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Question about Soldier of Fortune's MKVII

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 5:14 pm
by Vegeta1126
I saw a lot of people reccomended getting an MKVII bag fro SOF, and I was wondering I saw there were some there that were only 5 pounds. My question is what do they mean by having a black line on the bag? Is it a marker line or something? I just don't know if I'd want one if it's something that'll ruin the bag at all lookswise. And my other question is since I don't think I can find this out till I'm already checked out how much do they ususally charge to ship a bag to the US? Well thanks in advance for the help.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 5:20 pm
by Scandinavia Jones
The black stripe runs across the lower part of the bag. If you're looking for absolute Indy accuracy then yes, the stripe will ruin the looks of the Mk VII.

As for the price... the SOF bags have actually increased in cost as I understand it. I believe they're about £20/US$37 nowadays.


Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 5:25 pm
by Vegeta1126
Well the ones I was referring to were only 5 pounds, probably because of the stripe and the condition of the bag. This was the description they gave for it: Box gas mask bag in a well used condition they are dirty and have a black line on the front. We have both MK VI and MK VII, NOW REDUCED TO £5

They also have some for 50 pounds which are probably the best you can get, and some for 30 pounds which have a stain, they also have a replica bag for sale there, which im just assuming is the WGP bag for 25 pounds. but I figured id ask about the ones with the black stripe because I really don't have a whole lot to spend on one.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 5:32 pm
by Scandinavia Jones
Oh cool. SoF has updated their webpages.
Again, if screen accuracy is your thing, the stripe will bug you eventually - it may come off, at least partially, if you dare to experiment with some chemicals and bleaches, something I tried and, well, the results just ain't worth the effort.
You might get lucky, of course, and get a bag with a very faded stripe, or maybe even like something that looks like the Mk VI depicted on the SoF page...

Yes, that's an WPG replica bag they're offering, btw.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 6:23 pm
by Ken
I saw this too and ordered it and it is wrong - the bag marked at £5 while marked on the site as a MKVII is in fact not a MKVII - I think its the MKVI - it has flaps on both sides anyway. For £5 though I am stil happy with it, but it is not the MKVII - on another part of the site ti has the MKVII marked at £20


Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 6:37 pm
by jack
Indiana Ken wrote:I saw this too and ordered it and it is wrong - the bag marked at £5 while marked on the site as a MKVII is in fact not a MKVII - I think its the MKVI - it has flaps on both sides anyway. For £5 though I am stil happy with it, but it is not the MKVII - on another part of the site ti has the MKVII marked at £20


Ken was about to purchase a few of these five quid ones for my early war impression (and indy of course :wink: ) what are they like? when they say a well used condition do they mean falling apart or.............??

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 10:17 pm
by Vegeta1126
Well I still may purchase one of the cheaper bags just to have something thats authentic, currently I own a WPG bag, but my main concern is how much shipping would be to even make it worth buying one bag, so does anyone have an idea of how much it would cost to ship to the US for just one bag?

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 4:52 am
by Ken
They are REALLY beat up - they have dirty marks on them and one has a splash of soemthignt hat resembles blue paint on them. They are still intact and durable though. I ran them through the washing machine to soften them up a bit and get trid of the worst of the smell.

I am happy with them as I can use them as props in my film so the older they look the better.


Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 6:38 am
by jack
Indiana Ken wrote:They are REALLY beat up - they have dirty marks on them and one has a splash of soemthignt hat resembles blue paint on them. They are still intact and durable though. I ran them through the washing machine to soften them up a bit and get trid of the worst of the smell.

I am happy with them as I can use them as props in my film so the older they look the better.


Cheers Ken, i'll get myself a couple then

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 1:14 pm
by crazylegsmurphy
I just (two days ago) ordered two MKVII's of SoF.

I ordered (Code: BE719) and (Code: BC228) because I couldn't decide what one I liked more, or was in better condition.

They have confirmed my order, so I hope they take them off the site soon, so I know they are alllll mine! :D

I really hope the shipping isn't that much. The only thing I don't like about that company so far is that they wait to tell you your shipping cost until they have it all packaged.

So far after exchange those two bags are costing me $228.00 Canadian, so I hope there isn't another $50 shipping charge.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 4:18 pm
by jack
Sof are like that with their website i've bought one off products off them like a mk2 sten, it was still up on the website for weeks while it was at my house! :D

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 6:27 pm
by Indiana Texas-girl
What is shipping/handling to the states? I've emailed them to find out, because they don't have s/h listed for the US. But I haven't heard back yet.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 7:29 pm
by jack
Indiana Texas-girl wrote:What is shipping/handling to the states? I've emailed them to find out, because they don't have s/h listed for the US. But I haven't heard back yet.

Wouldn't like to say, but they're usually very good.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 7:48 pm
by Alabama Jones
Indiana Texas-girl wrote:What is shipping/handling to the states? I've emailed them to find out, because they don't have s/h listed for the US. But I haven't heard back yet.
Mine was 50 pounds plus 6.50 for shipping ... 56.50 pounds or around $109.00 so the shipping turned out to be about $16.00.

And it was here in a week.

EDIT: They also e-mailed pics of several for me to choose from. I found them very pleasant to deal with.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 11:55 pm
by Indiana Texas-girl
Alabama, did they email you pics after you submitted your order on their order page or before you submitted your order?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:26 am
by Alabama Jones
Indiana Texas-girl wrote:Alabama, did they email you pics after you submitted your order on their order page or before you submitted your order?
Well, to make a long story short, I ordered what I thought was the "last one in stock" as advertised. After a couple of days of worrying because it was still listed on the site, I decided to e-mail them to reconfirm the order. I received a reply stating they had actually sold the "one" listed on the site, BUT they had a few more in various states of condition and would e-mail pics to choose from, once they had sorted them out. At this point I was not obligated. Several days later they e-mailed me detailed pics of four different bags, noting their markings or lack thereof accordingly. Luckily one was to my liking and at this point I ordered it. A week later it was in my hands, true to the pics.

I watched one go on Ebay today (in questionable condition and no visible markings) for about the same price I got mine from SOF.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:04 pm
by Swindiana
I've found a new source, two bags only though for £15 each, and that says shipped to Sweden. They are SLOW on answering emails, but I'll let you guys know as soon as I find out more if they plan on having more of them.


Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:37 pm
by Ken
Pagey wrote:
Indiana Ken wrote:I saw this too and ordered it and it is wrong - the bag marked at £5 while marked on the site as a MKVII is in fact not a MKVII - I think its the MKVI - it has flaps on both sides anyway. For £5 though I am stil happy with it, but it is not the MKVII - on another part of the site ti has the MKVII marked at £20

Ken , you probably clicked on "add to supplies" before choosing the right kind of bag. They actually offer both the MKVI and MKVII and you have to select which one you want.
No I checked it very carefully and there were several MKVIIs listed in different sections of the site - and there was one marked £5. The photograph was identical to that of the one marked £20 the only difference was the descrition which stated it was in a well used condition.


Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 8:24 am
by Adventure Lad
I just checked SoF for the first time, I notice they do a replica MKVII complete with leather strap for only £25. Anyone know what the qualitys like on these? I was going to order from Todds costumes, but maybe swayed.

Adventure Lad

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 8:58 am
by VP
What Price Glory, Todd's Costumes and Soldier of Fortune all sell the same bag.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 10:44 am
by Adventure Lad
I learn something new everyday! Thanks for the info. :)

Adventure Lad