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What was your 1st Indy gear?
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:41 am
by Herr Jones
What was your first Indy gear and why did you choose that first? I started with a fedora as I’m a hat person – well more that I don’t like the sun on me. I know I have quite a long ways to go compared to many but since the obsession has taken over I’ll just go with it. Enjoy

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:49 am
by Band Director Jones
Lambskin Wested in the Last Crusade style. My second piece was a MKVII, followed quickly by a fedora, then another, then . . . well you know the rest. The funny thing is that all I really wanted was the jacket.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 12:03 pm
by VP
Akubra Federation.
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:08 pm
by Jens
The Fedora (the "official" Mayser - well, official does not mean accurate).
The hat was the thing that I wanted first, because it was some kind of Indy's trademark.
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:11 pm
by agent5
All of it. I bought it all at once, thanks to my wife. I asked which gear I should get first and she replied, "Why not just get it all now and be done with it". So, I did.
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:13 pm
by Mola Ram
Akubra Snowy River
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:14 pm
by Indiana_Tom
I also had this @#$% called "authentic Indiana Jones headwear" by Mayser as my first Indygear Item...
Can't imagine that I was that stupid to believe this was "authentic"... :evil:
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:35 pm
by Mojave Jack
agent5 wrote:All of it. I bought it all at once, thanks to my wife. I asked which gear I should get first and she replied, "Why not just get it all now and be done with it". So, I did.
Man, you're wife is cool! My wife just tolerates my collecting; sort of the way everybody humors that crazy uncle in the family.
My first
real gear was my MK VII bag. Before that I did have a sort-of Indy fedora, but it was wool, hot, floppy, and I dropped it off at the Goodwill. Back when I was about 15 I had a bullwhip (story about that
here), so that might count.
And then I found IndyGear, and am now afraid I am terminal....and just getting started.
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:55 pm
by rick5150
agent5 wrote:All of it. I bought it all at once, thanks to my wife. I asked which gear I should get first and she replied, "Why not just get it all now and be done with it". So, I did.
That is awesome. Are you really done with it yet though?

If not, does she still feel the same way?
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 3:14 pm
by Canyon
My first piece of 'gear' was a fake gun.
I actually bought it to go to a fancy dress party some years ago, when I was dressed as a gangster (cos I couldn't get hold of a Tommy Gun)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 3:35 pm
by Zach R.
My first was the bag, the only reason it was first is because its what I had enough money for at the time.
Then there was the hat(wool DP), shirt, and the Wested TOD.
The next item on the list is an Adventurebilt.
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 3:41 pm
by DanielJones
Hi all!
One of my first bits of gear was one of the original wool Stetson Fedoras back in 1984. It was accepted quite well back then, because there was a group of us in high school that were known as the Hat Squad. Sadly though, there are only a handful of us that still wear fedoras. All the rest fell into the ball cap rut. I also had a Schott Brother A2 style distressed leather jacket that I had to 'mail order' from the Sportsmans Guide. Those were the days.
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 4:38 pm
by BendingOak
My first gear was a stetson hat that I bought over twenty years ago ( don't have it anymore).
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 4:51 pm
by Strider
Dorfman Pacific "official" wool fedora.
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:50 pm
by Wrightknife
Mine was a Stetson TOD fedora, I have had it over 20 years. In the last 2 weeks I have purchased: WPG shirt, Akubra Federation and web belt. Got confirmation today that my Wested Goatskin TOD is on the way..You gotta Love it .... You can't control it.... Or I guess we WON'T control it rather.
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 6:14 pm
by Mojave Jack
Pagey wrote:I strived for a hat for a LONG time without success - until I found this place 3 years ago and bought an Akubra Federation. That was a revelation and I've not stopped spending money since!!!!!!

*Groan* I knew it was hopeless to resist!
Why can't I just have a
cheap hobby, like collecting potatoes that look like Richard Nixon or something?!
By the way, Pagey, love the new avatar! Very cool.
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 6:16 pm
by Zach R.
Who says that would be any cheaper, those things are going for upwards of a thousand bucks on e-bay.
The ones that look like Teddy Roosevelt even more than that!

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 7:55 pm
by Indiana Aidil
My first gear was a Authentic Lamb Raiders Jacket.
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:05 pm
by agent5
That is awesome. Are you really done with it yet though? If not, does she still feel the same way?
I am still on the lookout for vintage gear now. That's about as deep as you can get, I guess. For now though, the gear has been complete for over a year, exactly the way I want it. Some of you know I'm VERY hard to please so for me to say I'm now satisfied is cool. Now it's on to other Raiders characters for me since Indy is a been there, done that.
My wife died two years ago but she put up with my purchases fairly well. She had her own large collection and I always told her that if she really wanted something to go get it, within reason, of course. Make yourself happy, I say.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:53 pm
by Swindiana
WPG bag. Mark seven.
I just needed it.
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 12:04 am
by Feraud
I have always been a hat person. A brown fedora was first. I had a "close enough" surplus bag that garnered me a lot of Indy comments. I currently have/use a Fed Deluxe, lambskin Wested, WPG bag and "close enough" Indy style shirt, pants and boots.
My next purchase will probably be the Wested Indy shirt.
Does a bronze fertility idol count as gear? If so, then include this:

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 12:09 am
by J_Weaver
My first piece of real Indy gear was my TOD Wested. However, it seems like I've some sort of close enoughs for years and years.

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 4:52 am
by Merrick
Akubra fed here.
Although I've always had whips, but then that was work gear rather than Indygear.
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 4:57 am
by Erri
My first piece of gear was a stetson hat 1984 licensed
then i went nut for WWII bags

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 7:03 am
by Jens
Nice hat, erri!
Look at the size of that ... bow!

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 7:07 am
by Scandinavia Jones
A 10 ft cowhide whip for about 13 years ago. Learning to crack it did hurt.
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 9:09 am
by Erri
IndyJens wrote:Nice hat, erri!
Look at the size of that ... bow!

Very thank you, it's a very nice hat after all and i like it

anyway soon i wil have an adventurebilt

:D:D:D . I posted many other pics of the hat somewhere else if you are interested

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 9:14 am
by Hemingway Jones
I bought various brown fedora style hats from men's stores back in the eighties that I abused and destroyed, though I never had an 'official' Indy hat: DP or Stetson. I did have other brown Stetsons though.
I also have always worn safari-style clothes: shirts, pants and boots.
About three years ago my trusty leather jacket became too small for me.

I decided to replace it with a jacket similar to Indy's. I figured, there must be something on the Internet that is close. So, I did a search and ended up on the Main Page where I stayed for months before I clicked the forum button. I bought a Wested authentic lamb that is still my only jacket. Then I bought an Akubra that I kept until I got my first AB. Who knows where I will go from here?
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 12:26 pm
by Bufflehead Jones
Band Director Jones wrote:Lambskin Wested in the Last Crusade style. My second piece was a MKVII, followed quickly by a fedora, then another, then . . . well you know the rest. The funny thing is that all I really wanted was the jacket.

We had very similar paths. My first piece of gear was a leather bomber jacket that I bought at a wholesale warehouse type of store in the 1980's. I think I paid $99 for it. I still have it but I am sure that it must have shrunk over the years as it is a little too small for me to wear. I know that I didn't get any bigger, I was big enough already.
When I found IndyGear, the only thing that I wanted was the jacket. I never had really worn any hats. My first purchase was a Wested authentic lamb. Then I said, "well, I have THE jacket, maybe I should get THE hat." Then an original issued bag because I got it cheap. Then I might as well get the pants and shirt. And, heck, why not some Aldens. Then, a better hat came along....And...Wow, look at that idol...
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 12:41 pm
by HJJr
First was a fedora. The wool one that came out about the time of Temple with the Indy picture inside the body and the Indiana Jones pin down the side. First gray, then a second brown one. Then the Barons Crusader.
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 12:58 pm
by Luisiana Jones
Mine was Disney´s fedora, man i just love that hat, it might be tapered, it might be non screen ac but i´ve had so many adventures with it ^^
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 4:49 pm
by Erri
HJJr wrote:First was a fedora. The wool one that came out about the time of Temple with the Indy picture inside the body
I think it's what i have, there's indy holding a whip inside the hat. It's a 1984 stetson licensed

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:57 pm
by IndianaRedmon
Akubra Federation was the first piece of Indy Gear I received. I had it delivered to where I work. However, that afternoon, when I got home, my surplus Mark VII bag had arrived. All in all it was a good day

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 10:28 pm
by DanielJones
The official Stetson that I had in high school I have recently found, and have passed it on to my girlfriens son. He will be the next Indy Gearhead generation.

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 10:50 pm
by Bernard
Well, I dont have any of the "signature" Indy gear yet like the hat or jacket. I did purchase some LL Bean shirts after researching on the internet and stumbling upon this site. I have always liked Safari style clothing and would like to get an adventure built hat next or possibly some aldens. as i purchase my next items i will post pictures of the new gear "in action!" oh, Beloqs gear is pretty cool too, I would like to get one of those hats.
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 11:05 pm
by Rumpled Fedora
'nuff said
1st Gear
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 12:15 am
by Spooky
Flightsuits (Now: Gibson & Barnes) Goatskin Indy Jacket.
A no-brainer since I like jackets and knew I would wear it (nearly) everyday.
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 4:20 am
by Erri
Bernard wrote: Beloqs gear is pretty cool too, I would like to get one of those hats.
I remember someone found maybe a website selling them but cant remember very well, have a look on old topics.
I would love to have those '800 colonialists style hats too. Those are for "romantic" adventures

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 5:01 pm
by Herr Jones
Thanks all for sharing how you started. I’ve enjoyed all the posts and hope you have also - I look forward to more. It was interesting to see some of the lower keyed items chosen first. And any item related to Indy counts from an idol to the diary or any other character I just didn’t include them as there are so many. I was also hesitant to include the pants in the poll because of the many “close enough” items and there are only a few items that can be considered authentic.
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 7:46 pm
by HJJr
erri_wan wrote:HJJr wrote:First was a fedora. The wool one that came out about the time of Temple with the Indy picture inside the body
I think it's what i have, there's indy holding a whip inside the hat. It's a 1984 stetson licensed

Yep. Got the gray one and the brown one. My son wears the brown one when we play the Emperor's Tomb on PS2. I'm in my AB of course.
Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 2:57 am
by Erri
HJJr wrote:
Yep. Got the gray one and the brown one. My son wears the brown one when we play the Emperor's Tomb on PS2. I'm in my AB of course.
Well i used to wear an old helmet when i played at Rainbow Six Rogue Spear
A gear for everygame

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 11:07 am
by Forrestal
My first piece of gear was a custom-made fur felt Raiders fedora from Levine Hat Company, St. Louis, Missouri. Still the best Hat I ever owned. It is 20 years old this year and still looks new.
Well worth the $35.00 it cost back then!
Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 12:50 pm
by Pyroxene
My first piece of gear was a Disney Fedora from the MGM Studios.
Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 1:31 pm
by Herr Jones
All of it. . . .
agent5, what does your gear collection consist of?
Herr Jones
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 12:40 am
by Forrest_Bell
My first and still my favorite (Its currently my school bag)
Heres a pic from after a four wheeling competition
Four wheelings gotta be my favorite distressing technique.
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 1:11 am
by BendingOak
forrestal, can you post a pic of that hat?
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 1:16 pm
by Pyroxene
Forrest_Bell wrote:My first and still my favorite (Its currently my school bag)
Heres a pic from after a four wheeling competition
Four wheelings gotta be my favorite distressing technique.
That bag looks really distressed.
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 1:22 pm
by agent5
agent5, what does your gear collection consist of?
About the only things my collection doesn't focus on at this time are the original Raiders figures. I still have my loose originals but I still find that too many other items come to auction for me to spend the money on the old figures just yet as most of them are in the $hundreds$ or more.
I do have lots of posters, domestic and foriegn. Lobby cards, cut and uncut. Boxes of cards, uncut card sheets, unproduced material, original and replica props/costumes, proof sheets, games, magazines, books, theater preview tickets, original film, dvds, videos, beta's, videodiscs and records/tapes from all over the world, fan made material, pins/buttons, comics, etc, etc, etc. There is SO much miscellaneous material.
Then, there is also the gear.
Basically, if it has anything to do with Raiders in any capacity, I'd want it for my collection.
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 1:47 pm
by Michaelson
Sounds like my boxes and boxes of stuff sitting in storage right now. I've tapered off so much in the past years, I hardly buy anything now unless it's something that's extremely 'different'. I'm pleased you still have the 'spark' for it, agent5.

Regards! Michaelson
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 1:54 pm
by Forrestal
I can take a digital picture of the hat, but I don’t have any way to host the picture so it can be posted.
Can anyone help here?
(not Forrest_Bell)