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Target Whip
Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 6:41 am
by giovanniceleste
Hi Guys,
I would to like introduce a target whip I just finished for an italian customer.
It features double core, fully plaited belly, bolster and 12 plait overlay in roo. 8ft
Best Regards

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 10:05 am
by Darth V.A.D.E.R
Hi Gi.
Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 11:05 am
by Erri
Darth V.A.D.E.R wrote:Hi Gi.
I think Gio was referring to these ones... (they are in his message but somewhy not showed)
taken from his website ... ip_gallery
:post: Gio asked me to add this detail also

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 2:26 pm
by Darth V.A.D.E.R
Wow,nice whip Gio!
Turk knot looks realy great.
Erri thanks for pics.
Best Regards
Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 2:27 pm
by Darth V.A.D.E.R
Wow,nice whip Gio!
Turk knot looks realy great.
Erri thanks for pics.
Best Regards
Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 5:13 pm
by Erri
No problem Darth
I agree it's very impressive Gio! Good job

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 10:52 pm
by Bernardodc
Hey erri-wan,
I was you get a comission everytime you praise Gio's products? if must be a millionare by now!
Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 5:26 am
by Erri
Yes Bernardo, he gives me 2 euro for every good comment... my bank called me today asking me where I get all those money so quicly.
I just live of interests now.
Who are you? A jealous whipmaker?

If you dare having a look around the board you can see I give compliments also to Steve Delk, Marc Kitter and many others... no one is paying for it of course

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 8:35 am
by giovanniceleste
Darth V.A.D.E.R wrote:Wow,nice whip Gio!
Turk knot looks realy great.
Erri thanks for pics.
Best Regards
Thanks a lot Darth, I’m pleased that you like my product.
Best Regards
Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 9:37 am
by winrichwhips
Hey Bernardo,
Post more pics of your work and I'll be your 'Erri_Wan'

And I won't even charge a commision
Us whipmakers in the western hemisphere gotta stick together.
PS: I can see that Gio provides a good service to Indy-fans in Europe who want to get their first whip and not pay a whole lot. Given shipping costs, currency exhanges, and import taxes it doesn't hurt to buy in Europe if you are in Europe, especially if funds are tight. However, for those in North America who want a whip, there are several whipmakers, such as Bernardo, who provide a great value and quality with the whips they sell. So, I say do your best to buy within your continent (or hemisphere). I know they must feel that way in the European Union otherwise they wouldn't have such high import taxes.
Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 9:50 am
by Erri
I had no doubt you would have came in as soon as possible !

Adam in Europe we feel like we can sell to anyone in the world but we cannot do the opposite easily (buy from the world).
We pay a lot of taxes when something comes from out of the UE borders, I paid 43 euro for my first Adventurebilt (with that difference I could have bought nearly a beaver instead of a Rabbit!).
Anyway do you Americans pay when you receive stuff from Europe (or Australia)? I've sent to Steve Delk one of my hats for a reblock and he didn't spend anything of taxes.
About Giovanni's prices, they are still very good also considering the shipping costs and all the rest you listed Adam since the postage prices are very good here in Italy.
Only 10,7 US dollars is the price for a whip shipped to USA with registered mail. Plus Giovanni accepts also US dollars in some cases.
winrichwhips wrote:
Us whipmakers in the western hemisphere gotta stick together.
Sounds more like "stick together against Giovanni's low prices"
You worry too much about competition Adam, in Europe we take these things much easier

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 10:38 am
by ShanghaiJack
Generally in the states we have to pay customs (tax fees) on products bought outside of the U.S., although the fees vary from product to product.
When you sent your hat to Steve for a re-block Erri, he shouldn't have had to pay anything because he was not purchasing the hat but just providing you a service–the re-blocking of the hat.
As far as patronage goes, I would rather support American made products when possible. It's nothing against Giovanni, his whips, or his lower prices. I'd just rather support local businesses when possible. Plus, it's nice not to have to pay customs and to have a shorter shipping time.
If I ever move to or visit Italy, which both I and my wife hope to do, I will give Giovanni's whips a look.
Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 10:42 am
by Tyrloch
winrichwhips wrote:
Us whipmakers in the western hemisphere gotta stick together.
Sounds more like "stick together against Giovanni's low prices"
You worry too much about competition Adam, in Europe we take these things much easier

Fight, fight, fight, fight,....

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 11:08 am
by Herr Jones

eyes are watching 8-[
Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 1:34 pm
by winrichwhips
With the 'stick together' bit, I was kidding, though I do respect Bernardo's work very much and he has worked very hard to turn out a top-notch product.
I've never paid taxes on anything that I've gotten from overseas, though it's been mostly limited to leather and whips.
Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 4:24 pm
by giovanniceleste
In Italy we have a saying: "by joking you say the truth". I hope my translation gives its meaning.
Till now I have limited myself to answer only to on-topic issues such as compliments, questions etc... regarding my products. I always ignored any other useless chitchat. I think that now is time to make some things clear one forever (I hope) and I'm sorry to everyone if I take advantage of this (my) topic to make these clarifications. I'm the first person who hates to loose his time to say these things.
I've always respected and appreciated any whipmaker, expecially the ones on this forum. I never dared to give any ironical, direct or indirect, remark and pointless criticism.
Considering that the main REAL point of this off-topic conversation is me and my business and not Erri Wan or other issues, I think it would be much more fair if anyone who has any doubt about the quality of my products would please speak directly to me.
I can see that Gio provides a good service to Indy-fans in Europe who want to get their first whip and not pay a whole lot
Adam, if you had a look at my website, you might have noticed that I have a wide catalogue with many professional models and not "cheap" beginner whips as your words might suggest to the readers and potential customers.
Right now I'm making whips for american and australian customers, it's not just a matter of low prices (because honestly I can't see a big gap in prices within mine and other whipmakers' products) but of reliance on my products quality which till now has never been unsatisfied.
I conlculde remembering that if anyone has anything to question about my products or any doubt about their quality please talk to me and not through other "devices".
I apologize if I went off-topic myself but I thought it was fair to make clear this uncomfortable situation.
Kind Regards
Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 10:48 pm
by thefish
Folk folks folks....Let's step back and consider a few things:
We're dealing with non-verbal communication that we treat like conversation. Many misunderstanding are BOUND to occur.
On top of that, we're dealing with a language/culture barrier as well.
Adam clarified what he was saying, and that he was joking.
No one who has posted anything about anyone's products has said anything negative. Adam was commenting on a comment by Bernardo, another incredibly talented whip maker, who has no reason to be jealous, Erri.
One of the unspoken rules of internet forums such as this is to assume the best intentions. Let's try to do that.
Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 12:06 am
by BullWhipBorton
Dan (The Fish), Very well said.
First off, I am a firm believer in friendly competition between whipmakers around the globe. It increases the skill levels of whipmaking art, drives up the quality of whips being produced and helps to keep costs competitive and affordable.
Compared to many Internet forums, the Bullwhip section of Club Obi Wan has a better then average tolerance level, but still misunderstandings can occur easily when something said is taken the wrong way or taken in an overly personal manner. Egos are easily bruised and as stated such things as cultural and language differences can make that potential even greater. I believe what we have here is a failure to communicate, simply a misunderstanding with no insult or real criticism intended. I’d recommend not making too much out of it and just letting the discussion cool off a bit.
And yes, that is a nice looking target whip.
Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 6:16 am
by Erri
thefish wrote:Bernardo, another incredibly talented whip maker, who has no reason to be jealous, Erri.
ow well I didn't know that
I thought every whipmaker around here had the "vendor" status and I supposed Bernardo was just another user.

very funny gaff of me by the way

Please accept my apologizes Bernardo.
BullWhipBorton wrote:simply a misunderstanding with no insult or real criticism intended.
Well I hope so.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 6:57 am
by whiskyman
Maybe it's just the photos, but the whip looks rather raggedy to me.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 7:19 am
by Erri
whiskyman wrote:Maybe it's just the photos, but the whip looks rather raggedy to me.

Well I think Gio should buy a better camera
If you notice the logo is not smooth and clear aswell so I guess it has something to do with the quality of the jpg
Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 2:46 pm
by Bernardodc
If you didn't know I was a whipmaker, how come you called me a "jelous whipmaker"?
I haven't asked to appear in this forum as "vendor", although I might do so one day, since I not only make whips, but my specialty are Indy style bullwhips.
To me, more important than having vendor status, is to concentrate on making a high quality product. Labels are secondary.
I would say most COW members that read the bullwhip forum are familiar with my work, as I from time to time post pics of my whips.
Finally, I have no reason to be jealous! I take pride in my work, and I'm lucky enough to have MANY people recommending my work.
I just found funny the unconditional way of your advertising efforts toward Gio's products, as you don't miss a single opportunity to list their advantages, prices, colors, options, models, post pics, etc, etc, etc. (just read your last post).
You certainly have a future in advertising my friend.
Apologies accepted,
P.S. Adam, Dan, The fish, thanks for your kind words and support.
Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 3:07 pm
by Erri
I rather prefer to have a future as medical student than advertising... anyway I really didn't know about you being a whipmaker otherwise I wouldn't have surely said my joke of course. If you read my words considering that I didn't know your identity as whipmaker, you would surely appreciate better my joke.
I'm not SO present on the bullwhip area to remember every whipmaker around here... I started reading it only after I bought my whip (that happened only few time ago)... maybe I've also commented your works positively but I just can't remember every single name around here, I already have problems remembering every anatomical part of the body to keep in mind also all COW members

I apologized with you for the gaff... don't know what to do more than that.
Anyway I don't think Giovanni's words were directed to you Bernardo.