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When to Pecard a pre-distressed cowhide.....

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:02 am
by AntonioPastor
Good day everybody, I've just received a pre-distressed cow Wested, as of all their jacket's it's regardless to say how much I liked it, by the way, if you are thinking of buying a jacket to distress,consider the pre-distressed,it has the look that I was looking for,very used.

My question is, should I Pecard it wright now, in a while, or never?

I know it has been treated with acid,this process obviously "damages" the leather,so, should I protect the jacket ASAP?

Michaelson, I need your wisdom,here.


Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 12:52 pm
by Michaelson
A pre-distressed cowhide has had it's surface 'cracked', allowing the underlying leather fibers that have little to no dye show through. (that's why the jacket is lighter in areas). Pecards returns the lost moisture in that underlying area, and allows the fibers to pass back and forth by each other when the leather is flexed. That's why the jacket gets also helps make the leather be more water resistant, as that was lost when the surface was cracked as well.

I would suggest you put Pecards standard dressing on it now. It WILL make the jacket darker, so be aware that the lighter distressing will disappear...but it takes on a mahogney color, which to my eye is a much more pleasing color in appearance, while still showing coloration from use.

Yes, I would definitely put a coating of Pecards on it now. It won't hurt...unless you're not WANTING to make the jacket darker in color. If not, all you can do is apply (if you can find it) Scotchgard leather spray (in the brown can). This places a water resistant coating in the leather, but once dried, keeps the leather the same color as before. It won't replace the moisture, but it's something you can consider.

Considering it has had acid on the jacket, that's even more reason to use Pecards, in my opinion. It should help stabilize the leather, being pH balanced.

Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 1:16 pm
by AntonioPastor
As always, a great explanation, thank you Michaelson.
And by the way, my solidarity to Katrina's victims.
Mexican government has sent military trucks and ships with food and supplies,also effectives. I hope this tragedy is left behind soon, and all material damage repaired (human lifes can't be) so that beutiful New orleans recovers it's joy and it's life.

Regards to you all.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 1:22 pm
by Michaelson
Our thanks as well, antonio!! I was very impressed in reading that your trucks were rolling even before the project had been blessed by the Mexican government (who DID vote unamiously when it DID come to a vote, by the way) . WELL done!! High regards! Michaelson

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 4:05 pm
by eaglecrow
I owe a pre-distressed wested since a few years now. I found out that I wasn't satisfied with using pecards on my jacket over longer periods, so I tried to use leather antique finish on my jacket, and made a little distressing with it. When the jacket started to look right, I treaded it again with leather dressing ONCE.
There are different oppinions in here about the outcome, but I like it best this way

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 4:21 pm
by Michaelson
Just to satisfy my curiousity, Breine, please define what you mean by using a 'leather antique finish' on your jacket. Is it a product, or a process? :-k Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 5:00 pm
by eaglecrow
it's an product, I wrote something about it here:


and here with some (not good at all) pictures.

I personaly think that I found the look what I was searching for in a indy jacket since I can think of, although I might should try it again since I missed some spots and want retreat the jacket with it.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 5:06 pm
by Michaelson
Wow! I missed that entire string! :shock: #-o

Thanks, my friend! VERY educational!! :D

High regards! Michaelson

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:07 am
by eaglecrow
ýou're welcome, I missed that one:
