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What happened to my bag strap, Lee?!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2002 7:38 pm
by jaydoc1
If anyone speaks to Lee Keppler on a regular basis could they please please please ask him what in the world has happened to my bag strap. I ordered it last march and haven't heard from him since. I've even had time to move to a new house since then.

Lee where are you?!!!

Oh, and my credit card was billed by the way.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2002 8:19 pm
by Colt
I ordered a strap from lee about 3 months ago and I got it in about a week. He may be out of town I know there are a few gun shows that he will be going to this month so it may be hard to get in touch with him. I did all my communicating with him via email wiht out a problem.

Good Luck

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2002 9:35 pm
by Rixter
I don't know but I'd be a little concerned about that if I were you jaydoc1. Seems like a mighty long time to go without hearing ANYTHING if you ask me. Without knowing any more about it, I'd say it's possible there may have been a possible mix up with your moving and all, possibly with the mail, and not Lee, but I'd sure email him about my conern were I you till you get an answer.

G' Luck :)

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2002 10:34 pm
by Imahomer
Yep, I agree. I know he does gun shows and such, but that's too long a delay. Something went wrong. Email him. I know I'm waiting on a few things from him, but he had told me there may be a hold up on the bag strap.

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2002 12:03 am
by jaydoc1
Right before I posted this thread I had also e-mailed Lee. Well, he returned my e-mail within hours and said he's sending me a strap wednesday. We had actually spoken on the phone back in March and he does remember sending the strap out. So, if two show up at my house I'll just have to fire one back to him.
I always figured it was just some sort of mail mix-up anyway. He was too nice on the phone back then to have deliberately not sent the strap.

Now I'll have to order a fedora so I can bug him about that.