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Was it an original MkVII bag in Raiders?
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:43 am
by Last Crusader
When I was looking at some pictures of the MkVII bag I noticed a small sling on the left side of the bag. I have several MkVII bags, british, canadian and even one from India( Their army used them, too). None of them has this little sling.
So I wonder if the bag used in Raiders was an original one or at least a special version of the MkVII. Has anybody information about this sling? What was it for? ... _bag2a.jpg ... _bag3a.jpg ... -geara.jpg
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:51 am
by Erri
Some MKVIIs have it. It was made to link the thin rope to the bag.
I had it in my previous MKVII
:post: pardon... it's on my actual MKVII

the previous one didnt have it
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:57 am
by Last Crusader
Thanks for your answer.
I have four bags and none of them has it

That´s bad luck.
I think I´ll add it to my WPG replica.
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:03 am
by Erri
Unfortunately i cant read properly the name of the manufacturer because the name has faded a bit.
What i can read is
J. H. ... ... (LTD)
I cant see it in the list of the MKVII manufacturers listed in indygear, might be possible the original one?

i hope so
I'll take a pic of it soon.
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:04 am
by Vannevar
The bag was a gas mask bag. the web bit around ones neck orginally and the sling was wrapped around the chest to stabalise it. this enabled one to get to their gas mask easily. you can see it on newer bags, the "indiana travel bags".
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:23 am
by Gater
This string is why there is a lanyard disk on the other side. As Vannevar said, you wrapped the string around your back, and wound it around the disk to secure it in place. I have had 2 original Mark VII's with this string, but I removed them, because they were dried out.
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 9:24 pm
by Bufflehead Jones
My original bag has the string.
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 3:40 am
by Texas Raider
yeah, I have a few that still have the strings, including the interior one. I normally just remove 'em. I keep 'em though, no need to toss 'em.
have a nice day.
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 5:03 am
by Sheffield Jones
I added one of these lanyard loops to my WPG Bags.To me it improved it's over all look.I took the loop from my original Mk VII strap.
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:55 am
by Skippy
Looking at the front of the bag, there is a little pocket on the left side to hold the string which as everyone points out, was attached to this string loop (strap as you refer to it) which was sewn in just above that side pocket at the front of the bag; then used to secure the bag to the soldiers chest by passing it round the back & attaching it to the metal disk.
Now, all original bags have this loop on the left side of the bag, but in varing lengths. I have an S&K manufactured bag which has the accurate sized string loop to the Raiders bag you highlight in the Cario pics.
The W&G bag, of which one is known to have been screen used in TOD, has a VERY small string loop, with just enough room for the string it's designed to hold. I know this because I have a W&G bag too. Other makes vary in length as described, as with colour of the bags, snaps, etc., due to the different companies manufacturing the bags to the original design provided by the War Department.
If your bags don't have them, I would suggest they have been cut off. Look closely around the seam on the left front of the bag, by the small open top pocket, you will probably find the ends of the string still stitched into the bag.
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 12:27 pm
by Erri
Skippy wrote: I have an S&K manufactured bag which has the accurate sized string loop to the Raiders bag you highlight in the Cario pics.
You're right, you have the most accurate sting loop for raiders.
S&K you said, eh?

interesting... now i have to find one like yours

darn you!
I have the same loop but it's little, not as long as yours. Mine is very very very little.
PS little OT: if you accept my humble suggestion, i think a LC hat would suits you really great Skippy

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 2:08 pm
by Last Crusader
If your bags don't have them, I would suggest they have been cut off. Look closely around the seam on the left front of the bag, by the small open top pocket, you will probably find the ends of the string still stitched into the bag.
You are right! I just noticed that on two of the bags the seam has been opend. You can see that someone sewed there another stitching style than the original seams. Hmmm.... Why should someone remove the string?
On my other bag there is a little metal hook through the hole in this pocket for the string. I believe the string was directly attached to this hook without any extra sling(?) for it. I can´t find any clues for that there has ever been one.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 2:44 pm
by Skippy
Last Crusader wrote:You can see that someone sewed there another stitching style than the original seams. Hmmm.... Why should someone remove the string?
On my other bag there is a little metal hook through the hole in this pocket for the string. I believe the string was directly attached to this hook without any extra sling(?) for it.
That would be about right. Yet another manufacturer variation.
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 5:18 pm
by Mr. Jones
On my WG there is a small loop that the string is tied to..bit out of focus but you can see it ... 6640218619
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 5:25 pm
by Erri
Mr. Jones wrote:On my WG there is a small loop that the string is tied to..bit out of focus but you can see it
I have a very similar loop. My MKVII is made of an unknown label
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 5:35 pm
by Skippy
Yep, from the three or so W&G bags I've seen that's the default size of loop on their version of the bag.