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SOF MKVII - Unissued!
Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 12:13 am
by crazylegsmurphy
Jsut a heads up to anyone out there looking for a MKVII. SOF just put up a few unissued MKVII's for about $75 uk.
If anyone wants, my B-day is in Feb...or next week....

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 10:30 pm
by Snakewhip_Sable
"Holy smoke!" What did I pay for my old (used) SOF ones? 5 or 10 pounds? That's crazy expensive!
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 1:35 am
by IndianaJames
I nice big pat on the bag to whomever told SOF about how these are Indy Bags, way to go.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 5:20 am
by Shawnkara
I paid $30.00 each for my three unissued bags about five years ago. This happened with another supplier, too. They had bags for like $15.00, everyone called for them the same day, they figured out what was going on and over about three days the price went up around $70.00.
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 8:33 am
by Rob
IndianaJames wrote:I nice big pat on the bag to whomever told SOF about how these are Indy Bags, way to go.

I second that.
We had a good thing going for awhile until someone got a but too friendly with them and spilled the beans...

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 10:46 am
by jack
My local militaria store has a mk7 bag with resi for 35 quid

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 11:02 am
by Skippy
Yeah, £35 for bag & mask is the going price at militaria fairs/shows. I picked up my MKVII in unissued condition for £10 (bag only) at a show

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 11:06 am
by jack
Skippy wrote:Yeah, £35 for bag & mask is the going price at militaria fairs/shows. I picked up my MKVII in unissued condition for £10 (bag only) at a show

You lucky sod!

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:06 pm
by Swindiana
Rob wrote:
We had a good thing going for awhile until someone got a but too friendly with them and spilled the beans...

Well... 'twasn't me.
That post feels like it was ages ago...
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 5:24 pm
by IndianaJames
Oh well, sometimes thats the way it goes. on to the next hidden source!!
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 11:03 pm
by Rob
Yes indeed. And there will be others. No matter what guff the WPG guy wote on his site about buying all the remaining MKVIIs in the world, which led to making the copy, there are obviously more out there. They'll turn up.