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Fed Reflections

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:22 am
by hank jr
I know we spend a great deal of time talking about which fedora is best for this or for that. I’ve been thinking about the fedora in general lately and have a few reflections of my old friend the Akubra Federation.

Last summer, I received a Fulbright grant to study religion in China. I got pretty excited about this and started the debate on which hat I should take on my first academic adventure. I own 2 Millers, two PB, and PBBM, and one Federation. I also debated on whether or not I really wanted to take an “Indiana Jones” hat—I mean, it just (at times) seemed too much. I packed a canvas Columbia boonie style hat and eventually settled on the Federation since it was the least expensive hat I owned—I think I paid $55 or so back in ’01 for it. I thought this would be a folly since I would not wear it anyway.

My first week of orientation in Beijing proved to be too much for the Columbia. One good rainstorm and high humidity left it out of service for about a week. My Fed, on the other hand, got rained on, soaked, and was dry the next day. Even after being run over by a bus, two motorcycles, and a car, it bounced right back into service. Needless to say, I ended up wearing the Fed all the time. In Yunnan, the boonies hat mildewed and fell apart and the Fed kept right on marching.

Here is what I learned about the fur felt fedora:

Practicality: Which is better in the horrid heat—canvas or fur felt? In my experience, it is fur felt. My Fed was as cool and comfortable as the canvas boonie. It also proved to dry faster and retain its shape better.

Durability: Like I said, my Fed took a beating in China. But it lasted and lasted. From the cities to the mountains to the remote farming villages, my Federation served me flawlessly. Only at the end did a bear spot emerge where some of the felt had been rubbed off. Besides that, it looked just as good at the end (better I think) as it did at the start.

The “Geek” factor: I have to admit this was a factor. When I ran into other Americans it was always “Hey Indy” and @#$% like that. I also heard, “Why do you wear that stupid hat?” That guy had to endure Chinese treatment for severe sunburn on his neck after an all excursion to the Ming Tombs. I sent him a card: I wear this stupid hat so I don’t have to be treated for sunburn—dumb ###.” The Chinese themselves dug it. Some thought it was a cowboy hat and I Chinese guy at the Forbidden City offered to buy it from me.

I just want to share that the Fedora, no matter what Gore-Tex says, is still the best hat around. It just makes good sense. But then, the adventurers have always known this. Long Live the Fur Felt Fedora!!!

Here is a link to some China photos

Re: Fed Reflections

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:49 am
by Feraud
Thanks for the review. Good to see people still talking about the Fed. I have been thinking about getting a new brown fedora and am trying to justify buying a hat as opposed to something I do not have. I was hoping my Fed would wear out or lose its color but it is still in top shape. The more I wear it the more comfortable it gets! It recently got soaked in the snowstorm we had last week. I used that as an opportunity to shape it a bit and let it dry. It looks as good as ever.
hank jr wrote:I also heard, “Why do you wear that stupid hat?” That guy had to endure Chinese treatment for severe sunburn on his neck after an all excursion to the Ming Tombs. I sent him a card: I wear this stupid hat so I don’t have to be treated for sunburn—dumb ###.”
:lol: :lol: Great reply. Some folks just do not get it.
Nice pictures too..

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 11:06 am
by J_Weaver
Great post Hank! It is indeed good to still hear about the old Fed. :)

Feraud, I'm in the same boat as you. I know I want another hat to wear hiking on those rainy summer days. I debating between Akubra Fed Deluxe and Overlander. My brain says, "Look, you got one Indy hat, you don't need another, get the Overlander." Then another part says, "Yea, but the Indy fedora is so dang cool!" I dont know what to do. :(

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 11:18 am
by Feraud
J_Weaver wrote:My brain says, "Look, you got one Indy hat, you don't need another..
Your brain and my wife say the same thing! :lol: :lol:

J_Weaver what brand is your current Indy lid? My second brown hat be something other than the Akubra. I am very happy with it but want to experience another hatmaker's work. There are two or three 'locals' that make very well received hats.

Half the fun is deciding whose hat to choose!

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 11:48 am
by J_Weaver
Feraud, my current lid is a rabbit AB. I got it open crown and bashed it myself. Its a great hat. The only reason that I'm after another hat is because I don't want to get it soaked and have it taper. Thus the reason I'm considering an Akubra. :)

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 12:04 pm
by Feraud
J_Weaver wrote:Feraud, my current lid is a rabbit AB. I got it open crown and bashed it myself. Its a great hat. The only reason that I'm after another hat is because I don't want to get it soaked and have it taper. Thus the reason I'm considering an Akubra. :)
Got it!

I recall reading a recent post where the reblocking process is good for the felt. I think Fedora wrote about this. The occurrence of taper and the reblocking process will lessen the longer you have and maintain the hat. A good soaking might benefit you in the long run! :wink: Just to go on record, one hat is never enough! :lol: :wink:

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 12:36 pm
by J_Weaver
Feraud wrote: A good soaking might benefit you in the long run! :wink: Just to go on record, one hat is never enough! :lol: :wink:
:lol: Yup, one hat is never enough!

You know I have though about the soaking and reblock thing. But then I don't have an excuse to buy another hat. :wink:

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 12:43 pm
by raindog
Hank Jr, you've just convinced me beyond any doubt to get an Akubra Fed :D
I was seriously considering getting one in the new year, now it's a certainty!
Of course....Now I have to decide whether to go brown or grey.... :roll:


Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 2:02 pm
by Snakewhip_Sable
Nice pics and a great review and an even better comeback. :clap:

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 2:52 pm
by binkmeisterRick
That's what it's all about, taking a good hat with you on a good adventure. Thanks for sharing! It's good to know that some of our "classic" offerings still hold their own. :wink:


Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 9:36 pm
by IndyFlyer
Nice story Hank Jr., thanks for posting. The Fed Deluxe was my first hat and only saw a brief weekend of wear with a quick dry bash to get by before being boxed up and shelfed for other reasons. I have recently been thinking of how I need to finally bring my Fed back out and take a stab at a real bash on it, and your story makes me even more eager.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:48 pm
by McFly
You know, the Akubra really is a trooper of a hat, from my experience. Even though my only other fedora is a Dobb's from the 60's (not much to compare with in terms of Indy lids, especially since I gave it a C-crown, and the brim is about 2 inches wide). However, my Akubra, which I'm wearing presently, has been through many a rain storm, and not failed me once. The first few times it went through the rain I had some brown dye leak off the brim, but that's over and done with now. This hat does not give up the fight. Man, I swear... even if I buy an AB, this thing will be my workhorse. Now my head just has to fill out a little so it doesn't look so wide on me... Image Image

Great story!

In Christ,

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 12:56 am
by Antone
Great story Hank! I love the way people who make "clever" comments about my fedora usually are standing in the rain getting soaked, or squinting in the sun, or some such. The tale of the fellow with sunburn made my day; there are few things more satisfying than seeing natural selection and divine retribution striking obnoxious stupid people at the same time.

I've got to agree about the Feds too; I got my Akubra on the premise that I wanted something that could take a beating and last, and what better than an Outback hat for that kind of thing! I've had Dorfmans, Stetsons, a Miller, and one or two other hats, but my Fed is a class above in terms of durability.


Get a Fed Deluxe, you won't regret it!


Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:32 am
by 3thoubucks
Fedoras were popular in China in the 30's and 40's, from what I've noticed in old photos and news reels.

The Hat

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:44 am
by hank jr
I really noticed the durability of the Fed as well. I saw a lot of people in Tilleys and other canvas hats. But, after a day in Yunnan during the rainy season those hats looked like limp wash cloths. The picture of me with the short Yi shaman (a Bimo) shows my Fed after a hike in the driving rain. It still looks great.

The Fed has become my new #1 work hat. I'll keep the YIJ Miller for more formal wear.


Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:13 pm
by Fedora
The Federations are hard to beat!! In fact, it is the only rabbit fedora that I would buy. And, it is about the only modern fur felt hat that I will reblock. Unlike many modern felt hats, it is a quality felt that will take countless reblocks without self destructing. You can also pounce these hats out to a really fine finish. The price is great too. All in all, it is a great hat. I plan on buying me a new one after the new year. It is a great bang for the buck fedora. Plus, Ron Lilburne of Hatsdirect is a heck of a guy. He is one of a kind, and gladly stepped up to the plate to provide us with a great Indy fedora when no one else could, or would. I hope we keep supporting him as he sure deserves it. Oh, and if any of you have heard that Akubra is outsourcing their felt to China, it ain't true. I just heard from a fan who has been in contact with Ron and Akubra, and nothing could be farther from the truth. The Akubras are still being made in Australia, and the continent would have to sink to the bottom of the ocean for them to change. :lol: Akubra is an old family business that has not went the way of Stetson in this country. Ron said that all it takes when dealing with them is a handshake!! :shock: No written agreements, no legal hocus pocus, just a firm handshake and a meeting of the eyes. Gosh, that is so refreshing!! I like it. Just like the old days. Fedora

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:37 pm
by Indyjim
That is all great news about the Feds still being made in Australia from Australian felt. I have a total of 6 Akubras. Great hats, everyone of them.
(Sorry Fedora, no AB......yet!) HatsDirect is indeed a great business to deal with. I have not had one single problem, despite the fact that the hats are a half-a-world away.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 3:36 pm
by Fedora
(Sorry Fedora, no AB......yet!) HatsDirect is indeed a great business to deal with. I have not had one single problem, despite the fact that the hats are a half-a-world away.
Quite allright! :D Everyone needs to own an Akubra! It is a good example of a good and hearty rabbit felt. That is what I really like about them, once I saw what most rabbit felt hats are like. And australian rabbit is the best the world as far as I know. Highly desirable by the old hatters. Heck, they have so many wild ones down there, and the wild rabbit is the best, for our purposes. I think Aaron of Aaron Hats had just added the Akubra line to his store. He must have liked what he saw!! regards, Fedora

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 3:37 pm
by 3thoubucks
Mau Tse-Tung, 1938 Image

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 6:43 am
by Renderking Fisk
The Regular Federation that I've owned for 3 1/2 years still has it's shape, even after being worn and abused by the boy who born the day after I got it.