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Shirt modification

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:25 pm
by Rusty Jones
Hey guys, I modified my LL Bean shirt...

I folded over on the inside back of the shirt to make a giant kind of inside set of pleats... This was to take the poofiness out of the shirt, as, although its a small, it was tailored to fit various thicknesses... and I preferred a tighter look...

Before/After (I appologize for the darkness of the after pics, not sure what's up with that should have been the same lighting...)
ImageNote: didnt pop a button or anything, just realized I forgot to button one :c)

I really like the way it fits now better, the sleeves are a bit weird, and definatly 'high watered' if I reach out... but I like this tighter fit... I'm seriously considering doing the same to my Wested shirt... as the sleeves on it are a bit long anyway and it has the same looseness issue as this shirt... I have additional pics of the stitching on the back if anyone would like to see how I folded the fabric... (didnt wanna post 'em unless someone was interested)

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 5:15 am
by Swindiana
That looks good, Rusty. I've been thinking about having something like that done to my Wested shirt aswell, especially since I've lost a few pounds lately.
I'd love a few pics of the job, yes. ;)


Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:11 pm
by agent5
I did that to a couple of my Noel Howard shirts and I'm so glad I did. As far as I know, nobody makes a shirt that's tailored like the original. They're all waaaaay too baggy.
You just have to make sure you don't go too thin which, as you pointed out, makes the arms look too baggy then.

Looks good.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:14 pm
by Prof. Ed
You did a great job. Now that I'm a mature size, I have to purchase a military cut Ralph Lauren Polo in XL.
When I was 36 years old and going through a terrible divorce I was 136 pounds. All my clothes needed to be fitted. At 57 years old I'm 186-188 pounds. Fitted clothes feel funny. I'm getting used to the poof in the back :wink: Luckily, I don't look heavy. :?
Time will help fill out your shirts and pants, my friend. My WPG shirt is poofy, but feels good. If you were to purchase one, I would definitely recommend having it tapered.
I wish I knew how to sew. I have so many projects that I could do myself. Yesterday, I had a pair of Bill's Khaki's cuffed and suspender buttons put in. Cost:$23. My wife refuses to sew for me anymore. She rather me pay to have it done professionally. She said it isn't fun and makes her nervous.

Best regards and hope you enjoyed my monograph,

Ol' Prof. Ed

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 10:09 pm
by Rusty Jones
Yeah I'm not of a super advanced skill level so my mom helped with some with the sewing machine... just threading that thing seems mind boggling...

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 4:19 pm
by Obiwampa
Magnoli makes Indy shirts that are 99.9% screen accurate, and they are custom fitted for you, just like a :? Wested. I'm wearing mine right now and the only thing about it I dont like are the buttons. They are too brown.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 9:13 pm
by Rusty Jones
I thought the wested shirts were made to sizes, not custom measurements... I would love a magnoli, cost is an issue, however... once I get some despensable income I'll look into one