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Once more, just to be sure...

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:05 pm
by Panama Tom Jr.
I've tried reading a bunch of the past posts on the subject, but can still find no sure answer on the subject of Alden sizing. On the Indygear main site the quote from the company is to go a 1/2 size small, yet others have stated to go with actual size. My size, measured in a local specialty shoe store, was 11D. I'm guessing that I should go with this size when ordering?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:10 pm
by Indiana Jess
Does the specialty shoe store that you visited sell orthopedic shoes? If not, I would go to a orthopedic shoe store to get measured. It's not just the the length of the shoe that can be different but also the shoe width. I normally wear a 10D, but when I had my feet measured for Alden's, they recommended 9 1/2 EE.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:13 pm
by Thomas
I spoke with Allen White at the aldenshop in SF, and he advised me to order my as-measured size. Granted I have duck feet and require a 3E, but when the boots arrived, they fit perfectly. They required no break in and still fit exactly right even now several months later.

I would recommend calling or emailing Allen and asking him for his advice regarding this sizing issue, since it seems we're getting some conflicting advice here.

A comforting thing to know is that if you order from the aldenshop, they are very good with returns. I bought another pair of shoes from them (not 405s) that showed up the NEXT DAY, had a defective sole, and they sent out a UPS ticket immediately after I called them to have them picked up from my house. The problem was solved in 3 or 4 days. Excellent service!