Raiders Pork Pie line. Where is it IN FRONT?
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:33 am
I did a lot of frame by framing of Raiders last week, looking for the pork pie line in the front of the hat. I couldn't see the "Line" anywhere in the (wearer's) left front dent of the Raiders hat, but I think I found it in the right dent. ... Here's a "gambler" hat (made of the highest grade of soft flocked plastic, "permalux", and it's a complete 360 stove pipe.) If I pinch and bash it off center, the pork pie line is only obvious in the right dent, with nothing to be seen in the left dent. - like the Raiders hat- The left line is there, but it's right at the top where the "felt" bends. The line looks similar to the Raiders hat in this scene where Indy pushes out the stone block to escape the Well of Souls. I called it the pork pie line, but I admit, it could be another type of telescope. This gambler hat doesn't make a perfect Indy hat either. Maybe it has to be a tight telescope, or the dome needs to be higher. You might step back from your computer to see the line better. If I made this picture smaller, I'd get those weird lines in it. ...Now, ... just in case you forgot what line I'm talking about ....