Other RAIDERS fedoras : Belloq, Toht, Sallah
Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 12:23 pm
I've often wondered who made the other hats from Raiders but have never, ever heard anything about it because most people are fixed on getting just the Indy hat.
DarthJones just posted in another thread indicating that Swales told him that HJ did not do the Toht fedora but no mention of any of the other characters.
We do know other hatters made hats for the film but I've never heard any concrete evidence as to what hats, who they went to and if they were even ever used at all.
I know Michaelson, Keppler and DarthJones have all been active in tracking stuff down from the beginning and I know some of the rest of you were too. So, did any of you ever find anything as to who may have made these hats?
We can see inside Belloqs hat and can make out some printing on the sweatband, but cannot make out what it says. Perhaps some screen grabs may halp some of the resident talent to spot who the maker may be.
So, this thread is all up in the air. If you have any solid info or just simple theories, please post them up.
DarthJones just posted in another thread indicating that Swales told him that HJ did not do the Toht fedora but no mention of any of the other characters.
We do know other hatters made hats for the film but I've never heard any concrete evidence as to what hats, who they went to and if they were even ever used at all.
I know Michaelson, Keppler and DarthJones have all been active in tracking stuff down from the beginning and I know some of the rest of you were too. So, did any of you ever find anything as to who may have made these hats?
We can see inside Belloqs hat and can make out some printing on the sweatband, but cannot make out what it says. Perhaps some screen grabs may halp some of the resident talent to spot who the maker may be.
So, this thread is all up in the air. If you have any solid info or just simple theories, please post them up.