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I finally bought new Aldens... + last story

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:48 am
by Erri
Last week I ordered finally a pair of new Aldens, yes half a size less and it was a very good choice! They fit very well.
Now a very little list of complaints, first of all I had to pay 109.51 euro of import taxes (about 140 USD), has anyother european customer experienced something so pleasent too?
Second, I was very disappointed by the lack of any other superficial element...I make myself more clear:

I opened the huge box that UPS delivered me today, I found a rough cheap white box of very thin cardboard with the wonderful shoes in it, a smaller box with written "aldens shoe polish" (or something like that) outside and I thought... wow they gifted me some cream for the shoes... no, it was empty. Under these two boxes (empty shoe cream and shoes box) there was some thick paper casually thrown on the bottom to prevent bashes (I doubt it has any preventive effect anyway).
The effect is very disarming. When you spend so much for high quality shoes I think you're allowed to expect something good also from the packing.
Nothing else was in the packet but a shorter pair of laces that made me smile a bit.

Can you guys tell me what there was in your box when you ordered Aldens? Did you have any wrapping paper, different colour box, laces, no laces, anything?

Oh by the way these are pictures I took quickly today. Sorry for the blueish tone that might appear on some monitors... I didn't set the camera for the proper colour filter.



Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:58 am
by Strider
When I got my Aldens, I got shoe polish and boot oil. No extra laces, though. Then, I didn't get them from Alden, I got them from some other shoe website, but they WERE Aldens.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:00 pm
by Arok
It has been too long I hardly remember, but it seems like they where wrapped in white paper inside a shoe box with the Alden logo on it inside a shipping box, and nothing else. I bought mine from though not direct from Alden.

Also, the color of your Aldens is a bit darker than what I thought the new ones would be. They almost look like the red-brown ones I have from several year back. Maybe it is just the filter. Either way, nice boots. :D

Re: I finally bought new Aldens

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:12 pm
by VP
erri_wan wrote:I had to pay 109.51 euro of import taxes (about 140 USD), has anyother european customer experienced something so pleasent too?
I paid 20 euros customs for my Akubra and 80 euros for the JS.
erri_wan wrote:Sorry for the blueish tone that might appear on some monitors... I didn't set the camera for the proper colour filter.
You mean White Balance?

Nice boots, now let's see them on. :tup:

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:32 pm
by Michaelson
Regarding the packaging, erri, I honestly believe it's a cultural thing when it comes to shipping items from different countries. Huh? you say. Let me explain....

I worked a short stint at the Wagner Brake warehouse in Tullahoma, TN one summer. All this huge warehouse did was receive new parts from manufacturers from around the world, repack them again in new Wagner boxes, then ship them out to stores all over the U. S.

I did my work in repacking, and mainly dealt with brake rotors. I would have a skid piled 5 feet high with boxed rotors from Mexico, Italy, Japan, and Germany. The rotors were made from the exact same specs, and all were stamped with exactly the same part number.

The rotors from Mexico were always packed loosely in boxes crammed with old newspapers or shredded paper of some sort. Not a reflection on Mexican industry what so ever, I'm only speaking of this specific case, and all the rotors received at Wagner at my work table were pretty much thrown into the box when shipped.

The rotors from Japan were efficiently packaged, one to a box, and inside a single tissue wrapping to keep the rotor from rubbing the box, and the rotors were the EXACT same size as the box they were contained in.

The German and Italian rotors were an absolute works of art in terms of packaging. Each rotor was packed in a heavy duty individual box. They were individually wrapped in a plastic bag, and each were individually wrapped in a tissue INSIDE that plastic bag. I also found a small bag of silica inside each rotor bag to absorb moisture. :shock: When I say a work of art, I MEAN a work of art.

All four manufacturers received the same requirements, and the same order. All four rotors, when unboxed and placed side by side on the table were identical in appearance. They were all sold to Wagner with the understanding that all parts would be unpacked and reboxed in Wagner why did the Germans, Italians, and in some cases the Japanese pack them so well? I'll leave you to come to your own conclusion. My thoughts are cultural. The Mexican shipment was one that filled the requirement, and was moved down the pipeline for delivery. The Japanese like efficiency, and therefore the best with the least was the way to go. The Germans and Italians are efficient down to the point of even the packaging must meet muster in the Quality control area...right down to the extra of added a bag of silica jell, which neither the Mexican OR Japanese did.

In the case of Aldens, I believe the way most U. S. manufacturers work, they reflect the Japanese way (or vice versa) of packing and shipping. As long as the item is packaged to keep it from damage, then it's good enough for shipment.

A long winded reply to a short question, I know, but I believe your boots were handled in a standard way for a U. S. firm in that kind of delivery. I'm sure if the plant was based in Italy, and I ordered a pair to come this direction, I would once again be pleasantly surprised and impressed by the eye for detail that the Italian workman has when handling merchandise.

At least that's been my personal experience.

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:53 pm
by Erri
Mike, I don't know if it's a cultural thing. I bet even in Mexico if you buy upper class clothing you expect a decent wrapping. The Alden packaging is what I can expect buying a pair of 5 euro sandals in a market. If you buy an Armani smoking they don't wrap it into rough paper, if you know what I mean :lol:
Maybe it's silly but I expected a black/darkbrown box with golden letter ALDEN on the side :lol:
Was nice of them to put a pair of laces more anyway.
Arok wrote:It has been too long I hardly remember, but it seems like they where wrapped in white paper inside a shoe box with the Alden logo on it inside a shipping box, and nothing else. I bought mine from though not direct from Alden.

Also, the color of your Aldens is a bit darker than what I thought the new ones would be. They almost look like the red-brown ones I have from several year back. Maybe it is just the filter. Either way, nice boots. :D
Well I bought them from The colour is red brown... just the white balance not properly set, as VP said.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:55 pm
by Michaelson
Well, you can have your opinion, and I can have mine. :lol:

You got what we get here in the States.

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:35 pm
by Arok
erri_wan wrote:Well I bought them from The colour is red brown... just the white balance not properly set, as VP said.
Interesting. So they are back to the red-brown now? I can't keep up. :lol:

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:30 pm
by Indiana G
nice boots erri....geez those look darker than mine when i got them. i like the reflection in the mirror...thats how dark i would like my aldens to be.

when i ordered mine, i got mine in 3 days. it was packed in a brown aldens box and came with spare laces. i think i had to pay $20 cad in customs to get it at the courier depot.

hopefully you'll forget about how bad it was packed and what didn't come with it once you see just how comfy the boots are. i don't think i'm gonna wear another boot for the rest of my days!

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:12 am
by Indiana Jerry
Wow, so that's what Japanese Alden's look like. Thanks for clearing that up, Michaelson. Erri, I wouldn't buy Japanese boots if I were you, your feet are much too big.


Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:28 am
by Erri
Michaelson wrote:Well, you can have your opinion, and I can have mine. :lol:
:lol: sure Michaelson, I didn't want to lack of respect 8-
Arok wrote:uot;]
erri_wan wrote:Well I bought them from The colour is red brown... just the white balance not properly set, as VP said.
Interesting. So they are back to the red-brown now? I can't keep up. :lol:
I think the "brick red" has been standard for a while.
Indiana G wrote: when i ordered mine, i got mine in 3 days. it was packed in a brown aldens box and came with spare laces. i think i had to pay $20 cad in customs to get it at the courier depot.
Where did you order them from?
Indiana Jerry wrote:Wow, so that's what Japanese Alden's look like. Thanks for clearing that up, Michaelson. Erri, I wouldn't buy Japanese boots if I were you, your feet are much too big.

HEY what japanese aldens???? :evil:

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:06 am
by Marc
Pretty much the same experiences I made 2.5 years ago, even though I didn't pay THAT much taxes, as I requested to valid them with 100 bucks, which they did.

No laces, no oil, no nothing! Just thrown into the box (terrible!) and the same cheap looking leather.

The boots are totally overpriced in my opinion, as neither the leather nor the "craftmanship" are good for THAT price.



Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:43 pm
by Erri
Tone you crack me up!
:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

Marion still has tears in her eyes for laughing! :lol:
Marc wrote:Pretty much the same experiences I made 2.5 years ago, even though I didn't pay THAT much taxes, as I requested to valid them with 100 bucks, which they did.

No laces, no oil, no nothing! Just thrown into the box (terrible!) and the same cheap looking leather.

The boots are totally overpriced in my opinion, as neither the leather nor the "craftmanship" are good for THAT price.


Well I'm replying here to the Master of Packing! Your hats are sent in the most perfect wrapping! I don't know about the quality of the shoes. They look fine to me but I'm not an expert of leather nor of shoes. My comment was limited to the box. As you said they look like they have just been thrown into the box :evil:

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:02 pm
by Michaelson
erri_wan wrote: Well I'm replying here to the Master of Packing! Your hats are sent in the most perfect wrapping!:
Hummm. Marc is German. Aftter re-reading what I posted above, does anyone see any coorelation to my post and erri's comment? :-k :lol: :wink:

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:29 pm
by Canyon
Erri, great boots! :clap: :clap:

Now, lets see them with the rest of the gear. :D

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 6:24 pm
by Indiana G

i got my boots online from the alden website....... san francisco (or is it diego?) shipped them PDQ once i threw the money at them.

Great Boots and Pics

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 8:56 pm
by Indy45

Congrats on your great boots, and those pictures excellent, too. Stashed both pics to use as comparisons to my bunch of 'close' boots, including a new pair of RedWing 405s.

Someday I'll have a pair of Aldens, but I'm afraid to buy without trying on first...


PS: Michaelson, every post you make is worth reading! I have a rotor story too. Recently needed ones on wife's 94 Honda replaced (love that car, 32mpg city!), since dealer wanted $400 plus I did it mayself. Honda wanted $63 each, Advance Auto wanted $18 each for China copies. Dimensions were perfect. It took me about 4 hours to figure out how to get the first one off (8mm bolt turned in broke it free), second one took 30 minutes. Nice engineering!

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:57 pm
by Michaelson
Thank you, my friend. I've had a few, well, interesting experiences in my life so far.

What amazed me in that job was discovering that it made absolutely NO difference what brand rotor or brake shoe you purchased....they were all the same. I know. I repacked them. One man repacked shoes in fancy boxes with lifetime warranty cards, and I repacked in standard one year warranty boxes....and we were pulling shoes off the same open pallet of loose brake shoes!

So, the price you're paying is insurance to replace your parts if and when they fail. The higher the price, the longer the warranty...otherwise, they're all the same, so don't let anyone kid you at the auto parts store. I know. I was there when they were reboxed and put on the truck. :wink:

Anyway, back to erri's shoes......

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:59 am
by Indiana Jerry
Michaelson wrote:
erri_wan wrote: Well I'm replying here to the Master of Packing! Your hats are sent in the most perfect wrapping!:
Hummm. Marc is German. Aftter re-reading what I posted above, does anyone see any coorelation to my post and erri's comment? :-k :lol: :wink:

Regards! Michaelson
:-k :-s ...if erri floats...then he's a witch?

Oh, no, wait, I get it. Marc and erri are both Japanese. Oh, thank heavens I figured that out, it was going to keep me up all night...


Re: Great Boots and Pics

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 7:33 am
by Erri
:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: Scoundrels are always so funny.
Canyon wrote:Erri, great boots! :clap: :clap:

Now, lets see them with the rest of the gear. :D
Thanks :D
The rest of the gear will be photographed very soon (=when I will get my NH trousers hemmed)
Indy45 wrote: Someday I'll have a pair of Aldens, but I'm afraid to buy without trying on first...
Apparently the rule of the half size smaller worked for me :P (and I think also another half would still be good !). If I'll meet someone wearing size 11 I'll give it a try.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:28 am
by Michaelson
Indiana Jerry wrote: :-k :-s ...if erri floats...then he's a witch?

BURN him....BURRRRRRNNNNN him!!!!!

Uh, sorry about that. I need another cup of coffee.... :oops: :wink:

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:52 am
by Erri
:lol: :lol:

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:12 pm
by moses
Um..Marc's not German, he's Danish - isn't he?. He lives in Germany though.

Nice boots Erri - throw the packaging away and go on an adventure!

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 4:13 pm
by Indiana Jerry
moses wrote:Um..Marc's not German, he's Danish
Which would explain why his hats are so yummy.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:47 am
by Marc
Marc's not German, he's Danish - isn't he?
Yes he is... BOTH!!!

My father is German, my mother is Danish. I was born and raised in Denmark and have a double nationality. I work for the Danish department of a German firm in Germany, dealing with Danish customers and German, Danish and English suppliers.

My hatshop is placed in Germany, so that's where I pay the taxes. My suppliers are settled in the U.S., Portugal, England and Germany, while my biz partner is settled in the U.S. :wink:

Call me whatever you like, but I prefer to be called just Marc though.



Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 7:26 pm
by Erri
Indiana Jerry wrote:
moses wrote:Um..Marc's not German, he's Danish
Which would explain why his hats are so yummy.
:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
Canyon wrote: Now, lets see them with the rest of the gear. :D
here it is :wink:

Image Image


ok here there are no Alden boots visible in this last one but it was taken and it would have been a shame to leave it :lol:
Someone can add some funny comment on it... scoundrels are masters in that!


Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 7:41 pm
by BendingOak
erri, I don't buy this poor student story from you anymore. Look at your gear. Wow, it's change really fast here my friend. congrats.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 11:22 pm
by Indiana Jerry
erri_wan wrote:Image
ok here there are no Alden boots visible in this last one but it was taken and it would have been a shame to leave it :lol:
Someone can add some funny comment on it... scoundrels are masters in that! comment. Actually, I was incapable of thinking up something funny there, because I was struck by just how good a picture that is! Somehow you managed to line up JUST RIGHT w/ SC & HF, in an almost perfect perspective! Excellent pic! You know, if you cropped it differently, and changed it to sepia (like b&w), that would make an excellent pic...and maybe a nice new avatar. ;) Nice job, erri!
Indiana_Tone wrote:Where's that ::theme music::?
Right here: ... aJones.mp3
Click that and then scroll back up to his pics while you listen... ;)

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 4:50 am
by Erri
BendingOak wrote:erri, I don't buy this poor student story from you anymore. Look at your gear. Wow, it's change really fast here my friend. congrats.
I was poor once :lol: then I worked during the summer ( + a generous girlfriend :P)

Thanks my friend :D
Indiana_Tone wrote:Gear's looking AWESOME, Erri!

Where's that ::theme music::?

Looking good, my friend! :tup:
Thanks a lot :D:D
:lol: what theme music anyawy? :wink:
Indiana Jerry wrote: comment. Actually, I was incapable of thinking up something funny there, because I was struck by just how good a picture that is! Somehow you managed to line up JUST RIGHT w/ SC & HF, in an almost perfect perspective! Excellent pic! You know, if you cropped it differently, and changed it to sepia (like b&w), that would make an excellent pic...and maybe a nice new avatar. ;) Nice job, erri!
Hey thanks for the compliments :D :D :D


Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 12:25 pm
by BendingOak
Your stuff looks great. I'm just bustng your chops a little. Do we get to see the generous girl friend.

Re: hat

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 2:14 pm
by Erri
BendingOak wrote:Your stuff looks great. I'm just bustng your chops a little. Do we get to see the generous girl friend.
:lol: if you come to visit us sure! :D

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 8:52 am
by Erri
Just for a laugh (hysteric laugh) I paste here an email I sent to the alden shop where I bought the shoes from

this is what I wrote...
The shoes arrived safely and quickly. Thank you very much and my compliments
for your customer service.
My only annoyance was the import taxes and customs that I had to pay (110
Euro, about 140 USD) to the UPS delivery man, practically half of the price
of the shoes! Of course it's not your fault and I'm not complaining with you
but it was really annoying.
The shoes perfectly fit, I can't be more happy about that!I was very scared
of buying a pair of shoes online but luckly I guessed the proper size and
width (which seems not to be so easy with the model 405 and expecially with
euro-usa size conversions).
I also appreciated the spare laces inside the box but if you can accept a
little criticism, your box looks a bit "cheap" for bearing a pair of 290$
shoes.Maybe in the United States you don't care too much about the
"appearance" but in Europe we really have an obsession for it.
Thanks again for the help and the fast service. Best regards,

this is their answer
Dear Mr. *****,

Thank you for your comments. Hope you enjoy your boots.

Christina Taylor
:roll: :roll:

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:20 am
by Marc
Dear Mr. *****,

Thank you for your comments. Hope you enjoy your boots.

Christina Taylor
...or in other words: #### you!

Great reply :roll: Peter really is the only supplier of the original stuff worth talking too IMHO.



Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:44 am
by Kt Templar
Noel responds quickly and in a friendly manner in my experience.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:52 am
by Erri
Marc wrote:
...or in other words: #### you!
exactly :lol:
Kt Templar wrote:Noel responds quickly and in a friendly manner in my experience.
Yes him too... when he has time to answer :P

Also on the phone he was a real gentleman

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:05 pm
by Texas Raider
You know, Erri, not to be the 'should-a-could-a-woulda' of the this thread, but had I known you were wanting these boots, I could've ordered them here and sent them with a friend of mine who travels over the pond regularly, who in turn would send them to you,,,this would have saved you that $140.00 in customs! Geez,,$430.00 bucks for a pair of Aldens :shock: That hurts!

I think you 'oversea-ers' should make a post announcing a 'request for order help' before ordering these high dollar items to see if anyone over here can help out in any way.

Do I see a new forum section in the making, called- "Overseas Shipping Assistance" :wink:


Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:13 pm
by Erri
Texas Raider wrote:You know, Erri, not to be the 'should-a-could-a-woulda' of the this thread, but had I known you were wanting these boots, I could've ordered them here and sent them with a friend of mine who travels over the pond regularly, who in turn would send them to you,,,this would have saved you that $140.00 in customs! Geez,,$430.00 bucks for a pair of Aldens :shock: That hurts!

I think you 'oversea-ers' should make a post announcing a 'request for order help' before ordering these high dollar items to see if anyone over here can help out in any way.

Do I see a new forum section in the making, called- "Overseas Shipping Assistance" :wink:

I thought that too... but too late :cry:

I appreciate the idea anyway. Thanks a lot TR