I am hoping to get the "Protector," from B & L, and apply a faint misty spray over my Adventurebilt Beaver felt Indy hat in the coming weeks.
However, I applied a tad of the fullers earth onto the hat. And before I apply the "Protector" onto my hat I'll probably try to remove some of the fullers earth before-hand. I'm kinda new at the hat hobby, and this is probably a dumb question to ask, but what kind of brush would y'all recommend in helping to remove some of the fullers earth? I know that the AB is one tough hat, yet, I just want to make sure that I don't damage the felt whatsoever with anything too harsh....
I have a horsehair brush, that is semi-soft, and I thought that it would be best to ask the hat experts first with any advice or experiences in this situation...
Thank you for any help/suggestion!
Kind Regards,
Captain D