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PB Indy straw question
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 5:21 pm
by Arkansas Russell
Awhile back I ordered an Indy straw hat from Peters Bro. So far no hat and just excuses i.e. big show to go to, waiting on straw ect.
Has anyone else had this problem? Do I need to cancel this order and try to find a straw fedora somewhere else or what? I would like a Indy type fedora but at the price these are I can make do with another if the service is no better than this.
Thanks for any advice...
Stay Well
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 8:04 pm
by Michaelson
This IS their busiest time of the year rodeo wise, and in years past they wouldn't take any Indy orders past the middle of November, then not start again until mid March, so though it's something I'd believe myself, that's not excusing the delay.
I've only heard from Joe Sr. once in the past half year, and at that time he was getting over a really bad spell of the flu (this was just last month), but otherwise I've had little contact with them, so I'm not sure what the current story is. You might want to drop JPDesign a PM and see if he might know, as he said he'd be doing some shows FOR Peter's Bros, so he's talked to them about what's going on in the shop.
Regards! Michaelson
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 8:29 pm
by Arkansas Russell
Thanks Michaelson, what you said makes sense. I remember reading some past post about PB ...after I had placed my order, just didnt want to waste my time and money. I really like the looks of the Indy straw and here in my neck of the woods a straw really helps. So thanks for the heads up ... I will try and give them plenty of time.
Stay Well
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:06 pm
by Indiana Texas-girl
How long ago did you order it? Have you tried calling them up? The Stock Show ended a few weeks back, and they are probably just now getting caught up. Give them a call if you haven't and check on the status of your order.
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:12 pm
I know the PB website states 4 to 6 weeks. My _ Style Indy came 6 weeks to the day.
Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 6:23 pm
by Arkansas Russell
I placed my order Jan. 12 2006
canceled it by e-mail March 4, 2006
Re: PB Indy straw question
Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 9:03 pm
by Indiana Greg
Arkansas Russell wrote: Do I need to cancel this order and try to find a straw fedora somewhere else
Sorry to hear 'bout your problems... I had been coveting straw indy too, the realities life in the SE and all... have ya' seen the Stetson Panama Mello ?
might serve... any other possibilities?