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fedora for a n00b gearhead

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 10:06 pm
by JohnsonReese826
i need to find a cheap but hardy fedora.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 10:31 pm
by Mulceber
Akubra Federation. :junior: -IJ

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 10:36 pm
by Indiana Wayne
You can save up for a rabbit Adventurebilt.

Click Here For Adventurebilt Hats.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 10:45 pm
by Mulceber
Yeah, but I think by cheap he meant under $100. All I'm saying is that "cheap" and "hardy" are the moniker usually assigned to the Federation. :junior: -IJ


Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 11:36 pm
by BendingOak
Yes this is true but if you wait and save a few more dollars you could have a rabbit adventurebilt.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 3:20 am
by Strider
The Adventurebilt, while being one of the absolute best hats on the market, is not the only hat out there. The Akubra Federation and Federation Deluxe are wonderful hats, surely not to be under-recommended just because of the existance of the Adventurebilt.

I really feel like the Akubra twins are a good choice if you can't afford an Adventurebilt. I know that a lot of folks on here like to say: "save up for this". Well, what if you want an Indy hat now? We all know how that feels. Later on, after someone's had an Akubra for awhile, they can upgrade to an Adventurebilt and experience the difference for themselves.

High Regards,


Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 4:00 am
by BendingOak
strider thats very true but I spent a lot of money on other fedora's that I wish I had waited and spent them on the adventurebilt.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 5:29 am
by rick5150
What size are you? I am looking to thin out my collection...

Re: fedora for a n00b gearhead

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 8:29 am
by Hemingway Jones
JohnsonReese826 wrote:i need to find a cheap but hardy fedora.
Without editorializing, I would like to answer your question. Personally, I love the Adventurebilt Hats for quality, style, and materials. I am the type of person who buys the right thing; high quality, so I don't have to replace it.

I have an Akubra. I wore it quite a bit, but it shrivelled and tapered in eight months and it has turned green. :mrgreen: I wear it now in the pouring rain. I could not in clear conscience recommend this hat to you.

I wouldn't worry about what every one else buys or wears; that is inmaterial. Buy what is right for you, and the fact that so many people here have recommended an Adventurebilt Hat to you, means something. They are awesome hats, awesome!
Click here for pics
Click here for MORE pics! :D Good luck!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 10:19 am
by binkmeisterRick
You make a good point, birthday boy. :wink: I love my Adventurebilts. And coming from someone who has worn and collected vintage hats as long as he can remember, you can't go wrong with an Adventurebilt. Yet, for the sake or arguments, JerseyJones is now shipping his Camptown 1936 Fieldmaster fedoras. They come unbashed, and are a fur blend, if I remember correctly, but the pics I've seen are impressive. It's another option. Or, you can do like some, and keep buying and selling off hats until you find one you're happy with.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 11:15 am
by Michaelson
I'll let you know when my Camptown arrives, bink. Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 11:45 am
by Andy Buse
Didn't I also see an option for layaway on Adventurebilt's web site in the payment options page? That might be a good way to go too.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 11:52 am
by Richard~Buxton
Just wait until you have enough to afford an A B, then get one, it's the only way to go. :wink:

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 12:10 pm
by Feraud
I think we are confusing him all the more! :)
He did request cheap and hardy. Of course those terms are relative but we should be able to narrow it down a bit.
Can we get a list going of the price, pros and cons of the available hats?

Akubra Federation Deluxe.
Approx. $130. usd.
Pros - good color, well made and durable.
Cons - possibly not as 'scene specific' as people prefer.
Image ... ops122.jpg

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 1:02 pm
by Renderking Fisk
NOBODY ever saves money by buying the cheaper version FIRST then the genuine deal SECOND.

Save until you can buy the best.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 1:32 pm
by Feraud
I would like to make the arguement for starting off slow. I am not sure of JohnsonReese824's position in terms of IndyGear but speaking in a general sense I have seen people get involved in hobbies blow lots of cash and lose interest down the line. I know guys who have decided overnight to become 'bikers'. They spend a lot of cash on a Harley, a lot more money on aftermarket products and the 'official Harly Davidson outfit', then lose interest in a year or so!

I advocate anyone approach a hobby with great interest and restraint! There is plenty of time to spend a lot of money on 'top of the line' gear. Some people need the experience of just wearing a fedora as opposed to starting off owning the most screen gear. It is not a waste of money to spend a hundred bucks or so to get the feeling of the Indy Gear. It is a waste of money for a anyone to save for the best, and I will add pricey gear, only to possibly lose interest in the hobby a year or two later. Btw, my comments regarding price are in no way meant as derogatory towards the AB hat. I like what I have heard about it and am putting it on my 'to get' list!

Re: fedora for a n00b gearhead

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 2:00 pm
by Minnesota Jones
JohnsonReese826 wrote:i need to find a cheap but hardy fedora.
You can tell we're all passionate about our fedoras around here. :wink: But we need to look at the question. Cheap but hardy. If we look at inexpensive, we have the Dorfman's (both wool $30 approx and fur felt $100 approx) and also the Akubra (approx $100 or so). But, is this fedora for a costume? A one time thing? If a costume, not everybody would want to spend the money on an AB, or an Optimo, or even a Mercury Indy from Peter Bros. If it's for daily wear, you may want to look at other options. Or give us more information as what the fedora is for. Or what is the price range you can spend on a fedora. We know of fedoras from $30 up to $1200 and more. All depends on what you want out of it, and what you're willing to spend.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 2:25 pm
by Nicht Storen
I have had my Akubra Fed since December and have not had any problems with the hat. I've worn it in the rain & snow and there has been no taper nor color change. This is my first and only fedora I own, but I will consider others in the future including an AB. If you are looking for a good inexpensive hat, this is where I'd start.

Re: fedora for a n00b gearhead

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 3:05 pm
by Indiana Jess
JohnsonReese826 wrote:i need to find a cheap but hardy fedora.
I agree with MJ about deciding how much you feel comfortable spending on hat and then work within that decision. My only warning is stay away from wool! If that thing gets wet, it will shrink like there's no tomorrow.

Re: fedora for a n00b gearhead

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 3:07 pm
by Zach R.
Yes, I learned that the hard way, whatever you do, stay away from wool.[/i]

Re: fedora for a n00b gearhead

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 3:26 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Indiana Jess wrote:
JohnsonReese826 wrote:i need to find a cheap but hardy fedora.
I agree with MJ about deciding how much you feel comfortable spending on hat and then work within that decision. My only warning is stay away from wool! If that thing gets wet, it will shrink like there's no tomorrow.
Gee, you mean I get to agree with Jess? Something IS wrong here! :lol:

These are excellent points. If you have a set budget on what you want to spend, don't feel you have to go outside of that budget if you find something that fits the bill for you. Thinking back, I NEVER would have imagined paying much more than $100 for a fedora at one point. But being a serious hat wearer, and learning as I go, I discovered that the AB was as close as I'd come to a good vintage beaver hat, apart from buying an actual vintage hat. But I also had great luck with my Akubra as well as many other hats on the way. If I was looking for a costume hat only, then the AB might raise an eyebrow. But since I wear a fedora nearly every day, then it makes sense for me to buy a hat that will last for a good number of years.

It is very easy to loose sight of what realy matters, and it's good to be reminded of the JOY of this hobby from time to time, not just the price tag.

And Michaelson, I DO want to know how you like your Camptown!


Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 3:28 pm
by Michaelson
I'll make my report, bink, don't you worry. It's supposed to arrive Thursday. \:D/ Regards! Michaelson

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 3:37 pm
by J_Weaver
Michaelson, we all want to know about the Camptown. Be sure to post pics if you can! :)

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 3:38 pm
by Mulceber
Save until you can buy the best.
As much as I love my AB (and believe me, I DO!) JohnReese826 didn't ask us whether we thought he should wait and save up, he asked us what was a cheap and hardy hat. The best answer there is a Fed or Fed deluxe. Period. :junior: -IJ

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 5:47 pm
by Richard~Buxton
Well, yes but how much are you willing to spend though, $20 to $50.
or $100+.? if the latter and if the Fed deluxe is the at 130. your much better of saving the extra $20, and getting the Rabbit Adventurebilt for $150.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 6:06 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Good point, IJ. But if price is the answer, then the Akubra is a good choice, just as the rabbit Adventurebilt isn't a bad choice, either. Leaving the beaver hats out of the running, you could ask yourself the following:

A. What is the ceiling I am willing to pay for a hat?
B. Given that price range, how important is quality vs. price within that parameter?
C. Do I want to shape the hat myself or do I want it to arrive pre-bashed?
D. How important is screen acuracy? Do I want a "dead ringer" or something "close enough?"

The above are all valid questions. Given this criteria, the Akubra Federation and Federation Deluxe are wonderful hats. I have only owned a standard Federation, but for the money, it's an excellent hat. I have no qualms with owning an Akubra. However, the Akubra only comes unbashed. I didn't have a problem with figuring out how to bash my own hat. In fact, I even enjoyed the process. But not everyone is the same. And even though the Akubra is an excellent fedora, if you are picky to a "T" about screen acuracy, then there are certain issues with the Akubra. For instance, folks have complained about the ribbon and the shape of the bow. Some folks have issues with the block shape, too. And even though it has a dimensional brim, apparently the brim size is the same whether you order a 6 7/8 or a 7 7/8, meaning the brim is not always in correct proportion to the rest of the hat.

Please don't get me wrong, I am not trashing the Akubra. It's a great hat and perfect for many. However, here is why I would give the AdventureBilt rabbit consideration if it is in your budget. First of all, if I recall correctly, it is not much more than the Deluxe Federation in price. Second, if you want as screen acurate a hat as possible, Steve will do everything in his power to provide you with a fedora that looks like the hat Ford wore in any selected scene of the movie, be it Idol, Raven, Ciaro, or whatever. If you want to bash the hat yourself, he will send it to you open crowned. Many feel he has "the" block and the magic to make an Indy fedora happen. Also, he has a 100% guarantee on his hats. Akubra does not. Once you bash the Akubra, it's yours, period. Steve will do whatever it takes to make you a happy customer. As an owner of both the Akubra and AB, I think the AB wil ltake more abuse over time. I must confess, though, that I have a beaver AB, and not a rabbit AB.

There may also be another contender. Though I don't recal the price, JerseyJones' Camptown 1936 Fieldmaster fedoras are now being sent out. I believe they only come open crowned, but I am eager to hear Michaelson's review when his comes in. From what I've seen, these also look like great hats for the money. And they may be within the buget you have set aside for a hat.

Someone brought up the concern that perhaps a person only wants a costume hat for ocasional wear. In that case, a fur felt Dorfman Pacific may even due the trick and fit into an individual's set of parameters for the perfect hat.

It all comes down to enjoying whatever hat you wear. Period. Admittingly, many of us praise the AdventureBilt because we are amazed by the quality, materials, craftsmanship, and look--especially for the price offered. The AB could easily sell for hundreds more, but Steve refuses to do that. It is entirely possible that some of us (myself included) forget that not all of us can even afford to save up for an AB, or that perhaps the AB is not perfect for everyone. To anybody and everybody looking for a good fedora, do your homework, ask questions (even if it keeps us in line!), and above all, enjoy your hat!


Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 6:26 pm
by Richard~Buxton
Good post Bink, that should clear a few things up for him. :wink:

But where's he gone.? :shock:

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 7:06 pm
by Zach R.
I'm pretty sure we scared him off with the responses to his jacket thread. :P

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 7:42 pm
by Fedora
I want to chime in. :D I hope it is ok, since I am a vendor now. Of course, it goes without saying that I recommend my own line of hats, but I am an honest guy and have owned 99.9 per cent of all of the Indy hats offered. I will vouch for a couple, based upon price and bang for the buck, as that has always been important to me. And, I have owned them. The Federation, both the regular Federation and the Deluxe Federation are both great hats. Well worth the price, and tough too. They come opened crowned, and you style yourself. Then there is the Keppler, sometimes hard to get in a timely fashion, but still worth the price in my opinion, and Lee does an excellent joy in styling it for you. I have seen some mighty fine looking Kepplers. Our friend Jersey Jones, has his own line out now, and I cannot comment as I have not held one in my hand. But, I know where the felt is from, and it is better than most felt available in off the shelf hats. I can also vouch for a ###### hat, although, I think this one will be out of many folk's price range. But, he is way up there on the quality list. I would also mention Art Fawcett, but Art is in the middle of moving to Oregon and has sold his vintage clothing and hat business, but will reopen soon, but Art specializes in vintage styled hats and is heavy on artistic license, and doesn't really want to do Indy hats due to the analism of folks like us. :lol: So, there are many good and excellent choices out there, and thank goodness for that. It ain't always been thataway. :wink: Ok, that's my 2 cents. regards, Fedora

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 9:06 pm
by J_Weaver
Chime away Steve! You were a fan long before you were a vendor. :D

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 9:33 pm
by Dalexs
Com'on guys... the guy asked for the cheapest and hardiest hat available...
I'm not knocking Steve or the AB, but if we're talking under $100, hardy as all heck (and lets not forget quick shipping)
Akubra Regular Federation, hands down.

You people love to abandon all that make this hobby great as soon as the next latest and greatest comes along.

Show if hands, how many of you have/still own on of the Akubras?
I do! 2 in fact. The one in my avatar is probably 7 years old.
I got it when they first came out.
Will I get an AB, yeah, maybe someday.

It's not like we're telling him to got out and get a DP or a Stetson...

Lest we forget... "Its the best Hat I've worn in 20 years..."

So there... :P


Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 9:40 pm
by J_Weaver
Dalexs, you took the words right out of my mouth. Er...well, maybe right off of my keyboard. :lol:

The Akubra reg is a fine hat. I don't personally own one but my dad does. He paid about $130 for is shipping and all. So by getting an Akubra instead of the AB you could save about $40. :)

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 9:45 pm
by Glurrk
Dalexs wrote:Show if hands, how many of you have/still own on of the Akubras?
Count me in that group, too. I've owned a regular Akubra for about four years or so, and it's held up pretty well. It's been rained on, and every winter a few inches of snow get dumped on it. It still possesses a reverse taper, and I use a hatbrush whenever it needs it.

The color may have faded SLIGHTLY, but mine was carbon grey, so is still extremely presentable. I think it's a great hat, and I don't see the need to upgrade until something bad happens to my current hat. :)

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 11:35 pm
by agent5
Just wait until you have enough to afford an A B, then get one, it's the only way to go.
Well, defintely not the only way to go, but a good road to travel nonetheless. I liked it alot when I saw it.
Honestly, just keep checking old posts. We really can't give you any more info then what's already been said. Keep a list of the pro's and con's of each hat from old posts and make your decision accordingly.

Good luck.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 11:41 pm
by Mola Ram
Dalexs wrote:Com'on guys... the guy asked for the cheapest and hardiest hat available...
I'm not knocking Steve or the AB, but if we're talking under $100, hardy as all heck (and lets not forget quick shipping)
Akubra Regular Federation, hands down.

You people love to abandon all that make this hobby great as soon as the next latest and greatest comes along.

Show if hands, how many of you have/still own on of the Akubras?
I do! 2 in fact. The one in my avatar is probably 7 years old.
I got it when they first came out.
Will I get an AB, yeah, maybe someday.

It's not like we're telling him to got out and get a DP or a Stetson...

Lest we forget... "Its the best Hat I've worn in 20 years..."

So there... :P

Still got mine.

A fine and hardy hat, well worth it.


Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 1:13 am
by Andiana
Ben -

I would suggest getting a Dorfman first (Disney Fed).
It's not like an AB or Akubra, but it's a VERY good fedora. I wore mine for 8 years( you know) and I still love it. It's a good hat for a gear-head just starting out. Maybe next time we go to DIsneyland, I'll show you one closely.

Ps. - Reece, when you post a topic, it's best to check back to see your replies after a day or so lol.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 2:01 am
by Strider
Dalexs wrote:Com'on guys... the guy asked for the cheapest and hardiest hat available...
I'm not knocking Steve or the AB, but if we're talking under $100, hardy as all heck (and lets not forget quick shipping)
Akubra Regular Federation, hands down.

You people love to abandon all that make this hobby great as soon as the next latest and greatest comes along.

Show if hands, how many of you have/still own on of the Akubras?
I do! 2 in fact. The one in my avatar is probably 7 years old.
I got it when they first came out.
Will I get an AB, yeah, maybe someday.

It's not like we're telling him to got out and get a DP or a Stetson...

Lest we forget... "Its the best Hat I've worn in 20 years..."

So there... :P

J_Weaver wrote:Dalexs, you took the words right out of my mouth. Er...well, maybe right off of my keyboard. :lol:

The Akubra reg is a fine hat. I don't personally own one but my dad does. He paid about $130 for is shipping and all. So by getting an Akubra instead of the AB you could save about $40. :)
Strider, waaayy up there, wrote:The Akubra Federation and Federation Deluxe are wonderful hats ....

I really feel like the Akubra twins are a good choice if you can't afford an Adventurebilt. I know that a lot of folks on here like to say: "save up for this". Well, what if you want an Indy hat now?
:wink: :P 8)


Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 10:26 am
by binkmeisterRick
Dalexs wrote:Com'on guys... the guy asked for the cheapest and hardiest hat available...
I'm not knocking Steve or the AB, but if we're talking under $100, hardy as all heck (and lets not forget quick shipping)
Akubra Regular Federation, hands down.
Dalex, rereading the original question, JohnsonReese826 himself never gave his price range on what he considered a "cheap" fedora. I think the $100 mark is a good indicator, but even that could be too much for someone's budget. That's why I think it's important to set your personal budget for a hat (or whatever) and look into the options based upon that. If, say, $100 is the most you want to spend, then hands down I agree, the Standard Akubra Federation is the way to go. But if your budget is a little more than that, then the Deluxe Federation, Camptown, or AdventureBilt Rabbit may be worth considering. Again, it al depends upon what budget you set for yourself.

I still have my Standard Akubra Federation. It's a great hat, though I wear it more as a garden hat now. But I have nothing against Akubras. Even after owning my AdventureBilts, I still look at the possibility of getting another Akubra someday (though in a different style).

However, here's even another option if you're on a very tight budget:

Thrift stores. Antique shops. Yard sales. Flea markets.

I've found high quality vintage hats for four bucks. Many of them could be turned into Indy hats if I wanted. Sure, it takes patience, a lot of looking, and time, but good hats can be found! So how's under ten bucks for a good hat if you're on a budget?

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 10:40 am
by Hemingway Jones
binkmeisterRick wrote: However, here's even another option if you're on a very tight budget:

Thrift stores. Antique shops. Yard sales. Flea markets.

I've found high quality vintage hats for four bucks. Many of them could be turned into Indy hats if I wanted. Sure, it takes patience, a lot of looking, and time, but good hats can be found! So how's under ten bucks for a good hat if you're on a budget?
And let's not forget the auction site which we dare not speak its name. Many fine and affordable hats were found there.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 10:51 am
by Michaelson
It's called eBay. You just can't post links to auctions not yours. :? :wink: Regards. Michaelson

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 11:09 am
by Hemingway Jones
Michaelson wrote:It's called eBay. You just can't post links to auctions not yours. :? :wink: Regards. Michaelson
Yup, I realize that. Just making a little joke. :wink:
A few people I know have had great success with finding vintage hats on eBay. Usually, with a tweak or two, they end up being very nice hats.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 7:54 pm
by Richard~Buxton
Will JohnsonReese826, ever return.??? :shock: 8-[ :shock:

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 11:05 pm
by Curator Rick
OK, after Buffs shot of "backbone" on another thread, may I give this a try? From one new gearhead to another I'm starting out with a fur felt Dorfman Indy my sons bought me on Ebay for $85 (included shipping). I reblocked it using the Indygear tutorial. I wear it daily, worn it shoveling snow, in the marsh tearing down a beaver ###, mowing the lawn and sweating in it these last few months. It has not lost its shape or shrunk. No sweat stains yet and it cleaned nicely with a soft bristle brush. The liner however is getting quite soiled. This is my starter fedora and while I've not abused it, it's getting alot of use and holding up well. :D
Curator Rick

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 11:13 pm
by Andiana
Cryptid~Explorer wrote:Will JohnsonReese826, ever return.??? :shock: 8-[ :shock:
Probably not for a while. He really isn't a 'gear-head,' but is interested in Indy a little. (don't worry, I know him personally.)

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 11:22 pm
by Bufflehead Jones
Curator Rick, I'm proud of 'ya. :clap:

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 7:23 am
by Renderking Fisk
I couldn't say enought about the Akubra Federation. It's a good quality fedora for the money. You have to bash it yourself which is good because you'll have a better idea of what you really want in a lid.

I also know that they can be reblocked by a professional.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 10:50 am
by binkmeisterRick
Curator Rick wrote:OK, after Buffs shot of "backbone" on another thread, may I give this a try? From one new gearhead to another I'm starting out with a fur felt Dorfman Indy my sons bought me on Ebay for $85 (included shipping). I reblocked it using the Indygear tutorial. I wear it daily, worn it shoveling snow, in the marsh tearing down a beaver ###, mowing the lawn and sweating in it these last few months. It has not lost its shape or shrunk. No sweat stains yet and it cleaned nicely with a soft bristle brush. The liner however is getting quite soiled. This is my starter fedora and while I've not abused it, it's getting alot of use and holding up well. :D
Curator Rick
Great! I can't wait to see pics! And don't be shy about your gear. If YOU enjoy it, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. :wink:


Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 10:23 pm
by Curator Rick
Thanks Bink, Buff and the rest of the gearheads for the support and encouragement regarding my first fedora. Pics to come! :D
JR826 these guys and gals will not stear you wrong, give 'em a price range and they'll help you get your feet wet with out taking a bath! :wink: Enjoy the hobby!

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 1:02 pm
by JohnsonReese826
hey thanks guys for all the help
i was having comp problems so i couldnt get on
i dont know what i size i need or anything like that, but i will look into all of these brands particualrly the adventurebilt

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 1:10 pm
by Indiana Wayne
JohnsonReese826 wrote:i dont know what i size i need or anything like that
This might help you. ... 0heads.htm