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Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:20 am
by Indiana Blizzard
just ordered a pair of j crew Duxbury Ruggeds ,my close enoughs,and i got them for $49.99 reg $164.00.. :shock: wow what a deal!!!

Re: boots.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:52 am
by Indiana Greg
Indiana Blizzard wrote:just ordered a pair of j crew Duxbury Ruggeds ,my close enoughs,and i got them for $49.99 reg $164.00.. :shock: wow what a deal!!!
Agreed ! These are very good boots...and for only fifty fins... no contest.
The only pair that I have that are better are a pair of Canadian made Prospectors by HH Brown, in fact I ordered another pair of j. Crew 9.5s to sit in the closet to back up the pair I am currenty wearing... now if they would only make the Deckers again

