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My site is up,and other stuff.
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 2:59 pm
by Fedora
I thought I would give this its own heading since this is a milestone for me. Here she is.
Now, just a few public acknowledgements that I think are in order. This hat is not just my doing, but a team effort with numerous folks involved. The develoment of this hat are the efforts of myself, Rick5150, Marc, and Sharpetoys. Now, these guys may be saying, whaaatt? Let me explain. Rick has been working with me with the field tests and raising important questions in regards to felt, block shape, etc. He also is my field tester. His input has been invaluable.
Marc and I spent hours going over block shapes with scores of pics being swapped, and hours on the phone. I tweaked my original block shape, with input from Marc, who has a very good eye. If you don't like the block shape, blame Marc. It is his fault!!!
I could not have done any of without the help of Sharpetoys. My buddy. He spent hours on the phone, sourcing for me, and all that I had to do was to call after he set the groundwork. He also came up with the name "Adventurebilt" I liked it when I first heard it, as I wanted to make hats that could take the elements, and be of such a quality that you could reblock them many, many times without the felt self-destructing. He actually is the one responsible for me taking the step. He pushed me into it!!!!

Thanks Roger!
I want to also mention Art Fawcett of Vintage Silhouettes, hatmaker and Charlie Swindall, who's reputation always precedes him.

Both of these guys shared freely with me "tricks of the trade", and Charlie even provided me with several bodies to learn on. He save me alot of money. I ruined 2 of them before I learned how to pounce correctly.
Thanks to staff here at COW for allowing the advertising.
I just thought I should publically thanks these folks, so you know how this was a group effort. Now, if you don't like the hat, you guys know who to blame. Rick, Marc, Sharpetoys, Art and Charlie.

I had absolutely nothing, nothing to do with it.
Now, I mentioned it in another post, but without the help of Skipbeau, Namebrand and Gulice, this site would still be just a thought bouncing around in my head. Thanks guys. You are the greatest. regards, Fedora
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:02 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Great site, Fedora! I have one or two comments in the "Hemingway's Hat" thread regarding the site. I'd copy them here, but I'm lazy today.
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:05 pm
by Modern Jones
Congrats on everything Steve! And a "hats off" to everyone that helped you get the skills and to get that look perfected!
I'll bet you're feeling "Tiresome Pride" right now! ;-)
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:07 pm
by binkmeisterRick
Hey, Steve, don't forget to add your website address in your sig! And Admins, don't forget to add his website to the updated main site!
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:31 pm
by Hemingway Jones
The web site looks great and very professional . I like the colors, the layout, and the graphics. Great job!
I also like bink's idea about testimonials and pictures.
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:11 pm
by Pyroxene
Great work. Hopefully we'll see a fan gallery of your creations.
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:54 pm
by Fedora
Great work. Hopefully we'll see a fan gallery of your creations
Thanks everyone, but Namebrand and Skip and Gulice deserve the credit. I am very pleased, and as time goes on, we will see what can be done on things like fan's pics wearing the hat and their gear. I already have one going to Japan and Austria. These hats are gonna be world travelers!!

regards, Fedora
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 5:27 pm
by Rumpled Fedora
that is one good lookin' site!
Good work!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 5:29 pm
by English Adventurer
Hey, that's great, can't wait to order one!
OK, so when I order one, are you going to include a free gift of that awesome hat in your avatar??? C'mon, name your price! (But name the size first!

Highest regards,
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 5:36 pm
by Strider
I'm so there!!! Awesome site! Yours will be the next hat I go hunting for, Fedora!
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 6:24 pm
by Indiana Croft
Awsome site and congrates to all who gave a helping hand in Fedora new adventure, Congratulations.
PS: looks like I know what I'll be using my sick time check for. Pure beaver felt comin up.
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 2:28 am
by Marc
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 5:19 am
by rick5150
The develoment of this hat are the efforts of myself, Rick5150, Marc, and Sharpetoys. Now, these guys may be saying, whaaatt?

I am surprised and humbled by this honor. As far as my role in this hat goes, I thank you. I am glad what I have done has been of interest to anyone, let alone the most accurate Indy hat on the market. All this time, I thought I was just wearing a hat

The real test will be this spring when the fun begins.
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:06 am
by binkmeisterRick
As the site gets up and running, would it be possible to show different angles of the hat? I know a few other sites show the hat from a couple different angles and I think the discerning buyer may want to see different views of your hat, too. That, and when you get the alternate colored bodies in, you may want to show a color comparison. Again, I think the site looks awesome! It's got a classy and simple look to it, it's easy to navigate, AND it sells your hats!

I just keep thinking of little things you may want to add to the existing pages down the line, if you desire. They're just suggestions, anyway.
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 2:18 pm
by Canyon
Fedora, PM sent.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:13 pm
by fedoralover
A $145.00 for a rabbit blend, screen accurate fedora is a fantastic buy. I just looked and an Akubra Federation Deluxe is $126.00. Shipping from down under will pretty much bring the cost up to the same as the rabbit blend Adventurebilt. $225. for one that's 100% beaver is unreal. Quite frankly and not trying to cut off Akubra's business, but fedora's got the absolute best price, the most accurate block and a very high quality felt. This is what Indy lovers have dreamed about for years. Great job!!
regards fedoralover
Just a suggestion...?
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 10:02 pm
by Strider
Perhaps you could have a section on the site for people to post pics of themselves and their Adventurebilt's. I'm sure your customers from COW known your handiwork is tops, but I think a section of pics would show potential customers outside of COW what we already know
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 11:19 am
by IndianaKrueger
I would recommend more than just that one image of the fedora. People want to see all angles in this game. But nice site, nonetheless.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 12:04 pm
by Fedora
Thanks for the suggestions. My very excellent website designer is listening, and has contacted me in regards to this. It will be done.........after Christmas.

My only problem is, it might give me more orders than I am capable of producing!! I may have to remain in the background for awhile. I am not capable of turning out hats like the factories do, due to the fact, that mine are completely handmade creations. If it gets to that point, I am sunk!!!! The only solution would be to put my hats up there with the other handmade hats, in price, in order to curb the demand. Of course, if I ever have to do this(hopefully I won't), I will always have the same price that I have been charging for COW members. Afterall, this hat was created by a longtime fan, for fellow fans, and the price will always reflect that. As most know, I offer two prices. One for you guys, and one for everyone else. Since this is a hobby and passion of mine, I never want it to become a business in the popular sense of the word. After discovering how great pure beaver felt was, I just had to make it available to all of us, at a price that most can afford. These are 500 dollar hats, afterall. Thanks for the input. regards, Fedora
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:46 pm
by fedoralover
And everyone interested in fine hats really, really appreciates your efforts to make high end hats available to us at reasonable prices. I wouldn't worry about the demand fedora. People have waited 8 months to get a keppler. You just let people know what the wait time is and continue working at a relaxed pace. If people want them, they'll wait. If not, then they won't order. Either way, you work at your own pace so it's still enjoyable to you.
Regards fedoralover
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 7:11 pm
by Mulceber
I think what Fedora is worried about is the prospect of his orders mounting up on him. If he can't keep up with his orders, then he'll eventually reach the point where he has 100 orders that haven't been fullfilled. Not a good situation. :junior: -IJ
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 8:21 pm
by Fedora
I think what Fedora is worried about is the prospect of his orders mounting up on him. If he can't keep up with his orders, then he'll eventually reach the point where he has 100 orders that haven't been fullfilled. Not a good situation. -IJ
No, the 100 hats do not worry me,as I can get those out in 5 weeks. And, the waiting period on most hats made in house, from other companies is a month, so no problem. Many hatters, western custom hatters, have a waiting list of 3 months.

What would worry me is having to make more hats than I have days to do so.

But, I do not think I will actually have that problem, at least I hope I never do. regards, Fedora
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 8:35 pm
by Mulceber
No, I meant that if you get 5 orders a day, and you only produce 3 a day, then your # of orders will mount up over time, and you won't be able to control them. That's assuming you get only 5 orders, and only produce 3 a day. Anyway, I'm just trying to clarify for fedoralover. :junior: -IJ
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 8:52 pm
by Fedora
Oh, ok. You are right!! I will just have to always make the members' hats first.

I don't really think it will ever be that busy. Too many hatters out there.

regards, Fedora
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 9:14 pm
by Mulceber
Too many hatters out there.
And not enough hat-wearers.

:junior: -IJ
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 9:40 pm
by Kris
That is one slick looking site !!!
VERY Proffesional looking!!
I will get one for sure ! .. when the rush is down.. and my wallet is full

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:57 pm
by Hatman
Great looking site Fedora!!!
It's going to be interesting to see how many different countries that you send these, top of the line hats to.
Hoping for the very best,
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 11:46 pm
by Fedora
So far, I have one going to Japan, and one to Austria. The one for Austria is on its way to Langpuss as we speak.

What a rush!! My hats will be world travelers, just like Indy!! Very gratifying. Fedora
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 11:51 pm
by Hemingway Jones
Fedora wrote:
The one for Austria is on its way to Langpuss as we speak.
It's nice to hear that a hat is on its way to Mr. Langpuss! He deserves a great hat, and you can't do any better than an Adventurebilt!
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 11:53 pm
by IndianaGuybrush
Hem, that is an amazing fedora... I just imight have to visit you twice to get a good enough look at it

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:00 am
by Hemingway Jones
Hem, that is an amazing fedora... I just imight have to visit you twice to get a good enough look at it
Thanks Guy. I suggest you order one for yourself. You're going to see mine and want one anyway. You mine as well get a head start!
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:02 am
by IndianaGuybrush
Oh trust me man, had I the scratch ($) I'd either have one already or have it en route. however, as I'm between jobs and living with my parents currently, I am not afforded such luxuries... soon though. In fact, as soon as I get my first paycheck, whenever that is

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:44 am
by 3thoubucks
Fedora, your business is beautiful.
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 4:37 pm
by Feraud
A very nice website with a great looking product. I've got to get one of these...
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 5:02 am
by IndyUK
Feraud wrote:A very nice website with a great looking product. I've got to get one of these...
Congrats Fedora. I wish you every success for the future.
Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 6:27 pm
by Mat Cauthon
Fedora, your site and hat looks awsome. When I get the money I will for sure buy one. But a quick question to help me and any other fairly new members who may not be well known, How would I let you know I'm a member of COW when ordering a Fed?