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Gear care

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 11:11 pm
by Gilly
I just ordered a wested Jacket and I was wondering what leather conditioner I should use on it. I would prefer to be able to use one kind on all of my leather stuff, I love simplicity, however if this isnt a good idea then i can change. The other items that i have are my boots and of course the whip. any instie into this would be a great help. I see that there is alot of talk about the pecards and it sounds like a great product but would it also work with my wested(goatskin). I still have a couple of weeks till my new jacket gets here but I would like to have the conditinar waiting. Thank you all in advance


Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 11:43 pm
by Henri Defense
Yes, Precards works on all finished leathers under the sun! I'm not an expert but I've been here long enough to know that is true! Congrats on the jacket too!!


Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2002 1:51 pm
by Gilly
I guess I should have been a little more specific in my original post. I was also wondering which one to get. I have read the previous posts and I see that some prefer the Jell but on pecards website it says to only use it to break in the leather and then to switch to the classic. As I said the gear I have is boots, gloves, whip,and the goatskin jacket.

If you could through in your two cents worth Michaelson I would appreciate it. And anyone else also.

DId I hear my name mentioned?

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2002 2:43 pm
by Michaelson
(grins) OK, my $.02....there's a lot you'll read in the Pecards literature and website that if you talk to the actual folks, they'll tell you the opposite. I'm just giving you my experience here, so take it for what it's worth. With that said.....I use the jell on my goatskin FS, and on everything else you list, standard dressing (except the gloves. I'll talk about those in a minute). Use the jell the first time out, as it does not have the waxes that the standard dressing does. It will DEFINITELY loosen up the goat skin, and it will drape immediately after application. If you live in an area that is prone to a lot of rain, touch up occasionally with standard dressing. If you have a scar or unwanted distressing, use the brown Pecards dressing. You can apply standard dressing to your whip and boots, or use the new brown dressing. You'll find several reviews from folks scattered through the gear care section and whip section. Now your gloves are another matter....if you're wanting them clean, keep them on your hands and wash under warm water with a pumice based soap, like Lava. After rinsing, completely wring them out, then put them back on your hands. Get a good leather conditioner (Pecards motorcycle lotion, or Lexol with lanoline is good) and rub that on your gloves just like you were applying hand lotion to your hands. Once done, remove the gloves and hang from a hanger and allow to air dry at room temperature. Your glove will last 4 times longer than usual, if you use them as work gloves. I've done this for years, and have found them to keep on coming back for more. Hope this is what you were looking for. Regards. Michaelson

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2002 2:52 pm
by Gilly
Thank you Michaelson that is exactly what I was looking for. If there is anyone with a different take on the subject I would like to hear that as well.

Thanks again :lol:

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2002 3:53 pm
by Minnesota Jones
Not a different take, but agreement. Pecards, normal and jell.... buy both and use them. You're never use anything else on leather again. I have seen the light and it is Pecards! :wink:

Pecards... just use it! (hey, maybe this could be their slogan?)