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Indy Spectacles
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:32 pm
by Indy45
Based on posts from Sergei and others, I've wanted a pair of the original Indy Raiders spectacles for some time.
The closest current match is the Berkshire Chase Savile Row Panto 14k gold filled in Chestnut color, with 1/2 covered cable Curl sides. These were identified by Indiana Ken as available from
Phone (US): 011 +44 208 985 5466
Phone (UK): 020 8985 5466
My wife recently went to London on business, so I posted on the contact page for and an extremely nice gentleman named Peter responded and helped me with sizing information. Based on my current eyeglasses size, pupil distance and temple measure from screw to "tip of ear", we settled on a 47mm (lens hight) x 20mm (nose bridge) x 165mm cable (temple sides).
My wife had an adventure getting to the Algha factory by taxi, and the factory sales office is 5 floors up (stairs!). She said it was right out of Harry Potter Diagon Alley (apropo as Algha also makes Harry Potter's spectacles!).
She paid $129 pounds or about $246 dollars (a bit higher than others posted, but picking up in person may incur taxes mail order does not). Peter was wonderful, even drove my wife a distance to the tube (subway) station.
Here's what they look like:
They come with a nice Saville Row case, and Peter added some spare screws and nose pads.
The cable sides are actually like springs. I bent the end tips out a little so they don't dig into my ears (Peter says Americans do that). Pretty snug and comfortable. They are old style hinges, though - not the spring loaded comfort hinges many frames have today.
On the return flight the airline actually misplaced my wife's luggage

but thank goodness they found and delivered it the next morning.
Incidentally, Peter said the movie Indy specs were 45 or 47mm, so I may have Harrison's exact size.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:40 pm
by randystokes
This is extremely timely information. I was just thinking about these glasses earlier today, and was planning to dig through the forums looking for the info. Thanks for doing that for me!
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:37 pm
by Indiana G
i wonder what those babies would look like as sunglasses? because i don't wear eyeglasses.....goofy or no?
Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:46 am
by GoneSolo
Indiana G wrote:i wonder what those babies would look like as sunglasses? because i don't wear eyeglasses.....goofy or no?
Just like old Johnny boy.
Those are very classy eyeglasses.

Seems like with my family history I will be needing them in the future.
Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 4:25 am
by Ken
Thats great you were able to visit the factory. When I called I had nothing less than an amazing service from Peter at Algha and the glasses are the best pair I have ever owned.
Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:40 am
by Kt Templar
That pic reminded me of how much they look like my glasses. Ones I have been wearing for the last 20 years, £12.50 NHS issue. The plastic tortieshell effect "Xylo" has long since fallen off.
I still wear these as my "don't fall over stuff" glasses in the evening.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:31 pm
by Farnham54
Generally, when I fall over stuff in the evening, the absence of glasses has little to do with it.
Those are some nice glasses though, and I'm glad the factory was so accomodating! We gearheads are truly blessed with our vendors.
Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:49 pm
by IndyParise
Well, my school nurse just informed me that I may need to get glasses, what a coincedence

. Those look real nice.
BTW. I think one of the reasons we are blessed with our vendors are that many of them are from England

Update after Wearing
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 6:25 pm
by Indy45
Thought I'd post an update after wearing the Savile Row Panto 14k Chestnut spectacles for a while.
Very comfortable; light weight and the cable sides softly hug the ears.
The nose pads are just a touch small and do dig in a little. The curl sides make removing them a two-hand job (so far I did not risk kinking the curl sides by just pulling off).
I sent the frames to a standard lab and had polycarbonate lenses put in, and as an option got them thinned to 1mm centers, making them very light. They also have a mild progressive bifocal, which is invisible.
I went to a great optometrist (not just a Big Box discounter or a one-hour place), and his expertise on fit was a great help. He said it was a good thing I asked for extra nosepads from Algha, as the ones on the specs are not standard on current frames.
The specs look great, very stylish chestnut on gold, I've received compliments (not just from my wife

However, my wife demanded to wrap them up as one of my big Chrismas presents, so I'm back to my old glasses for a week...
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 11:08 pm
by randystokes
I got mine too. I had the prescription filled locally through Lenscrafters (as I had recently been to the eye doctor for a new prescription and had recently purchase new glasses). Initially, the Lenscrafter folks expressed a little concern, as I have progressive lenses, and they were concerned because, with these glasses, your eyes sit pretty high in the lenses. They were worried they might not be able to cut the lenses to match the frames.
But, their worries proved unfounded. They did a great job. I really like these glasses, especially as the larger lenses work very well for me while reading (which is a huge part of my job and daily life). My wife, secretary and paralegal don't like the glasses on me, though, but hey, too bad! I think they're just accustomed to much smaller lenses on me.
I probably won't wear them all the time, but I like changing up!
Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:00 pm
by IndianaRedmon
The same here, I received my frames a few weeks back. Went to Walmart and they were able to match my lineless trifocal perscription to these frames and I'm very happy with the results and my new Indy Specs.
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 12:53 pm
by ANZAC_1915
Indy45 wrote:Incidentally, Peter said the movie Indy specs were 45 or 47mm, so I may have Harrison's exact size.
Bumping this after doing a search based on the Berkshire thread.
It would be helpful to understand the lineage. It seems like Algha supplies Berkshire as the Beaufort (?) and possibly (??) supplied the now defunct BOIC? Did they make the glasses used in the film? The information seems to be spread around here in a variety of threads.
I have a really old set of Indy specs (80's? 90's?) in a drawer somewhere I need to dig out. I am curious as to who made them.
Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:29 am
by Mike
Yes, we've learned in the last year that Algha is the actual manufacturer and Bershire and BOIC were dealers for their frames.
Algha is actually a member here now, though they haven't posted yet (I wish they would before the next 0 poster clean-out again). So if you have specific questions feel free to PM them.
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:22 am
by Indiana MarkVII
It seems it's time to for me to order a second pair. my first pair got bent probably by my sleeping on them accidently last night, but the acetate cover over my left lens is cracke, and won't stay on easily, so now i ihave one rim all in gold and one in the a ceteate cover. I'll take them to the shop to see if they can strainghten the frame out. Would be good to have a sunglass pair with polorization and reflecting coasting added onl., I just need contact infor for the source s o ieven if thsi pair get fizzed,, I'll have a hack up pair.
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:25 pm
by Indiana MarkVII
Wow, I must have been falling asleep as I wrote that last post.
I tried the "sales" email to see about ordering a new pair and the e-mail bounced back as undeliverable. Does anyone have a more current address so I can order these again?
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:10 pm
by tgalahad
Hi Mark,
Not sure if you are familiar with this company. I got my pair from Frames Direct in Texas.
here is a link: ... meo/r.html
All the Best,
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:17 pm
by Indiana MarkVII
Thanks, Tim, I couldn't remember the USA distributor. Now I just need to recall if I should get the blond acetate front and half covered temples or the chestnut. The acetate on my original pair broke on one side, so I've removed it from the other lens and now both sides are a bright gold frame. This is not the first time I've bent the frames severely, so it's reinforcing my belief for a need of a second pair.
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:28 am
by jones the whip
the 'Peter' you mention.... could that be Peter Viner? if so I'm lead to believe that it was he himself that provided the eye glasses for the Indy trilogy.
I've communicated with this gentleman in the past but never had the oportunity to meet him.
My Saville Rows are one of my most treasured possessions.
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:12 am
by Indiana MarkVII
Are your Savile Row glasses with the Blond acetate or the Chestnut?
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 12:53 pm
by jones the whip
Chestnut, as I believe were the originals.
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 6:07 pm
by Jock
You may be intersted in a post I made on this topic in March of last year when I got the chance to meet Peter Viner.
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:56 am
by jones the whip
I remember seeing your initial thread. One of the best posts on this subject IMO.
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:43 am
by Michaelson
I said it in that thread, and I'll say it in this one, Jock....WHERE in the world have you BEEN!!???
HIGH regards! Michaelson
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:45 pm
by Indiana MarkVII
The e-mail address in the first post for this thread should be corrected to read:
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:46 am
by Michaelson
Why? It was correct back in 2006 when it was posted.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:21 pm
by Luke Warmwater
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:43 pm
by Indiana MarkVII
Michaelson, my friend,
If you look at the top of this post in Indy45's post, you will see the Email address listed as such:
That address will NOT work. It needs to be corrected to the one I posted, which is the current and correct address.
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 10:13 am
by Michaelson
Not arguing with you what so ever, my friend. I'm pointing out that you are arguing a point that is over 3 years old, and that address is part of the original documentation. We have had folks ask what old information USED to be. If we corrected this one, we would lose that information by making the correction you suggest.
That information will be updated on the main page when it comes up for revision, but not in the original least WE won't 'correct' them and for the reason given above. If the originator of the thread decides to do so, that's their decision.
If we went around 'correcting' every old email address, phone number and mailing address of every old thread posted here since 2002, we'd NEVER get anything done.
New questions should be added too: Are there any sources in the U. S. now? What is the current price considering the price of gold now (these frames are 14k, don't you know?)?
If we want to build on this one, let's just correct the information as we go along rather than going back and editing what was originally posted. I sure that's what you meant, right?

If so, I'm just read your suggestion wrong, and I apologize for the confusion on my part.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 10:46 am
by Indiana MarkVII
No problem and no argument. I was just trying to save someone from a dead end, as I experienced. I'm glad to see that the information will be updated on the main pages. All of you who do that kind of work and monitoring are to be honored and admired. This is a valuable information resource and I'm glad to see it continue and improve every year.
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 1:01 pm
by Michaelson
Regard! Michaelson
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 4:23 pm
by lantzn
Has anyone researched the glasses in KOTCS? I'm 50 and have been collecting CS stuff.
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 4:38 pm
by tgalahad
New questions should be added too: Are there any sources in the U. S. now? What is the current price considering the price of gold now (these frames are 14k, don't you know?)?
Hello, not sure if this is what you are looking for. I picked up this pair from "Frames Direct", they are located in Texas.
Here is a link: ... meo/r.html
All the best,
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 6:23 am
by jones the whip
Exquisite photos Tim,
do you wear them "day to day" or are they a collector's piece?
Mine are currently ornamental but when the time comes to replace my readers, the lenses will be going into these frames.
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:30 am
by Indiana MarkVII
Here is a shot from May, '09 before the acetate cracked on one side. I removed the other side so it looks even now, open gold rims.
<EDIT ADDED> I wear mine on a daily basis. I have a progressive lens prescription so I can use them for driving, allowing me to be able to read the Freeway exit signs before I'm on top of them, a computer screen/music stand distance (but it can be too narrow for most music sheets), and reading focal length at the bottom. When I need sunglasses, I've a pair of Eagle Eye over glasses that slide over my Sevile pair.

Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 1:17 pm
by jones the whip
Now that's what i'm talking about....

Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 6:57 am
by tbonr
What size is SA? They look pretty big in Raiders.
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 8:32 am
by jones the whip
tbonr wrote:What size is SA? They look pretty big in Raiders.
Do you mean "what size frames did HF wear"?
If so, I can't tell you but there must be must be something in the search facility.
Apart from finding out what he actually wore, I suppose sizing would depend on the size and shape of ones head.
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:54 am
by tgalahad
Exquisite photos Tim,
do you wear them "day to day" or are they a collector's piece?
Well I must admit that I wear my glasses more often than not, and my photographs are certainly much sharper

Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 10:43 am
by jones the whip
tgalahad wrote:Exquisite photos Tim,
do you wear them "day to day" or are they a collector's piece?
Well I must admit that I wear my glasses more often than not, and my photographs are certainly much sharper

Superb brother,
I wish i'd started up a new thread now....

Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 1:04 pm
by Michaelson
jones the whip wrote:Superb brother,
I wish i'd started up a new thread now....
Told ya so.
Regard! Michaelson
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 4:15 pm
by jones the whip
Yes....I know!
Mind you, Monsignor, with a header like "Indy Spectacles" it does rather open up the floor somewhat.

Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:56 am
by KenS
Those frames are really sweet!
I wish I'd seen this post before ordering two new pair of glasses.
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:04 pm
by Indiana MarkVII
These frames are certainly a lot different than what is being marketed as fasionable eye wear these days. I just don't understand the narrow boxy look. My eye isn't shaped like that. Who's is?
Re: Indy Spectacles
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:50 am
by Harry Gooch
lantzn wrote:Has anyone researched the glasses in KOTCS? I'm 50 and have been collecting CS stuff.
They look to be the saddle bridge style (i.e., no nosepieces), with perfectly round lenses. The arms (temples) are attached to the frames in the exact middle. They are likely from the same company (Algha) as the earlier ones.
I would be interested in knowing their size. I'm guessing 40mm, but they could be custom made to be smaller. Also, they are not cable skulls. You can see this when Indy takes them off while reading the book to Mutt, just before they leave for Nazca.