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Alden Boots have arrived!!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:04 pm
by kriegfeld jr
Ok everyone...My Aldens are here! I ordered them on feb. 23 and they came in today april 12. It took about six full weeks. They fit great although I'm not use to such an old fashioned, looking pair of shoes on my feet. It will be a pleasure to get used to. If anyone ordered them around the same time, I'll bet you will get yours soon. :D

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:36 pm
by Neolithic
Congratulations! I'm sure you'll enjoy them (I'm wearing mine as I type).
Hope the wait wasn't too bad!
I'm not use to such an old fashioned, looking pair of shoes on my feet.
I don't think I'd call them old fashioned- classic is probably a better term- you can get away wearing Aldens with all sorts of more 'modern' clothing. :wink:

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:39 pm
by Antilles
Congratulations! :D

Boots are next on my list of gear. How is the color? I'm under the ussumption that the color has been "brick" or reddish brown, but some pics I have seen lately show them to be very brown without the reddish tint. Also, did you have your feet measured prior to ordering or did you take a half inch off your normal shoe size?


Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:43 pm
by J_Weaver
Pics, pics, we want pics! :lol: Hopefully I'll be able to get a pair this summer. I just blew my Alden money on a S&W HE. :D

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 8:24 pm
by Montresor
Yeah, yeah pics!
I ordered mine a couple of weeks ago. Were yours back ordered at all? Is the size good?

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 8:50 pm
by kriegfeld jr
I ordered mine a half size down (9.5 to a 9e) just like its recommended by Alden. The fit is great. The color is a nice med-brown with just a hint of red. I'll have to show pics camera is on the fritz. They are pretty stiff...I hope the break in period doesn't last me long. Really a fine pair of shoes.