Deluxe in black anymore...???


Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:42 pm
by WinstonWolf359
I emailed Deb last week to see if they were ever going to have a Fed deluxe in gray, (or any other color besides Indy brown) and her reply was they only had them in brown and black.

I guess for whatever reason they don't list them on the site, but as of last week they apparently had them in black...


Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:58 pm
by Strider
Could just be one of those things you have to specifically ask for.

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:43 am
by GCR
WinstonWolf359 wrote:I emailed Deb last week to see if they were ever going to have a Fed deluxe in gray, (or any other color besides Indy brown) and her reply was they only had them in brown and black.

I guess for whatever reason they don't list them on the site, but as of last week they apparently had them in black...

Nice! I think I remember them having what I believe was a limited run in some other color, maybe it was black, I don't remember. But that was a while ago...maybe this is leftover stock? If not, perhaps they're planning on expanding the deluxe line into other colors? That'd be nice!

Anyway, thanks for the heads up Winston!


Re: MY New Federation Delux - Great!

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:19 am
by McFly
ttocsic chemical wrote:Initially I felt the same, that everyone was concerned about MY hat, but that also passed.
You get used to it and eventually you don't notice it at all unless somebody walks past you like this: :shock: - uncommon.

Congrats on the new lid!! Let's see some pics!

In Christ,

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 3:26 pm
by Indakin
Fedoraman wrote:
Indakin wrote:...i think it looks bettr than alot of AB's i even see...
:shock: WOW. :shock: That is a bold statement right there...
well i know ABs are amazing, ive felt 1 in person and wow its great dont get me wrong. But not pointing at any particular person, ive seen alot of ABs that just dont look every indy at all to me. It might be minor details, particulary distressing. But then again ive seen amazing AB's, particulary indianaTone, or some of Gmans (he has alot) which look amazing. Alot of it comes down to how to want to bash it in, and if ur going for the indy look or not. I enjoy my Fed alot, but i could probably get the same results with an AB and probably like it more too, i just dont plan on getting a new Fed or AB anytime soon.

My First Pictures Fed Delux

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:32 pm
by ttocsic chemical
Here are three photos of my Fed Delux in it's current state; it is being changed pretty often. It seems as though I get it where I think I want it... and then don't like a certain aspect - the crease is too wide, the bashes seem to not be uniform and the front brim doesn't look right. The brim seems to annoy me the most as it has a tendency to flip back into it's original "cupped" state or when pressed down - be flat - non Indy-ish. I haven't seen a lot when searching on on the forming of the brim of a F.D., and wish there was simple way to make this work. I was going to try the "Turn", but was a little apprehensive with my first hat. Now, after I fiddled with it so long, that may not be an option. Any thought would be appreciated. OTHER than that, I still love my hat, I'm just not quite the tallent in bashing Indy's yet. ... atback.jpg ... tfront.jpg ... atside.jpg

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 11:43 am
by Indiana G
nice work. i like the straight on shot where the pinch gradually tapers off downwards to the brim. great hat!

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 12:19 pm
by Fedora
well i know ABs are amazing, ive felt 1 in person and wow its great dont get me wrong. But not pointing at any particular person, ive seen alot of ABs that just dont look every indy at all to me. It might be minor details, particulary distressing. But then again ive seen amazing AB's, particulary indianaTone, or some of Gmans (he has alot) which look amazing. Alot of it comes down to how to want to bash it in, and if ur going for the indy look or not. I enjoy my Fed alot, but i could probably get the same results with an AB and probably like it more too, i just dont plan on getting a new Fed or AB anytime soon.

It really depends upon how well, and how accurate the creases are put in. I know that my block is closer to the real deal than the Akubra. But what one does with the shape in the style job means alot as well. I can crease my own AB to where it looks nothing like the Raiders fedora, and I can crease it to where it looks pretty close. I could not always crease my own Akubras to where it looked as close to the Raiders fedora. But, with that said, I have seen some Akubras that were closer to my block shape than others. I have no clue as to why this is. I first saw this in Michaelson's Federation. He wears a 59, and when I compared my own 58 to his, mine had more taper and more dome in the open crown state. I don't know how the Akubras are running these days as I have not seen one in awhile, in its new state. But, I have seen a few here, that looked outstanding!! And I have seen some that looked like my own Akubras, that is, a little too much taper built in. Fedora

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 5:50 pm
by Indakin
yea i agree with that Fedora, my Fed Deluxe is actually a 60, and when i first posted pics it was mentioned alot how it didnt taper at all, and is possiblely because of the size. Trust me though id drop the money for a AB anyday... if i still had some lol

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 5:52 pm
by Indakin
yea i agree with that Fedora, my Fed Deluxe is actually a 60, and when i first posted pics it was mentioned alot how it didnt taper at all, and is possiblely because of the size. Trust me though id drop the money for a AB anyday... if i still had some lol

I think more the point iw as trying to make is alot of people seem to be excited that they have an AB and thing because its an AB that its gonna look indy, but it all comes down to the bash like you mentioned. I have found with my Fed that i have created in my opinion a better indy style bash than quite a few ABs ive seen on people.

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 6:40 pm
by Fedora
Can you get this look out of your Federation?



Just jokng. :D I needed an excuse to post these screen grabs from Mr. Garrison. Fedora

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 6:57 pm
by GCR
Fedora wrote:Can you get this look out of your Federation?


Regards, Fedora
I tried getting that look out of my Fed Deluxe. I feel I came pretty close to duplicating that scene, but it cost me a lot of money to replace the truck... :lol:

Honestly, it could be that a lot fo the AB's Indakin has seen were open-crowned models that were bashed by the recipient, rather than the pre-bashed variety. Some of those folks who order the hat open-crowned may be looking to put more of a personal touch on their hat, and may not be striving for exact screen-accuracy. Thus, a Fed Deluxe bashed to look screen accurate, might look more like the actual Raiders hat than an AB bashed to look good on a particular person. Just one possibility, I guess. :-k

Personally, I love my Fed Deluxe and I think it looks pretty dang good. But that didn't keep me from ordering an AB, because as good as I think my Fed D looks, I have seen pics of AB's (as well as vintage HJs bashed by Fedora) that look much, much better.


Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 11:17 pm
by Indiana G
i got close, but no cigar......


maybe i need a little more motivation....anyone want to take an mp40 and shoot at me?.....and thats at me, mr. sable, miss me :lol:

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:30 am
by Fedora
I think that one deserves a cigar!! Great work. Looks pretty darn close to me. Regards, Fedora

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:18 am
by randystokes
Excellent -- and without even being shot at!


Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:50 am
by Indiana G
now thats a nice way to start a monday. thanks for the kind words gents!

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:18 pm
by Indakin
with some fullers earth my Fed looks very close to those screen shots. Dont hav a good shot at the momment though.

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 8:21 pm
by ttocsic chemical
I am very happy with my F.D., but still sent in my order for an A.B. \:D/ The only problem I have now is I sort of like the gray too........hmmm.