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WPG Original MK VII Ordered!!!
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:13 am
by IndyTaz

I can't believe it I actually saved the money to get one...I'm sooooo excited! I'm finally gonna be a member of the club

TAG strap is next...THEN THE WORLD BWAH HA HA HA ha ah...cough...
PS Yep I finally got a new digital camera too so I'll post pics as soon as...
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 10:50 am
by Spooky
You are on your way, IndyTaz.
If it is an original, I recommend you wash it ... there are some posts on this subject.
If I ever clean mine again, I will just hand wash/light rinse (not machine wash).
Also, I let mine air dry ... took a couple of days for it to dry completely.
Then, it's time to start filling it up.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:55 pm
by IndianaRedmon
Great news on the Mk VII IndyTaz
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:50 pm
by IndyTaz

Thanks folks and for the tips Spooky... You can bet I'll be reviewing those particular posts over and over before I even think of touching my MK VII.
Furthermore... I amazingly recieved an email from Jerry confirming my order long wait begins
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:29 pm
by schorsch
My take on the washing:
Most people have said nothing bad happened when they washed theirs, but mine got a strange pattern of rust spots. They appeared very dark as soon as I submerged the bag in water, in a ring around one of the drainage holes, and in a regular checkered pattern of spots over a large portion of the bag. I didn't use any soap, and I barely swished it around in the water, just to get rid of the smell.
The spots faded so that they are barely noticeable now, and I actually like the worn-in look it gave the bag.
I only mention this for posterity, so that future gearheads can look back and say "Never has so much been written about so little by so many."
I may post some pictures later.
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:45 pm
by IndyTaz
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:27 am
by Merrick
Napi-san if it stinks. A day or two in a bucket, then repeat. I've washed my MkVII in the machine before and it was ok, although others here have had disasters from this, so it's probably best not to.
Don't use dye remover on it either... but that's another story.
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 9:32 am
by IndyTaz

Nice to have another Aussie chime in Merrick...cheers. I'll take your thoughts under advisement
Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 11:59 pm
by IndyTaz
Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:47 am
by Indiana Williams
congrats IndyTaz,
your bag is exactly like mine but the makings in my bag are way more faded then yours.

are you going to put a strap on it, if so what kind of strap. I went with a TAG and I love it.
Best Regards,
Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:00 am
by IndyTaz

Thanks Indian Williams...Yes TAG strap for me. 72' long, "Raiders" buckle with grooves in the strap. Yum
Jerry, really impressed me. I was expecting mildew and musty smells. At the very least a little bit of corrosion.
Lucky us huh? I was however even more surprised at how dark the markings are. Wowie...You can really make out that VII huh? Just what I asked for

You planning to buy another? I wouldn't mind a MV VI and a repro now.
Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:35 am
by Indiana Williams
IndyTaz wrote:
Thanks Indian Williams...Yes TAG strap for me. 72' long, "Raiders" buckle with grooves in the strap. Yum
Jerry, really impressed me. I was expecting mildew and musty smells. At the very least a little bit of corrosion.
Lucky us huh? I was however even more surprised at how dark the markings are. Wowie...You can really make out that VII huh? Just what I asked for

You planning to buy another? I wouldn't mind a MV VI and a repro now.
how tall are you, ive heard that the 72 is too long even for most tall 5'9'' so the 65 is fine for me.I might buy a repro and in the future maybe another original MkVII.but i was really suprised about the condition it was in.anyways enjoy the bag.
Best Regards,
PS. heres the link to some pics of my bag that i got.
front of the bag
the makings on inside of flap
back of bag
pic of bag with T.A.G Raiders strap
Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 6:54 am
by Erri
WOW wonderful bag... no rust no smell.... lucky you!
I suggest you to fill it with books (not too heavy ones) so, in a couple of days, they will "iron" the bag without the need of a real iron
so how much for that bag?
Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 7:17 am
by IndyTaz

Thanks guys for the compliments
Indiana Williams: Mmm...My height is covered is this thread-
I think buying MK VII's could be a hobby in and of itself huh? What do you mean by you were surprised by the condition of my bag? Was yours better? Or is mine worse
Erri- Thanks for the book/iron tip. I'm going to do that right now. For sale???? ummm... Have to say it's suddenly increased in value to bout 1 AB
Regards All
PS This is for you Erri- Whet your appetitie:)

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:34 am
by Swindiana
Beautiful bag, my friend.
Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:19 am
by ob1al
Yup, that's a beauty! Congratulations on a fine purchase!
Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:26 pm
by Indiana Jerry
Wow! It looks unissued! Did it even smell musty at all?
It's in beautiful condition - use it in good health! - J
Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:06 pm
by Indiana Williams
IndyTaz wrote:Indiana Williams: Mmm...My height is covered is this thread-
I think buying MK VII's could be a hobby in and of itself huh? What do you mean by you were surprised by the condition of my bag? Was yours better? Or is mine worse
what I meant was that I wasnt expecting the bags to be in such great shape,mine didnt have any rust or worn spots.our bags look identical accept for the markings, mine a faded and yours arent.
Best Regards,
Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 5:24 pm
by Erri
Thanks for the pic Taz

i always imagined something like that.
Are you on the seaside anyway?