My 1st Bash or Re-Bash
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:56 pm
I discovered this forum a couple years ago, and just kind of lurked around with my Stetson and Dorfman Indys. Last summer I finally bought a Peter's Bros. Indy, and joined COW. The first time I put on the PB and looked in a mirror, the only thing I could hear in my head was John wayne calling me a pilgrim. The PB had a 5 1/2" center dent crown, that was fairly level. The front pinch was very relaxed, and the brim was pretty flat. The brim is dimensional cut, 2 5/8" front and rear, and 2 1/2" on the sides. My visions of fortune and glory were dashed and I was only mildly dissappointed, heck, it was still a quality lid. About a month ago, after reading as many of the tutorials as I could find, I finally got up the nerve to start tweaking my PB. I started with the front of the brim, bending it down, and tightening up the front pinch. SInce then it has been a work in progress. I lowered the rear of the center dent and bent the sides and rear brim up. This is what I have now; ... n3359.html ... n3358.html ... n3356.html
OK, it's open season for suggestions, tips, hints, and criticisms.
Rick ... n3359.html ... n3358.html ... n3356.html
OK, it's open season for suggestions, tips, hints, and criticisms.