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The gray Fed.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:56 pm
by Fatdutchman
Ok, here's the new and improved Gray Federation. This one had a better block shape than the brown one. It didn't have as much "flare" at the bottom of the crown. I actually managed to get rid of most of it by steaming and pushing out the sides. Believe it or not, I THINK I'm actually happy with it now...for the moment... :roll:

This hat actually "shed" a bit...light fuzz would rub off. It seems to have quit for the most part now.


Now, when worn with a jaunty rake in true '30's style, you wouldn't notice any taper anyway!

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 3:04 pm
by Solo4114
Nice! And it really does look GREY and not sort of a blended greyish brown. I've thought about picking up a grey and a black one the next time I have some disposeable income lying around. Nice to see a good color example here.

And the white tie definitely helps the image, ya palooka. :)

Re: The gray Fed.

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 3:08 pm
by Strider
Fatdutchman wrote: Image
"You talkin' to me? YOU TALKIN' TO ME!?"