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Longest Wait Time For An Adventurebuilt

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 4:00 am
by Texas Raider
I'm just curious as to the average wait times 'till receiving your Adventurebuilt hat after ordering.

How long have most of you AB owners had to wait? I'm at week 15,,, :? It has now taken longer to get an AB than it took to get a Keppler!! (and that's pretty bad)

I've been patient and knew there would be a wait. I have no interest in a refund or anything,,just hoping to get it soon :wink:


Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 4:30 am
by Strider
I don't think I've ever waited more than 2 months.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 5:01 am
by mark seven

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 8:46 am
by Dutch_jones
I orderd it 2nd week of May, and I hope it arrives Shortly

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 8:59 am
by binkmeisterRick
TR, I'm sure Fedora hasn't forgotten about you. Whereas Lee Keppler (to the best of my knowledge) waits for hats to be shipped to him so he can shape and send them along, Steve not only waits for the supplies to arrive, but, as I'm sure you're well aware, he makes his hats 100% from start to finish. Top that with him being a one man operation, the sheer amount of orders he receives for his hats compared to Lee Keppler, and the fact he's not making a killing by providing us with top-notch hats, I'd just hang tight. Send him a polite inquiry and I'm sure he'll tell you what's up with your hat.

I remember waiting for my hats. Though it wasn't 15 weeks worth of wait time, I remember it taking some time. But again, I knew it'd be worth the wait and he never let me down. I know he's mentioned his backlog in the past, but again, I'm sure he'll be glad to give you an update if you ask.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 9:35 am
by Bufflehead Jones

Yeah, 2-3 months or whatever doesn't seem bad comparied to 8!

I agree, but I am pushing the 15 to 16 week deal on some hats. It is stressful indeed, but you can't rush these hats up, and still be proud of what you make and sell. If I was using machines, I could take the order, order the body and have it made and back to you in a couple of weeks. I need to be able to make 10 a day, instead of one new hat, and one reblock, or refurbish. Believe it or not, I always have 80 to a hundred hats on order at all times. If I have to remake a hat because I am not satisfied with the outcome, this loses me one day, and one hat. And I do remake quite a few in a months time because I will not send out one that I feel is not right. But, if you own one of mine or Marcs, rest assured all steps are done by hand, just like the small shops in the 1930's. And as far as I know, we are the only two hatters not using machines. Everyone else has more sense than us!!!! Fedora
Ummm....I don't know if you need to ask him for an update. He just posted this, yesterday. Looks like your hat will be shipped pretty soon.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 12:21 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Well, there you go then. Just a tad longer, TR! :wink:

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:03 am
by Fletch
Yep, just hang tight TR. Fedora is working his hardest which I most appreciate. I am right there with you at week 15. Remember he got slammed right after making the hat that was to go to HF. After posting that beauty and letting everyone know that if you ordered at that time you would get a hat made from the same felt run as HF's hat and the 12 or so he made to be submitted for consideration for the new movies he got quite a few orders about the same time. That was right around when you and I placed our orders. Fedora just let me know that he would be getting to my hat next week when I sent him an updated ship to address yesterday due to changing jobs so that should give you an idea of when to expect yours. My order was acknowledged on May 7th. I'm just so happy to be getting one. Can you imagine if the man was throwing in the towel on providing us these fine hats and you were left without the opportunity to wait for one for your very own? I just appreciate being able to have such a nice hat. It will come brother.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:11 am
by Mulceber
Now you see, I was lucky. When I ordered my AB Steve coincidentally already had a felt body in my size, so I got mine in 1 week. Though I'm thinking of ordering another one sometime. Has anybody ordered around November? What's the lag time for that? :junior: -IJ

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:46 am
by Fletch
If he always has 80-90 hats in que to make and it takes him one day per hat then you are looking at at least 3 months. I couldnt imagine making a hat everyday without a break.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 2:12 pm
by Strider
I didn't read TR's post as an impatient one. Seems to me like he was just asking a general consensus question after having made an observation, so why are we treating him as if he somehow doesn't understand Fedora's situation?

The AB is a wonderful hat (I know, I've owned 3), and I know that Fedora is an expert craftsman, so don't get me wrong. However, nobody's perfect. I notice that as soon as anyone says anything less than superlative about the hat, anywhere from 3 to 20 people come a-running to defend Fedora and the AB. I remember when a couple of fellas said they thought their ABs had arrived tapered, and it was dare you..why you lousy..etc., etc.

I hate to say it, but not every AB is going to be perfect. I understand that Fedora does not ship 'em out unless he is happy with them, so I'm ruling that out. I'm talking about shipping damages, and outside factors (such as accumulated heat from sitting on someone's doorstep all day during the summer). Besides, statistically, they can't all be perfect. That doesn't make someone a callous, cad of a heel if they decide to say so.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:41 pm
by doc riviere
I've ordered an AB rabbit months ago...

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:41 pm
by Fletch
Should you be refering to me talking about Fedora's situation I definately did not mean to imply that anyone is a cad for inquiring about a wait time. TR and I are in the same boat at week 15 waiting for a hat from Steve so I thought it good to comment on why our wait times are longer than most have been in the past and also communicate to him what Steve said to me yesterday regarding my order which one could logically conclude would apply to him as well. It's not easy waiting for something that you desire so greatly but that is also half the fun. There was no admonishment or judgement in my posts. More of a supportive "I'm right there with you bro, here is what I know..."

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:50 pm
by matei
Believe me - it is worth the wait!

Steve is a busy guy, but produces a great product!

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:52 pm
by Fedora
Man, I hate you guy have to wait longer that you used to. TR, your hat will be made this week as I just looked at the work book. The handmade business is slow process. It is impossible to handle volume with quick turnaround times. And that is the reason handmade beaver hats are rare at what I charge. I apologize for the turnaround times. I got behind the first of the year because I had to wait on my dress bodies to be run, and honestly, I have never got caught back up. The problem since then has just been the time it takes to make the hats. No problem with getting the bodies. Thanks. Fedora

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:56 pm
by Bufflehead Jones
Strider, I don't think that anyone has been condescending at all. I am not sure why you feel that it has.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:59 pm
by Bufflehead Jones
doc riviere wrote:I've ordered an AB rabbit months ago...
Hey Doc,

I would check with Fedora. I don't think he has offered the rabbit fur hats for quite a while. Something sounds like it is not right.


Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 5:06 pm
by BendingOak
Strider, I know the one you are talking about. I don't think anyone would have jumped on this guy ( you are talking about) if he just returned it like Steve asked so he could correct this misstake. This peron just wanted to complain and then went on to use steam to try and correct this misstake.
I know everyone is human ( even Steve) and make misstake s but, you have to give people chanes to correct these misstake ( not just cry about them).

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 5:37 pm
by Mulceber
I would check with Fedora. I don't think he has offered the rabbit fur hats for quite a while. Something sounds like it is not right.
Yeah, exactly. Steve stopped offering the AB over 6 months ago.
Man, I hate you guy have to wait longer that you used to.
Don't worry about it Steve. Just do your best and people will appreciate you for it. :junior: -IJ

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 5:38 pm
by Dutch_jones
Bufflehead Jones wrote:
doc riviere wrote:I've ordered an AB rabbit months ago...
Hey Doc,

I would check with Fedora. I don't think he has offered the rabbit fur hats for quite a while. Something sounds like it is not right.

I ordered a Rabbit AB also it should arive this week or the next...

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 5:40 pm
by Mulceber
Well that's news to me, because I'm darn certain that Steve stopped making AB rabbits. :junior: -IJ

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 5:48 pm
by Dutch_jones
I mailed him about it he doesnt make anymore
I think I was the last

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 6:10 pm
by moses
You'll probably find, on arrival, that it's beaver afterall.

AB hat

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 6:51 pm
by orb
I have ordered an AB Beaver Hat (LC)
Steve told me it will need 8 weeks. Now I'm at week 4 and I want the hat now :twisted:

After seeing some other great AB hats in the cow forum I think it's worth the wait. So I feel happy for getting an AB very soon :wink:



Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:19 pm
by Skippy
Steve can correct me if I'm wrong, but as I'm aware hat size is a factor.

Steve only has so many blocks, so the more common hat sizes stack up waiting for others on the block. An obscure hat size - veru small or very large - might get out quicker, as the block is likely not even in use.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 2:42 am
by doc riviere
as i ordered the rabbit AB long time ago, Steve told me weeks ago it was still OK ! i'm confuse ... Steve ?? :lol:

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 5:39 am
by Texas Raider
Fedora wrote:Man, I hate you guy have to wait longer that you used to. TR, your hat will be made this week as I just looked at the work book. The handmade business is slow process. It is impossible to handle volume with quick turnaround times. And that is the reason handmade beaver hats are rare at what I charge. I apologize for the turnaround times. I got behind the first of the year because I had to wait on my dress bodies to be run, and honestly, I have never got caught back up. The problem since then has just been the time it takes to make the hats. No problem with getting the bodies. Thanks. Fedora
Hey, it's no big deal, Fedora. Sorry to open a can of worms with this one, I'm just gettin' a little ancy, I guess :wink: This hat,as you know with the special instructions, is gonna be specially tweaked, so I'm just looking forward to getting it, that's all :wink: We all, including I, really appreciate your work, I'm sorry that you are so swamped now. Maybe stopping order taking until you catch up would be in order. It may help,,not to mention take some stress off of ya! Knowing that you have a stopping point normally helps a person to get work done,,but a never ending pile of orders is frustrating to no end!

Maybe a section on the forum where you could post names of people that their hat is being worked on that week,or something like that...I dunno. Maybe it would make the waiting a little easier knowing where in line they stood in production. Just a thought

Waiting patiently :wink: TR

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:54 am
by Dutch_jones
doc riviere wrote:as i ordered the rabbit AB long time ago, Steve told me weeks ago it was still OK ! i'm confuse ... Steve ?? :lol:
same here ,,

I think itll be worth the wait;)

Re: hat

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:29 am
by binkmeisterRick
BendingOak wrote: I know everyone is human ( even Steve)...
I'm not sure about that. I have it on good authority that Steve comes from the planet Hatopia.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:44 am
by Fedora
:lol: I have tried to get out of making rabbit hats. With that said, I have agreed to made a few since I officially stopped. My official line is, go with an Akubra. They specialize in rabbit hats, they make a good hat for the price, and their felt is as good as any modern rabbit that I have seen. I always liked reblocking Akubra Federations because they reblock so nicely, and pounce out great. And they will not tear in the reblock procedure. Tough felt. And I still own a few, which should tell you something. They are the only offereing that we have had over the past 8 years that I thought were good enough to keep. The rest have been given away, or thrown away, and that includes some of those 4 to 5 hundred dollar hats.

In regards to a customer being unhappy, I will always make the hat good. The thing is, every now and then I get a body that is not "right" from the factory. It is impossible to detect this until after the hat is made,(and it sits for a few days) and since I mail out as soon as I finish a hat, I do not see it unless someone posts a pic. Any factory that makes anything will make a lemon every now and then. And of course, the bodies I use are made in a factory.

If you hit a new AB with steam, and it shrinks and tapers, something is wrong with the felt. I have steamed many of my AB hats with no dire consequences. In fact, I seldom see one of the beaver Abs that will not take a steaming while new. But, with the felt on my hats being supple enough to style without steam, I cannot see why anyone would use it. I dry bash most of the hats that I sell, but have experimented in the past with these hats, by over steaming and then letting this dry to see what happpens. I have seen no problems arise, unless I get in a lemon body. I have seen that once, so I do know they do exist.

Many times perceived taper in one of my hats can be creased out with a new style job. I have seen this many times. The top crease over time, expecially if the hat gets damp will pull in at the top and deepen, causing the hat to look tapered. So many times on some of the early AB reblocks, all I had to do to get the Raiders look back was to pop out the creases to the open crown state, steam the hat on the top and smooth out the old creases. Once it is completly dry, I then dry crease the hat as the stiffener has been re-activated which allows for a new crease to be put in without pulling the top inward. There is much to be said for this, and it works most of the time. But, I have gotten in a few ABs that indeed had tapered, a true taper. Recreasing these hats would not help, and a reblock is needed. I feel that as time passes, and the felt ages, the taper issue will be seen less and less. I have noticed this in my own AB. These pure beaver hats get better with age.

Another trick that I have learned to use in getting some of the taper out, of a hat that has a creased in taper is to use the above steps. Once you put in the creases again, and you still notice a bit of taper due to the hat trying to return to the original crease job that was set in memory by the dampness and drying, pull out a ruler. I then lightly steam just the top of the hat, and slap the top with a ruler, squaring up the top of the crown. This works!! Let it dry and then round the top off again with your fingers inside the crown. So many tricks to getting a hat to look good again. With a little time and by playing with the crown, you will be amazed at how well this works. I learned all of this by just playing with my own hats. Fedora

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 12:21 am
by Dutch_jones
well if the hat doesnt arrive next week total waiting time from the order is

four months

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 3:44 pm
by Fletch
Hey Dutch, Thats about how long mine took to come. I ordered mine May 7th and got it Yesterday on the 6th. It was well worth the wait though. I would wait twice as long for this hat. I bet it's any day now. It's sure not to disappoint once you've got it in your hands.


Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:09 pm
by BendingOak
I have two brown Ab's and boaght them before he got real busy. My grey on the other hand took ( I would have to guess) around that time. It's just going to be a little longer than it used to be because it's in such a high demand. I would raher wait 4 months for Steve's work than wait half the time for anyone else.

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 12:00 am
by Dutch_jones
Fletch wrote:Hey Dutch, Thats about how long mine took to come. I ordered mine May 7th and got it Yesterday on the 6th. It was well worth the wait though. I would wait twice as long for this hat. I bet it's any day now. It's sure not to disappoint once you've got it in your hands.
Hey F , i orderd may 12 or so just got word its in the mail :) shouldnt take long now:P

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 1:19 am
by Fletch
Sweet Dutch! It took a week for it to get to me in California from Mississippi but I had the Labor day holiday during that time frame so it might have come a day earlier otherwise. I was and still am so dang impressed with this hat. Congrats, you've almost got it!

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:37 pm
by conceited_ape
Yeah, I'm coming up to four months pretty soon as well.
Ah well, what can ya do? 8)

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:48 pm
by golpeo_rapidamente
Still no word,Rod?

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 3:52 am
by Dutch_jones
Fletch wrote:Sweet Dutch! It took a week for it to get to me in California from Mississippi but I had the Labor day holiday during that time frame so it might have come a day earlier otherwise. I was and still am so dang impressed with this hat. Congrats, you've almost got it!
Yeah but I live in The Netherlands :P I think itll take alot longer hahah

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 2:34 pm
by Fedora
Folks, this hatmaking deal in regards to wait times is horrible, mostly due to two really heavy months, in which I took over 160 orders!! I have gotten to the point that if I get an email from a customer who hints at a refund, due to the wait time, I am not giving them a chance to change their minds. I just refunded 9 this morning. The truth of the matter is, a handmade beaver hat(at 225 bucks) is something you better be prepared to wait for. If you are not, please sirs, do not order one from me. Marc will be glad to fix you up, and there are other hats in pure beaver that are available. One thing is apparent, if you want a a beaver hat at my price, you will have to wait for it. If you cannot wait, as I said, please look elsewhere for it. I am saying this with the best attitude I can muster. But understand, if you were to buy a hat from John, his lead times are currently 8 months, and Rand is a full year. So, this turnaround time is rather long with any hatter that has a demand for his hats. My demand is very, very high. There is one way to combat this, as was told to me by other long time hatters. You price them higher which cuts down on the demand. Well, I will not price them up there in that realm, so you are stuck if you want one of my hats with a lead time that is still less than common today. If you have the patience to wait, you will recieve a superiour Indy fedora, and at half the price. Thanks guys. Steve

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 11:16 pm
by ShanghaiJack

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:42 am
by Rusty Jones
Its worth the wait. When you get it you'll see the time put into the hat, and why they are in such demand. And dont forget to post pics ;c)

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:00 am
by kalkamel
I put in my order in early June, still waiting. But no refund for me... I'll wait. I know it will be worth it :D .

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:54 am
by conceited_ape
Yeah, I ain't backin' out. Guess I've finally chilled out and learned to be 26! :lol:
Don't stress Steve. This guy's goin' nowhere. :wink:

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:44 am
by Tyrloch
I finalized & payed for my AB just over a week ago. I'm hoping the get it by Christmas, but if takes a bit longer, no biggie. As long as I have it for my trip to Peru in late January/early February I'll be happy. :D



Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:26 pm
by slowdevil
I was seriously starting to wonder too, as I ordered one a while back and hadn't heard anything. This is one reason COW is so great. With Fedora's post about how absolutely swamped he is, he informs all of us with one fell swoop instead of sidetracking himself trying to reply to every email he gets. Of course, no money has changed hands yet with my order... When you guys order, do you pay immediately or do you wait until you're next in line?
As far as waiting... who could complain when Steve is going to lengths most people would not go to to provide something so exceptional. My head will still be on my shoulders a year from now.


Re: wait

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:24 pm
by Indy_Railok
Just a little funny thing while reading this thread. You can compare your AB to like your child. :lol:

"It is worth the wait!"

"Mine is 15 months old. :D"


Just another post that wasn't needed,

Re: wait

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:09 am
by kalkamel
Indy_Railok wrote:Just a little funny thing while reading this thread. You can compare your AB to like your child. :lol:

"It is worth the wait!"

"Mine is 15 months old. :D"


Just another post that wasn't needed,
:lol: OK, then... next guy who receives his AB from Steve will pass out cigars!

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:49 am
by VP
Hey Ralle, why don't you post as much as you used to? Only 11 posts since the infamous LF&CC.

Re: wait

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:55 pm
by Chewbacca Jones
slowdevil wrote:I was seriously starting to wonder too, as I ordered one a while back and hadn't heard anything. This is one reason COW is so great. With Fedora's post about how absolutely swamped he is, he informs all of us with one fell swoop instead of sidetracking himself trying to reply to every email he gets. Of course, no money has changed hands yet with my order... When you guys order, do you pay immediately or do you wait until you're next in line?
As far as waiting... who could complain when Steve is going to lengths most people would not go to to provide something so exceptional. My head will still be on my shoulders a year from now.

I'd double check with Steve that he has your order. I had a mix up with him, and waited for a hat that wasn't officially "ordered". I believe he orders the hat body when you pay him.

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:10 pm
by Tyrloch
I agree -- I don't think you officially make the waiting list until you pay up front. A lot of people don't like paying for something this far in advance, but you reall can't blame him. Personally, I wouldn't want to go to all the trouble to make someone a custom hat just to email him/her that it's ready, and reply comes back, "Oh, no thanks, I changed my mind." Now you're out time and materials, AND stuck with a hat that probably won't fit anyone else...
