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AB vs. AB Delux...whats the real difference??

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:36 pm
by Toldog07
What is the difference between an AB and an AB there any?

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:11 pm
by Marc
As the name says! The AB-Dlx. is the deluxe version of the Adventurebilt... :?

The materials used differ (except for the original Raiders ribbon, which we both use) and due to different costs of the raw materials, so does the price. Both are handcrafted from two fanatic and obsessivly detail oriented Raiders freaks. One lives in the U.S., the other in Germany.



Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:27 am
by VP
AB Deluxe has better felt, better pouncing, cooler looking liner(;)), better sweatband and the original ribbon like with the regular AB. AB Deluxe isn't available with initials in the sweatband.

Any idea when the English site is ready, BTW?

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:47 am
by Mulceber
Although it should be noted that, while not as good as the that of the AB deluxe, the AB's felt is still phenominal. Other than that, I can only repeat what others have already said. :junior: -IJ

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:48 am
by VP
Yeah, ABs are excellent and AB Deluxes are perfect.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 2:02 pm
by Fedora
Let me chime in here. :wink: When I made Marc the offer to make the AB line of hats, he wanted to take it to the next level. He did not just want to offer the same AB that I was making. He wanted to make the finest hat that money could buy, and set out to source custom items, like the sweatbands, and felt. So, he has his sweats custom made, and this cost him an arm and leg. He also went to Portugal for his felt, and has that custom made as well, to a specific thickness, out of pure beaver. Basically we approached the Indy hat with ulterior motives in mind. His was to outdo a particular unnamed hatter, in materials(this is my own opinion) and mine has always been to make a pure beaver hat affordable to the average Joe. I was tired of the high prices for beaver hats that was using the same American made felt as mine. So, we covered both bases. Marc uses the best materials he can find in Europe and I use the best that I can find in America. Both hats will outlast the other offerings. With that said, if you could find a hat like Marc's over here, it would set you back over a thousand dollars, if they used what he is using. If you bought one of mine from another hatter, you would pay 500 to 600 dollars for the same hat, (but no one has our Raiders block shape). We figured we could cover both bases and two markets. If I had the money an AB Deluxe costs, I would buy it due to the custom, one of a kind hat you are getting. If I could not afford the price, I would get one of my regular ABs. Either way you go, you are getting much for the money.

I do not ever plan on changing up what I am offering, because my main motive is the price and bringing pure beaver down to a price most working guys can afford. Plus, I am happy with what I am using. And, I am an old guy who wants to keep my hats American made, using American made materials. I had to bite the bullet when Marc sourced that original Hj ribbon, but that is one area that I did not mind doing, although I have to pay 20 times more in price for this stuff. :oops:

Both hats are pure beaver, and Marc's is truly a Deluxe model. He ain't kidding with his description. He redesigned the crest on the liner, giveing it more color and in keeping with the Deluxe motiff. We both went with a bit darker color than what we thought the original was, because we are both aware of the fading that will occur over time. Since these are not disposable hats, we did not want them to get washed out over time to be inaccurate. We do several things in the making of them to insure they can be reblocked safely as we figure they will outlast many of the owners.

I have seen one of Marc's hats, in hand, and I can tell you, honestly, that a better hat cannot not bought, anywhere, and no hatter has gone to the lengths Marc has gone to. He was wanting to make the highest quality Indy fedora in the world, and he did it. I was wanting to make the most affordable pure beaver Raiders fedora in the world, and I did it. The only question left is how much can you spend? Both are bargains, and as far as I am concerned, no other hatter is as accurate in looks. Plus, you actually are buying a real hat in the process instead of a facsimile. But, I am predjudiced. :lol: Now, all I have to do is to trade Marc something for one of his Deluxes. :lol: I want one of those one of a kind hats myself and I know I could never afford to pay what his hat is actually worth. Heck, I can't afford to pay what one of mine is worth!! :lol: Fedora

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:08 pm
by Harrison_Davies

How much for an AB deluxe? I have my AB...but why stop there?

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:32 pm
VP wrote:
Any idea when the English site is ready, BTW?
Very Soon.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:37 pm
by Marc
Any idea when the English site is ready, BTW?
A friend of mine is working on it and from what I've seen so far it looks VERY classic :D It isn't done yet though, but I don't want to rush, as I have come to learn, that good things take their time.
Marc uses the best materials he can find in Europe and I use the best that I can find in America.
Oh, my liners are made in the U.S. and I wouldn't have problems buying anything else from outside Europe. I've just been lucky to find most of my materials over, which makes the shipping costs more affordable :wink:
I had to bite the bullet when Marc sourced that original Hj ribbon, but that is one area that I did not mind doing, although I have to pay 20 times more in price for this stuff.
Yeah, that stuff is outrageous expensive, which is why we have to charge so incredible much when someone wants to buy a yard. I freaked when I found the original ribbon, but once I saw the invoice, my jaw dropped down to the belly button!
He was wanting to make the highest quality Indy fedora in the world, and he did it.
:oops: Thank you, kind sir!
How much for an AB deluxe?
I charge 300€ for the hat plus shipping and evtl. 5% PAYPAL fees, if that is prefered to be used.

An AB-Dlx. can be seen at the Fingers Lake summit in person, if any of you should happen to go there.

Thank you VERY much for the kind remarks everyone!

Yours truly,


Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:30 pm
by Bufflehead Jones
Marc wrote:An AB-Dlx. can be seen at the Fingers Lake summit in person, if any of you should happen to go there.
Thank you, Marc. That will be the first one that I have seen in person. I have been wanting to see one, but so far, I haven't crossed paths with anyone that had one. I can't wait to see it. I am sure that it is to die for.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:26 am
by VP
G-MANN wrote:
VP wrote:
Any idea when the English site is ready, BTW?
Very Soon.
Ooh so you're involved? In what way, may I ask?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 8:22 am
by Texas Raider
Marc, is that 300 Euros or pounds? Euros would make it $386.00 U.S. and pounds would make it $572.00 U.S. :shock: ..please tell me it's Euros :wink:


Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 8:58 am
by Dwighty0815
It's Euros!!

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:16 pm
by Texas Raider
Ohh goody, goody! Thanks Dwighty! :wink: