Public apology to Fedora.
Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 6:28 pm
After going thru the many posts about 'the turn' and head shapes and all, I suddenly felt really guilty about the pressure I have put Mr. Delk under. He is currently reblocking my AB and along with it I sent a small list of things I wanted done to it along with a suggestion on a block for my round head shape.
Well, last night, i had a friend over and he was looking at a family pic where I had my AB on before I sent it to Mr. Delk. Beside it was a pic of Indiana Jones and my friend commented," Man, your hat looks EXACTLY like the hat in that picture of Indy!" He then began to show me the brim shape, camel humps, ribbon bulge and swoop that matched my AB perecfly. It was then I felt ashamed.....MR. Delk and Marc know what they are doing. As much as I love that Raiders hat, I`m sure they spent much more time studying its details than me andafter much trial and error they eventually came up with this block and felt and ribbon and all these other articles that they narrowed done as the most accurate, high quality fedora one could get.
So who the heck am I to tell them how to make the perfect Indy hat. They already did!!! Now I just gotta find a plastic surgeon who give me the perfect Harrison Ford head!!
Thanks alot for your time and research into this project and Mr. Delk, I apologize for being so finnicky and trying to tell you how to do your job. Like in my Aikido class, my instructor says, "TRUST the Teacher!!! If he needs any info from me, he will ask and other than that I need to just sit back and let him work his magic!
Again, thank you, Fedora for putting up with all of us and still pumping out and great piece of motion picture history! I tip my fedora to you....
well, when I get it! Ha ha..
Well, last night, i had a friend over and he was looking at a family pic where I had my AB on before I sent it to Mr. Delk. Beside it was a pic of Indiana Jones and my friend commented," Man, your hat looks EXACTLY like the hat in that picture of Indy!" He then began to show me the brim shape, camel humps, ribbon bulge and swoop that matched my AB perecfly. It was then I felt ashamed.....MR. Delk and Marc know what they are doing. As much as I love that Raiders hat, I`m sure they spent much more time studying its details than me andafter much trial and error they eventually came up with this block and felt and ribbon and all these other articles that they narrowed done as the most accurate, high quality fedora one could get.
So who the heck am I to tell them how to make the perfect Indy hat. They already did!!! Now I just gotta find a plastic surgeon who give me the perfect Harrison Ford head!!
Thanks alot for your time and research into this project and Mr. Delk, I apologize for being so finnicky and trying to tell you how to do your job. Like in my Aikido class, my instructor says, "TRUST the Teacher!!! If he needs any info from me, he will ask and other than that I need to just sit back and let him work his magic!
Again, thank you, Fedora for putting up with all of us and still pumping out and great piece of motion picture history! I tip my fedora to you....
well, when I get it! Ha ha..