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Help out the new guy...

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:22 pm
by gmarthe
I am in the early stages of getting my gear together and am torn about the jacket and need some advice. I can't decide between a Wested or a US Wings jacket (and don't evern get me started on all he permutations of each) I have heard the Wested described as a "windbreaker". I live in Florida and in case you don't know it gets extremely hot down here in the summer. I don't want a windbreaker but I also don't need to keep warm for the spring thaw if you catch my drift. Any suggestions?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:13 pm
by Dre
I'd say go with Wested. I have an authentic goat temple jacket and it's fantastic.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:19 pm
by Canyon
gmarthe, firstly welcome to Club Obi Wan! :P

Personally, I would go for a Wested. From what I understand, US Wings jackets tend to be heavier. :wink:

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:21 pm
by Michaelson
The Wested costs less, and is custom made to YOUR specs, though I'm sure you've already read that in all the posts made about this very subject. :D

We have several Floridians about, and I'm sure one or all will chime in directly to answer your inquiry about what would be best for your area. I have my opinion, but me no longer living there, I'd rather someone who IS there answer.

Regards, and WELCOME!!! Michaelson

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:21 pm
by Jorenz
Welcome to the nuthouse.

I have the Wested Authenic Lamb and I live in sunny So. Cal. It's more substantial than a windbreaker but definitly not a cowhide.

The lamb is perfect for me. Yesterday was 70 degrees in San Diego and I could wear the jacket. Anything heavier would have been to much.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:27 pm
Welcome to the Club,

I have both of the jackets you mentioned and the U.S. Wings is VERY heavy compared to the Wested. I don't think you would get nearly as much use out of the U.S. Wings as you will with the Wested in sunny Florida.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:36 pm
by gmarthe
I was leaning toward the Wested anyway for authenticity's sake. I am looking into the "Raiders" style anyone want to advise me further? It would be much appreciated.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:46 pm
I would suggest reading this link from begining to end.


Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:27 pm
by gmarthe
A good read G-Mann. My head is swimming with all of the info that I have been jamming into it since I stumbled upon this site. It's a lot to digest. I am going to go to my tailor for a sizing. Now are there any advantages/disadvantages to any kind of hide? It's also rather humid here. Thanks again!

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:31 pm
by Strider
Wested's lamb is real lightweight. After awhile, you barely even realize it's on. Other hides are going to be heavier in comparison. When I was in Idaho, my auth. Goat Wested with all cotton lining only kept me warm enough not to freeze. I was still cold in the thing. Of course, being from California, like Jorenz, anything under 50 degrees, and I start saying: "Man, it's cold!" so you can imagine how I took the 28 degree average per day in Idaho. It seems like the Wested is a good jacket if you're living in a warmer climate. I have a lamb and a goat, and they suit me just fine here in Cali.

You're not going to need the all cotton lining if it's as humid as you say. Shucks, you might even want to forgo the cotton body/satin sleeve lining, and go straight for the all satin lining. But remember to get x-box stitching, regardless of its screen accuracy. I didn't on my lamb, and had to have it taken to a tailor later on, so save yourself the time and money. I did all the measurements for my jackets myself with a tailor's tape measure, and added 1 inch to the chest measurement, and the both of my jackets have come back fitting like a glove.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 2:20 am
by Kt Templar
I say the Wested. In my experience it's comfortable up to about 70° F. It's a thin jacket but still a leather one! The windbreaker reference sounds bad but it's kind of appropriate. There is very little insluation from this coat, but wear a fleece under it and it's ok down to the low 30's, not warm mind but bearable for the walk to the car!

I hate to reference Tom Cruise but the Wested is a like a lot of jackets he gets to wear in his movies, when you get the sizing right it looks like part of you. You get to wear this jacket rather than the jacket wearing you, if that makes any sense! :).

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:44 pm
by Redinight
I would go for a Wested. I have a WingsVIP, and although it's the closest thing I have ever had to an Indy Jacket, I am anxious to get a Wested.

I had a particularly bad experience with Wings. Their customer service is unmentionable, with their return policy. It is not made for you, and the stitching was far from great. Very uneven stitching, three places it was found to be undone after the tag fell off. The pocket llining on a corner is completely unstitched, and the under armpit has a inch long whole! There is grain variation on EVERY peice of leather. There are at least four major blemishes on the leather, torn and pasted together. There is a deep 2" scratch on the collor. It should have went back just because of the sloppy craftsmanship.

With all this, I still like it, but I could have spent less for more.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:08 pm
by Kt Templar
Redinight wrote: I had a particularly bad experience with Wings. Their costumer service is unmentionable, with their return policy. It is not made for you, and the stitching was far from great. Very uneven stitching, three places it was found to be undone after the tag fell off. The pocket llining on a corner is completely unstitched, and the under armpit has a inch long whole! There is grain variation on EVERY peice of leather. There are at least four major blemishes on the leather, torn and pasted together. There is a deep 2" scratch on the collor. It should have went back just because of the sloppy craftsmanship.

With all this, I still like it, but I could have spent less for more.
Sounds like it came ready distressed.


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:21 pm
by VP
Kt Templar wrote:There is very little insluation from this coat, but wear a fleece under it and it's ok down to the low 30's, not warm mind but bearable for the walk to the car!
I wore mine yesterday while bicycling, I had a sweatshirt underneath and it was about 10 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit. Upper body was warm, but my legs were freezing 'cause I didn't have my long johns on.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:16 am
by Renderking Fisk
Keep our vendors in buisness and buy both. But start with the Wested.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:42 am
by Kittlemeier
I live in Valdosta, GA which is just about as close to FL as you can get without being there. I've got a Wested lamb, a G&B goat, and an ancient Cooper(I believe the makers of USW) cow? The Wested is definitely the way to go for versatility.

The Cooper was the greatest thing ever fifteen years ago when I got it but it just doesn't hold up spec wise now. I will say I don't know if they've changed their specs.

The G&B goat is a GREAT jacket. Tough as nails(especially when you're trying to distress it).

The Wested is(in my opinion) the best all around jacket for style, comfort, looks, and weather variety in the South.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:28 pm
by Malenfant
Not to chime in late, but here is my story:

I used to own both a wested and a US Wings. Sold the wested because it didn't fit quite right and I needed the money. That was two years ago.

What am I doing back here? Trying to figure out what Wested options I want.

Let me put that in even better "doh" story:

Shortly after selling my Wested, I got sent overseas for work for a few months.

There is a kick-arse photo of me standing in front of the "Treasury" building in Petra wearing a US Wings jacket.

Yeah, I thought it lame too.

- Malenfant