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Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 11:45 pm
by zhund
sharkboy wrote:My turnaround time to NYC was about 5 days from Greece to arriving in NYC. Doesn't seem terribly long so hopefully you'll hear something in the next couple days. Unfortunately I had no luck getting updates until it arrived in US.
Thanks Shark!
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 7:24 am
by Bartram
medium22 wrote: Thanks to everyone in this thread as I read through it three times along with looking at all the pics. I can't wait till it arrives.
I meant to echo this sentiment as well. A big thank you to everyone on this thread. Your input, perspective, and wisdom has been so helpful. Y'all are the best.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:01 am
by Glenville86
Glenville86 wrote:Ordered another one today. This time in Horsehide Mark 31 Seal. Like I need another jacket -

This jacket came in today. The HH Mark 31 Seal is a nice looking leather. Will get some pics when time allows.
Impressions: I usually order a 28 inch back and did the same on my other 2-Kelso jackets. On this one, went with a 26.5 back length which is a good fit. Well below my belt on modern wear jeans. It is a really nice looking leather and dark brown seal. Like my other ones, it is snug in the pits and shoulders. Tried it on wearing a heavy winter shirt and it was very tight. It should relax some after wear but for now it has to be paired with a lighter material long sleeve shirt - think dress shirt weight. It is not a heavier leather like my Wested HH ones. Thicker than the Wested goat and lamb. Maybe as thick as Wested pre-distressed cow jacket. Drapes well. This HH has a richer look and feel than Wested HH. Overall a very nice jacket in an underrepresented leather choice from Kelso.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:16 pm
by zhund
zhund wrote:sharkboy wrote:My turnaround time to NYC was about 5 days from Greece to arriving in NYC. Doesn't seem terribly long so hopefully you'll hear something in the next couple days. Unfortunately I had no luck getting updates until it arrived in US.
Thanks Shark!
Well, after being reassured by a patient Andy that they've never lost a package, my tracking number emerged after radio silence since 2 Nov. I was able to pick it up from the post office last Friday and all I can say is the jacket is amazing. It's everything I thought (and really hoped) it would be. I'm in the midst of moving but will post some photos and comparison shots with my other jackets soon. <Spoiler alert - this one is my favorite.>
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:20 am
by Bartram
Congrats guys! Looking forward to those pics!
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:53 am
by Glenville86
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:55 am
by Glenville86
Comparison with Wested Horsehide:

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 9:43 am
by Hammerklavier
congrats! they both look fantastic!! have you ever weight those jacket? just curious
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 7:03 pm
by Canasta
Glenville86 wrote:Comparison with Wested Horsehide:

So, what size is your jacket?
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 3:08 am
by Glenville86
I have never checked on scales how heavy they are. Neither one has the weight of a Aero horsehide jacket. The Wested feels heavier than the BK but not by much. Horsehide for me is a colder weather leather. Winter, early Spring or late Fall months type leather.
The sizes on the jackets pictured is a BK size 48 which I asked for a 27 inch pit-to-pit and 26.5 back length. The Wested is a size 50 with standard pit-to-pit and 28 inch back. The Kelso fits more like a regular jacket with the shoulder seams being normal and the sleeve length being slightly shorter than the Wested but still past the wrist. Both sleeves are the same length but the cut of the BK pulls the sleeve back slightly.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 4:42 pm
by Heyjude7
Good evening and happy holidays. I have been away from this forum for quite some time. Being stationed in Europe I do a lot of traveling with the fam and fell off.
I see the BK raiders jacket is amazing. I am a proud owner of a Raiders Nowak. From what I remember back in the day (which was a Thursday) that jack was an exact copy of a screen used one. Is the BK the same? Which is more or less screen accurate?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 6:36 pm
by Forrest For the Trees
The Kelso is a copy of a Nowak Raiders. The lamb skin is more to my liking than what Nowak was using. Best Indy jacket I've owned.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 9:10 am
by Bartram
Just heard from Andy that my jacket has shipped! What's more, it has already made the trip overseas and is in NYC as we speak. Tracking number confirms that I should have it by the new year. Whoo hoo!
Pics to follow.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:22 pm
by medium22
Bartram wrote:Just heard from Andy that my jacket has shipped! What's more, it has already made the trip overseas and is in NYC as we speak. Tracking number confirms that I should have it by the new year. Whoo hoo!
Pics to follow.
Same here. Mine is in NYC also.

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 1:28 pm
by Texan Scott
I just received the BK Raiders jacket in Weathered Brown, and how does one say it.....

....too much like Indian Bones!....yeah, that's it, too much like the Injun that we have come to know and have fine adventuring affection for in all his various shades of brownness. Thinnish in a good way. Expertly knocked together. It looks very much like the Seal HH as posted above. Have a good 2017 to all and to all a good latte.

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:50 pm
by Illinois James
Tex, weathered brown in what hide, lamb?
Good to see you!
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 9:35 pm
by Texan Scott
Hey, IJ! Yeah, I think its weathered lamb, but it looks a lot like the seal HH above. Kinda russet in color. Probably not as thick though.
A few changes between the generations. Originally, I ordered the Raiders in striated lamb and I think it was #6, out the door. At the time, I thought that the #6 was probably about the right thickness, texture and color of skin. Superb workmanship with the BK group, that much has not changed. This weathered lambskin is thinner than the #6, approaching some of the original Todd's standard jackets, although not quite that thin. This weathered lamb is more of a russet shade, near perfect fit.
Andy, I would make the following suggestion. Offer to fans at the entry/base price point, a standardized lamb skin with the same chameleon type, choc to dark brown dyed leather, depending on the lighting. The striated lamb would obviously be the high end. I think guys are after more of the authentic color as seen in film. There are not many tweaks with a BK.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 7:48 am
by afalzon
Hi Scott,
The chameleon type is hard to make because it's all about the finish. Any attempt to make the same finish on a leather will immediately increase its price.
We are keen to make a dark brown for the fans at entry/base price point but it will be standard color, not chameleon.
Why don't you guys make a panel, decide which dark brown is desirable by all/most of you, as authentic color per film, send us a sample cutting and we will do our best to match that color for our next batch.
How's that for customer service? / listening to the fans?
Happy new year!
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 11:22 am
by Texan Scott
Thanks Andy. From what I have seen over the years, it appears that the Raiders jacket was not super dark and not super light, had no reddish undertones, but more of an earthy brown. Semi-a leather never seems to produce a natural looking finish or patina. I liken the (film) leather to more of a rustic bomber type appearance, like the shearling sheep type jacket leather color/dye. To me, this may look more authentic? I would suggest, if I may, a good natural looking dye on a .8 lambskin, smooth or with grain. That is more of a preference thing, the grain, although I do not see a super grainy Raiders jacket, other than on the shoulder panel, which is common, now.
It's been awhile since I have purchased an Indy jacket, but it is breaking in nicely. Leather is on the thinnish side, but ok.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:29 am
by Canasta
Who owns a Relic Hunter in Horse Hide?
I have a couple of questions.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 6:05 am
by afalzon
I don't own one
but maybe I can answer your questions!
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 7:20 am
by Michaelson
afalzon wrote:I don't own one
but maybe I can answer your questions!
Yeah, afalzon might 'know a guy'.
Regard! Michaelson
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 6:43 pm
by zhund
afalzon wrote:I don't own one
but maybe I can answer your questions!
^---- for the win!
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 2:06 pm
by zhund
Well, after being reassured by a patient Andy that they've never lost a package, my tracking number emerged after radio silence since 2 Nov. I was able to pick it up from the post office last Friday and all I can say is the jacket is amazing. It's everything I thought (and really hoped) it would be. I'm in the midst of moving but will post some photos and comparison shots with my other jackets soon. <Spoiler alert - this one is my favorite.>
Here are some long overdue pics of my BK Cairo RH. In short, it fits like a glove and out of the box it looked like it was stolen from the set of Raiders. No need to do anything but put it on and be overjoyed. The price wasn't something I took lightly, but after hearing everyone else talk about this jacket and seeing everyone's pictures, I can tell you
everyone is right. It is an incredible jacket and worth every penny.
As far as the ordering process went, Andy was responsive to my questions and made a few minor adjustments to the size at my request without charging extra. It shipped in about a month, which I thought was very fast. The only complaint I have has nothing to do with BK; it was the jacket being stuck in limbo at US Customs for several weeks without any update to the tracking status. Nevertheless, Andy calmed me down and assured me they've never lost a package. Sure enough it was in my hands a short while afterward.
I've worn the jacket in cooler weather here and found it to be surprisingly warm for the light weight (compared to other leather jackets I own). I try to wear it as often as I can and have gotten compliments on it from many people. It's easy to see that the jacket is very high quality. Now on to the photos:
Closeup of the
ribby awesomeness:
So start saving your pennies and give Andy a shout. The jacket does not disappoint!
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 5:47 pm
by Texan Scott
...darn! My postal diversion plan didn't work!
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:29 pm
by Charybdis
Sweet looking jacket!
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:46 pm
by zhund
Texan Scott wrote:...darn! My postal diversion plan didn't work!
Here I thought there were some Nazis behind it! Turns out it was Texan Scott trying to pull a Belloq with my jacket!!

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:49 pm
by zhund
Charybdis wrote:Sweet looking jacket!
Thanks very much! I really enjoy wearing it.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 11:51 am
by afalzon
We get a lot inquiries how the weathered lambskin looks like.
Sorry that we don't have an Indy jacket to show but this is how it looks on another of our jackets.

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 12:33 pm
by sharkboy
some shots of me wearing my Kelso striated Lamb this weekend whilst shooting some 16mm film. Owned for 7 months, wear every day. it's definitely a second skin.

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 2:32 pm
by TheExit148
Man that looks awesome! I really REALLY want to get a Relic Hunter jacket but the exchange rate from £ to CDN dollars is terrible! I'm hoping they have another sale on the stirated lamb again. I wasn't able to take advantage last time it was offered.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 9:17 am
by CRB
Well here's a great story. The jacket I have in these photos is the very same jacket sent back by Canasta to BK then bought by me once they did an amazing job in resizing it downwards to my size and to do a refresh treatment in the leather surface. It feels like a brand new Liberty HH jacket and boy is it tough.
Going to have to break this in as much as I can. I've got the sides cinched right in at the moment as the back part is still stiff and doesn't lay down like my lamb one does, so i'ts feeing a tad short at the mo despite being 24". Time will sort that out I'm sure. The colour is a rich dark chocolate and I can imagine how nice the lighter undertones are going to come through with wear. Will update more photos of it as time goes on.

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:40 am
by afalzon
Nice to see that the jacket found a good home. It looks great on you and honestly the Indy jacket looks really amazing in this grainy horsehide.
I want to apologize again to all involved with this jacket that it took us so long to sort it out, but I think the result looks fine.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 11:00 pm
by amaxa4115
Wow- that is a great looking jacket. So is this the Liberty HH? I've been eyeing the A2's from BK, but this is pretty sharp!
CRB wrote:Well here's a great story. The jacket I have in these photos is the very same jacket sent back by Canasta to BK then bought by me once they did an amazing job in resizing it downwards to my size and to do a refresh treatment in the leather surface. It feels like a brand new Liberty HH jacket and boy is it tough.
Going to have to break this in as much as I can. I've got the sides cinched right in at the moment as the back part is still stiff and doesn't lay down like my lamb one does, so i'ts feeing a tad short at the mo despite being 24". Time will sort that out I'm sure. The colour is a rich dark chocolate and I can imagine how nice the lighter undertones are going to come through with wear. Will update more photos of it as time goes on.

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 1:30 am
by Canasta
It IS the Liberty Hh. Great stuff.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:45 am
by Forrest For the Trees
Is that Seal or Dark Seal?
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 12:56 pm
by Canasta
Dark Seal
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 4:22 pm
by CRB
Starting to give this wear time and break it in ... noticed tonight the great patina that's starting to pop out ...

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 9:03 pm
by CM
Forrest For the Trees wrote:The Kelso is a copy of a Nowak Raiders. The lamb skin is more to my liking than what Nowak was using. Best Indy jacket I've owned.
The Wested is a copy of a Nowak too.

Which was a copy of a Wested pattern that Peter hadn't been able to remake for some years until Nowak received that original jacket through the Lucasfilms.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 3:47 pm
by Clipper
Dang. That is a REALLY nice jacket. Congrats on the wise purchase.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 12:49 am
by Frederick
Hi Team,
So it's that time again, let me hear you say it..."Jacket ordering time". I've read this whole post from cover to cover and have really appreciated all your input, reviews, images most notably from Gorak and the moderators.
After owing a Wested Hero for 2 years it's time to go the whole 9 yards for a Kelso - a decision I won't take lightly as the jacket will cost me close to a $1000 (including shipping) in New Zealand Dollar. But here goes...
From my research I have a clear understanding of what I'm after, Striated Lamb Relic Hunter with smoothed/limited to no striations in the thinnest leather they have.
Although 2 questions remain, one is of the topic of the collar and one is of the topic of sizing. Bertram - thank you for your questions (and the answers provided), it really gave me food for thought, I know he (Bertram) ended up ordering the SA/Hawaii jacket and am eagerly awaiting to hear his thoughts on his choice.
Knibs - lovely Cairo jacket, thanks for sharing and it helps me to image the Cairo collar. And again thanks to Gorak for his previous collar comparison. Great to see!
To is my current Wested Hero collar:
Here is me wearing it:
One more with the collar laid flat:
I really love the Wested collar, it is a sort of a hybrid that leans more towards the SA/Hawaii wider collar? The collar might be a little large for my little frame... just to give you a bit of understanding, I'm 5'7" and my main concern is that the SA/Hawaii with Kelso collar will be too large on me?
I've measured the collar and is 3" from the collar stand.
My questions hence are:
1) So judging by the above image of my hero do you think it resembles the BK Cairo or SA collar more? I've seen others in their SA/Hawaii jacket and the collar seems to look larger than my current Wested Hero, if so I'd rather go for the Cairo. Thoughts on this appreciated! Basically wanting to know does your BK measure more or less than 3"?
2) The other query I had was when ordering your Kelso jacket did you find that your current Wested Hero was a good jacket to provide measurements from? I do understand the Kelso's is a different cut however I'm hoping not to go back to the drawing board when it comes to measurements?
Thanks all!
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 4:02 am
by xmasters
No the Hero collar is not the Hawaii/SA collar. The Hero collar is the Raven bar, Cario collar jacket.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 6:15 am
by Glenville86
I found the sleeve length and back length about the same with the BK and Hero. On normal Wested jackets, I usually get a 28 inch back. On both the Hero and BK, a 26.5 back was the right length. On my first BK, I ordered a 28 inch back like I normally get and it is was too long. Same with the first Hero I bought. Due to the cut of the jackets, I needed to order about 1 1/2 inches shorter than normal.
Also on the BK, ordered the pit-to-pit a little wider than their normal on a size 48L to give me a little more room.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 6:21 pm
by Frederick
xmasters wrote:No the Hero collar is not the Hawaii/SA collar. The Hero collar is the Raven bar, Cario collar jacket.
Thanks Xmasters - Bartram was able to send me the measurements of his SA/Hawaii collar so I believe the Cairo will suit my taste better.
Glenville86 wrote:I found the sleeve length and back length about the same with the BK and Hero. On normal Wested jackets, I usually get a 28 inch back. On both the Hero and BK, a 26.5 back was the right length. On my first BK, I ordered a 28 inch back like I normally get and it is was too long. Same with the first Hero I bought. Due to the cut of the jackets, I needed to order about 1 1/2 inches shorter than normal.
Also on the BK, ordered the pit-to-pit a little wider than their normal on a size 48L to give me a little more room.
Thanks Glenville - very helpful. Cheers
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 2:50 pm
by Forrest For the Trees
Had someone ask to see pics of my Relic Hunter. It has about 3 years of moderate wear on it. Just gets better with age.

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 4:01 pm
by senorjacob
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 7:48 pm
by Bartram
Looks amazing! (I still owe this thread some pics of mine).
Which leather is that, FftT?
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 1:47 am
by Forrest For the Trees
Striated Lambskin.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 4:50 pm
by Frederick
Very nice! Did you do any treatments to it? Or el naturel?
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 5:27 pm
by Forrest For the Trees
A very light application of leather oil after I first got it. Nothing since except wearing it.