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New Smoking Jacket...
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 10:39 am
by Pyroxene
I received my smoking jacket the other day from
WING HOP FUNG and it's great. Very comfortable and soft. I real joy to wear.
The color is not screen accurate but it will do for now.
Here it is from the front and back

One of the things I like about it is that it is quilted similar to Indy's.
All in all, a really nice addition to any gear collection.
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 12:06 pm
by Doctor_Jones
That is quite cool. It looks like the same model. Only the colour, as you said, is not screen accurate.
Have a good one!
the Doc
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 5:13 pm
by Henri Defense
Awesome, that looks great!
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 5:32 pm
by Pyroxene
Thanks, guys.
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 6:44 pm
by Ken
I am sure if you gave it to Dalexs he could do something about the colour. But as everyone else has said it looks mighty fine. I am tempted myself now... darn.
Ken :)
Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 7:16 am
by Indiana Joe
I think it looks great, Pyr.
Just when you think you've spent all you need to spend, there come more items for purchase.....
Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 7:29 am
by Ken
I know... I think in a few months time I might be the only person at uni with a smoking jacket.
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 1:38 am
by Indiana Philip
Very classy! I went to the site and the red looks like the best pick. I wouldn't mind being seen in the morning stepping out into the yard to get the paper wearing that.
Indiana Philip
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 9:51 am
by Bushman
Hey pal,
That looks great! Now all you need is a good pipe. (I'm not kidding.) Wear it in good health.
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 10:39 am
by prettybigguy
Bushman wrote:Hey pal,
That looks great! Now all you need is a good pipe. (I'm not kidding.) Wear it in good health.
...Add an ascot, a pair of silk slippers and a fez and you will look REALLY cool! Very nice, I've been looking for one of those for a while too.
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 6:26 pm
by Ken
Mmmm... I am soooo tempted <... no Ken, don't give in to the power of the dark side use the fo- ughh! ok I'll be quiet>
How warm is it by the way Pyroxene?
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 9:19 pm
by Rabittooth
prettybigguy wrote:Bushman wrote:Hey pal,
That looks great! Now all you need is a good pipe. (I'm not kidding.) Wear it in good health.
...Add an ascot, a pair of silk slippers and a fez and you will look REALLY cool! Very nice, I've been looking for one of those for a while too.
Add seven or eight 19-year-old blondes with mammoth mamarian magilocutties surrounding you and you can be Hugh Hefner! (toothy grin)
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 11:34 pm
by MaryonRavenwood
That's an awesome smoking jacket!
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 9:39 am
by Pyroxene
Indiana Ken wrote:
How warm is it by the way Pyroxene?
It's pretty warm. I wouldn't wear it when it's hot.
Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 1:59 am
by Indiana Philip
Isn't there some kind of special hat, called a smoking hat, that is not a fez? Although PBG is right, a fez would look pretty cool.
Indiana Philip
Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 9:28 am
by Pyroxene
Indiana Philip wrote:Isn't there some kind of special hat, called a smoking hat, that is not a fez? Although PBG is right, a fez would look pretty cool.
Indiana Philip
Ok. I am not getting a fez. <grin> This is IndyGear not SallahGear (Of course that would be a funny idea for a site.)
Perhaps sombody could post a pic of the style they are trying to describe.
Smoking Hat
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 12:42 am
by Indiana Philip
The main guy in "The Adams Family" (The movie) wore one I'm sure of it.
Indiana Philip
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 1:52 pm
by JPdesign
Flat top, silk, basically an oval cylinder about 2 1/2 inches tall.
Maybe, an oval with a 2 1/2 inch lip hanging down.
Just trying to put it into wards
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 12:37 am
by Indiana Philip
Yes! That sounds like it. I think it had a tassle also.
Indiana Philip
Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2002 12:21 pm
by Henry Jones Sr.
Screen accurate, shmreen accurate. Maryon's gift of one of these babies for Christmas is so wonderful! They are warm and oh so comfortable. I shall treasure it along with the rest of the pantheon of Gear for many many years! Thanks, milove.
Henry Jones Sr.
Now about that pipe and fez.... Hmmmm....
"(It's)...about the search for the divine in all of us...."
Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2002 10:35 am
by Pyroxene
Glad you like it. In my search for one I read, "A dressing gown or robe and fine pajamas are so elegant that in principle you could wear them to fetch the bread for breakfast. It would certainly give the baker a shock"
However, for me, pipe--Yes. Fez--No.