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Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 9:40 am
by Bdgsi11
Just curious. What specific characteristic did you notice that made the original version a much closer match than this one? They both are the same with the exception that the new version is much thinner and more textured.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 11:19 am
by Texan Scott
It would be nice to see a close-up of the leather in sunlight?
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 11:57 am
by Bdgsi11
Texan Scott wrote:It would be nice to see a close-up of the leather in sunlight?
Sure thing.

I'll work on getting a photo of it.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 4:43 pm
by TheExit148
Bdgsi11 wrote:Just curious. What specific characteristic did you notice that made the original version a much closer match than this one? They both are the same with the exception that the new version is much thinner and more textured.
To me, what I see is that the leather is less textured and more smooth in those studio shots. It could just be lighting and angles, but it's what I see. I do kind of see a bit more textured jacket though later in the WoS scenes and outdoor "Cairo" scenes.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 7:07 pm
by chuck2003
after reading this thread im now second guessing if I should order a wested hero and instead save for a SL kelso......
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 8:28 pm
by chuck2003
Whats everyones feeling about the back strap buckles. These jackets look amazing but the buckles seem out of place. Is this a screen accurate buckle ? I always thought it was more like the wested buckles.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:02 pm
by Texan Scott
I assume you mean the Wested buckles? Not completely SA, but they hold. Same with the Kelso, not completely SA but they work. Todd's has good buckles.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:05 pm
by chuck2003
Well i was referring to the kelso buckles....they are the only jacket ive seen with buckles like that...Everything ive seen looks more like the wested buckles.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 6:14 pm
by chuck2003
Just ordered my Kelso!!!

Cant wait...More money i dont have yay!
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:05 pm
by Bdgsi11
You have chosen…wisely

Congratulations, what style did you get, Hawaii or Cairo version? I really love mine and just today, some stranger approached me and asked where I got my jacket because he really liked the look of the leather. That's never happened to me before and at that moment, I felt really awesome.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:25 pm
by chuck2003
I went with the Straited Lamb Hawaii version. I was tempted to go Cario but to me the beginning sequence is the most iconic portion of all four movies so I decided to go with the Hawaii. I bought a Wested in September because I figured well its the original makers there fore it has to be the exact jacket in the movie. Its a lovely jacket and I will continue to wear it but it just wasn't THE jacket and after reading this thread I think the Kelso is the closest jacket out there.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:33 pm
by Bdgsi11
I echo those exact same feelings regarding my Westeds. Even though I was never too happy with them, I will probably never sell them just so that I can say I own a raiders jacket that was authentically made by the original supplier. My Kelso though, with the right leather in conjunction with the right pattern, has me very satisfied and convinced enough to believe that I actually own a jacket that closely matches that of which I see on screen and have been in search of for so long. Not to mention it's also the best leather jacket that I've had the privilege of ever owning. I am more than confident that you will be happy with yours and as always, post some pics when you get it.

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:29 pm
by chuck2003
I absolutely will post some pictures...This is becoming a very expensive hobby hah. Like I said the Wested is a very nice jacket and I will still wear it but its not THE jacket so hopefully this is the last jacket I buy
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 4:39 pm
by Duck9000
So, fingers crossed then

Good luck on this
chuck2003 wrote:I absolutely will post some pictures...This is becoming a very expensive hobby hah. Like I said the Wested is a very nice jacket and I will still wear it but its not THE jacket so hopefully this is the last jacket I buy
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 5:29 pm
by chuck2003
Oddly I'm more worried about getting the sizing on this jacket more then me spending 800 bucks on a jacket hah
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:18 pm
by chuck2003
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:16 am
by Bdgsi11
That is exciting news, Congrats!

Hope it's everything you expect it to be.

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 10:54 pm
by chuck2003
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:11 pm
by Bdgsi11

Part of this jacket's best attributes is the fact that it is so thin and lightweight. The leather chosen for this jacket is PERFECT and really helps give the wearer that beautiful draping effect that you see on film which is my favorite part about it. This new striated lambskin is a vast improvement from the previous and I hope that they forever continue to offer it. It just can't be matched.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:16 pm
by Bdgsi11
I just noticed something. It must be the angle of the photo, but the right pocket (jacket perspective) looks taller than the left. What do they measure?

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:22 pm
by chuck2003
Bdgsi11 wrote:I just noticed something. It must be the angle of the photo, but the right pocket (jacket perspective) looks taller than the left. What do they measure?

I noticed that as soon as I uploaded the pics hah. Double checked and the pockets are same size. just looks like that because I was to lazy to make my bed this morning so the jacket isn't on a flat surface. if you notice the right side shoulder and collar is higher then the left. its just the angle of the picture and the way the jacket is sitting on my bed

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:26 pm
by Bdgsi11

Jacket looks good, then. It looks very much like mine as I see that they try to keep the amount of striations consistent between each jacket. If you love the way it feels now, wait until it gets broken in, then you'll really love it!
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:36 pm
by chuck2003
Yeah I can't wait its a lot more comfortable then my Wested so I can only imagine what it will be like when its broken in. Going to try and wear it as much as possible but here in NY its been in the teens every day so a thin jacket like this won't cut it

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:23 pm
by RayROnline
Gorak my excitement I left the house without my cellphone which takes way better pics than my tablet so...
I thought that I had definitely recieved a Todd`s jacket when I picked up the box. It was VERY lightweight even in the box. Upon opening it I immediately fell in love!
Points of interest:
1. It is extremely lightweight. From my experience, it is as light as my old version Todd`s except that, wierd enough, it does feel more substantial in the hand. Does that make any sense? It feels meaty in the hand but when I put it on, it dissappears. It has been in the high 90`s here in South Texas today and I have worn it without the least bit of uncomfortability.
2. The color in the box looked very brown, literally like a Hershe`s chocolate bar. When I arrived at work, it began to chameleon into dark brown, black, and dusty brown. Hard to explain but this color is amazing and perfectly screen accurate in my opinion.
3. Tomek, it has a small yoke. using a spur-of-the-moment broken ruler, it measures to 4 1/2 inches! Same as that awesome Wested Washed Goat you sold me!
4. I personally asked in an e-mail that my jacket be made with little to no straitions. It was never replied to and I thought they never got it as some of my communications with them had gone into their spam folder, which they found later. Plus it was about two weeks into the order so I thought I may have said something too late......NOPE, it is beautifully grained and very lightly straited in little to no parts of the jacket. I know there was that shoulde grain we see in the plane fight but I just didn`t want that on my jacket. They came thru with flying colors.
5. I usually wear a size 38 but I have a Nowak in a size 40 that fits almost perfect so I went with a 40 and it fits like a glove.
6. The certificate that comes with it is super cool with camels, pyramids and mapwork inlaid into the background. Says almost the same thing that the Wested cert. says but the design is much more appealing. Definitely cool enough to frame.
7. Love the label!
8. And did I mention it was lightweight? My favorite thing about it. It is as accurate as my Nowak and Todd`s but made in the perfect in-between leather. And I love the lining!
I wasn`t expecting it today so I was unprepared clothing wise and I forgot my phone with a timer at home so here are some quick shots on my tablet...much better gear pics very soon.
here is the back: ... 165022.jpg" onclick=";return false;
the pocket close up. I think in this shot (at least on my tablet) you can see the pocket has what is the true color of brown while the leather around it seems darker. It is just an illusion as the whole jacket is the color of the pocket. ... 165125.jpg" onclick=";return false;
front shot: ... 164959.jpg" onclick=";return false;
here is a shot of the lining, inner pocket and collar construction. The collar looks big in person but as I just looked in the photo, I saw how it looked nice and thin like my Todd`s Standard or the Flightsuits I use to have. Also it show some of the cool grain on the shoulder and sleeve. ... 165102.jpg" onclick=";return false;
I will get a full review (pics wearing it, measurements, details) very soon. As of now, this jacket is a real winner. I am so glad I put the money into it and already edges out every jacket I have owned or seen as MY own true Raiders of the Lost Ark jacket.
Did I mention how disappointing it is to fine such a great post and discover ALL the pictures are GONE. What's the point of this even being here.

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:36 pm
by Texan Scott
This might be a good place to post the distressed photos too, kind of a before and after..?
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:51 pm
by RayROnline
I just emailed a "fussy" message to Kelso because I have no idea what is available based on their unhelpful web site. New leather, old leather, lighter, darker, Hawaii, Cairo...etc. None of that is clear. I even own a Relic Hunter from when they only were talking about a darker version, and I don't even know what it would be called as far as designation.
That said, I love what you have here. Please simply state for me, what it is...Raiders Relic Hunter _____style, in ____ color, from _____leather. And did you have alterations to the pattern?
And does anyone know if BK will do satinesque sleeves or something other than cotton? That really is a drag to put on. Pun intended.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:54 pm
by Texan Scott" onclick=";return false;
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:46 am
by Cajunkraut
RayROnline wrote:I just emailed a "fussy" message to Kelso because I have no idea what is available based on their unhelpful web site. New leather, old leather, lighter, darker, Hawaii, Cairo...etc. None of that is clear. I even own a Relic Hunter from when they only were talking about a darker version, and I don't even know what it would be called as far as designation.
And does anyone know if BK will do satinesque sleeves or something other than cotton? That really is a drag to put on. Pun intended.
Agreed. BK puts a long disclaimer on its email correspondence basically saying not to send multiple emails asking questions for one order, etc., etc.
One way to reduce email traffic is to have comprehensive option and price FAQs on the site!

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:11 am
by Indiego Jones
Cajunkraut wrote:BK puts a long disclaimer on its email correspondence basically saying not to send multiple emails asking questions for one order, etc., etc.
One way to reduce email traffic is to have comprehensive option and price FAQs on the site!

Well, sometimes a MILLION of FAQ's are not enough for Indyfans
Don't get me wrong, I'm an Indyfan too.
But from my experience, and in particular with the jacket, every guy have different (and MANY) demands and detail "obsessions" to ask.
On the 90% of the times, the problem comes from the "personal perception" some have on the leather, grain, smoothness, ribbyness, drape, front and/or back lenghtness/shortness, weight, color, shade, collar width, collar-stand width, stormflap width, yoke width, sleeves width, chest/waist proportional difference, etc, etc, etc (more etc than you can imagine...

Or they just go: "hey, I just want the same/exactly jacket like the one posted by that member! Same measurements, same color, drape, weight, and THE EXACT SAME RIBBYNESS AND GRAIN, in the same spots!"
On a few occassions I just say: "I'm sorry, the jacket you want we can't do it. Thanks for asking."
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:37 am
by Cajunkraut
Indiego Jones wrote:Cajunkraut wrote:BK puts a long disclaimer on its email correspondence basically saying not to send multiple emails asking questions for one order, etc., etc.
One way to reduce email traffic is to have comprehensive option and price FAQs on the site!

Well, sometimes a MILLION of FAQ's are not enough for Indyfans
Don't get me wrong, I'm an Indyfan too.
But from my experience, and in particular with the jacket, every guy have different (and MANY) demands and detail "obsessions" to ask.
On the 90% of the times, the problem comes from the "personal perception" some have on the leather, grain, smoothness, ribbyness, drape, front and/or back lenghtness/shortness, weight, color, shade, collar width, collar-stand width, stormflap width, yoke width, sleeves width, chest/waist proportional difference, etc, etc, etc (more etc than you can imagine...

Or they just go: "hey, I just want the same/exactly jacket like the one posted by that member! Same measurements, same color, drape, weight, and THE EXACT SAME RIBBYNESS AND GRAIN, in the same spots!"
On a few occassions I just say: "I'm sorry, the jacket you want we can't do it. Thanks for asking."
I'm sure.

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:30 am
by Cajunkraut
I can only speak from my experience when I say that if the basic information RayR mentioned were posted on BK's site, I wouldn't have had to email BK at all.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:30 am
by RayROnline
Your points are well made. However a million facts are not being asked for. What is being asked for? Things like: we have 2 styles currently available. 1 is called Cairo with these features. The other is called Hawaii and has these features. We offer these types of leather. We offer these color options.
What you have now is basically: here is our jacket, here are some pictures. And the rest is up to the viewer to guess the details. Like I said, it needs revision

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:55 am
by Indiego Jones
RayROnline wrote:Your points are well made. However a million facts are not being asked for. What is being asked for? Things like: we have 2 styles currently available. 1 is called Cairo with these features. The other is called Hawaii and has these features. We offer these types of leather. We offer these color options.
What you have now is basically: here is our jacket, here are some pictures. And the rest is up to the viewer to guess the details. Like I said, it needs revision

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
I absolutely agree.
I was referring to the disclaimer on the e-mails.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:03 am
by Texan Scott
Maybe I can help members here. From what I have seen, there are basically 2 main jackets used in the movie:
Raiders Hero jacket, used in:
the Elstree inside shots (Temple, WoS, Raven Bar) & Tunisia scenes-dig and truck chase.
Hawaii jacket, used in:
opening South American sequence-outside shots up to temple entrance.
What are the differences? Minor, nuances, but the primary differences are in the shape of the collar, pocket flaps, and grain of the jacket.
The Hawaii jacket collar appears wider, ends are pointed, collar lays flat & is wrinkled. Pocket flaps appear wider and the scallops are more pronounced: ... i_all_sf_3" onclick=";return false;
Main Hero: defined by its pronounced grain/striations on upper right chest, strangely shaped rounded collar/appears not as wide (as Hawaii) and narrower pocket flaps, scollops rounded: ... m-9055.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... m-9096.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... m-9090.jpg" onclick=";return false;
When we first ordered these jackets, there were no distinctions. and you basically received a Hawaii styled jacket. I'd always preferred the Main Hero, hence the tweaks to the collar, etc.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:33 am
by Texan Scott
I have to add that one of the little 'mysteries' of the Raiders jacket(s) was this notion of the 'Imam' jacket. It was thought that the jacket in this scene was the Hawaii jacket, but with the help of better resolution, you can just see striations on the upper right chest panel, about mid way of the collar: ... m-5856.jpg" onclick=";return false;
Because the Imam scene was the first one filmed inside Elstree, the jacket was new and undoubtedly, not as distressed or broken in.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:36 am
by RayROnline
Texan Scott wrote:Maybe I can help members here. From what I have seen, there are basically 2 main jackets used in the movie:
Raiders Hero jacket, used in:
the Elstree inside shots (Temple, WoS, Raven Bar) & Tunisia scenes-dig and truck chase.
Hawaii jacket, used in:
opening South American sequence-outside shots up to temple entrance.
What are the differences? Minor, nuances, but the primary differences are in the shape of the collar, pocket flaps, and grain of the jacket.
thank you, that does help. Is the main hero currently available in the darker lighter weight leather I've seen some pictures of on the post?if so, what do you ask for to get it?
The Hawaii jacket collar appears wider, ends are pointed, collar lays flat & is wrinkled. Pocket flaps appear wider and the scallops are more pronounced: ... i_all_sf_3" onclick=";return false;
Main Hero: defined by its pronounced grain/striations on upper right chest, strangely shaped rounded collar/appears not as wide (as Hawaii) and narrower pocket flaps, scollops rounded: ... m-9055.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... m-9096.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... m-9090.jpg" onclick=";return false;
When we first ordered these jackets, there were no distinctions. and you basically received a Hawaii styled jacket. I'd always preferred the Main Hero, hence the tweaks to the collar, etc.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:39 am
by Texan Scott
Ray, in order to potentially get that specific skin, I'd say contact Andy.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 10:13 pm
by RayROnline
Gorak wrote:WOO HOO just found my number.. ... 131811.jpg" onclick=";return false;
I`m number three! Yersterday, I got caught in a terrible rainstorm and so I am just waiting for more grain to `pop`! Have I mentioned I`m loving this jacket!

Where is the number, G? I have yet to find mine.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 10:17 pm
by RayROnline
afalzon wrote:any customers who bought the new striated lamb jackets, please let us have your feedback, whether you like this more than the previous leather, or should we go back to the previous leather?
I realize its about 4 months later, but are you still working with this batch of leather?
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 10:19 pm
by Texan Scott
Its stamped on the lining inside the chest pocket.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 10:36 pm
by RayROnline
Texan Scott wrote:Its stamped on the lining inside the chest pocket.
Strangely, mine is not numbered. I turned the pocket inside out. Then looked in the other pockets and all over the inside (again).
I've been wearing it in the 40 to 50 - something degree weather days lately and loving it all over again. Now if I could just get the darker, lighter leather from earlier in the thread, I'd get one with the smaller collar, too. (yes, I emailed Andy

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:42 am
by Zoltar
Just waiting for an order confirmation from afalzon and I'm finally jumping on this band wagon!

Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 6:25 pm
by Tibor
RayROnline wrote:Texan Scott wrote:Its stamped on the lining inside the chest pocket.
Strangely, mine is not numbered. I turned the pocket inside out. Then looked in the other pockets and all over the inside (again).
I've been wearing it in the 40 to 50 - something degree weather days lately and loving it all over again. Now if I could just get the darker, lighter leather from earlier in the thread, I'd get one with the smaller collar, too. (yes, I emailed Andy

I suppose it's possible it didn't get stamped, but it can be very faint and hard to see. I've had to try different lighting and holding it on angles to see it but every Kelso I've had was numbered on the inside of the interior pocket lining.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:40 pm
by Obi Sean Kenobi
So I did it. I bought a Kelso. Albeit second hand off of eBay.
It's the Cairo version (main Hero) in the striated lamb.
Here are my initial impressions:
1. It runs a bit big. I usually wear a spot on 44. This was a second hand jacket so I took a risk and bought a 42. It fits fine. Maybe even a little baggy!
2. The leather is awesome, and has striations on the chest panel just like the film jacket.
3. This is a biggie: I would not have been happy with this purchase had I paid full price from BK. I don't notice any discernible difference in the quality of the BK over my Nowaks or even my Wested Hero.
Conclusion: the BK has the leather. Other than that, I'll take my vintage Nowaks over the BK every day of the week!
Pics to follow!
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:37 pm
by RayROnline
Obi Sean Kenobi wrote:So I did it. I bought a Kelso. Albeit second hand off of eBay.
It's the Cairo version (main Hero) in the striated lamb.
Here are my initial impressions:
1. It runs a bit big. I usually wear a spot on 44. This was a second hand jacket so I took a risk and bought a 42. It fits fine. Maybe even a little baggy!
2. The leather is awesome, and has striations on the chest panel just like the film jacket.
3. This is a biggie: I would not have been happy with this purchase had I paid full price from BK. I don't notice any discernible difference in the quality of the BK over my Nowaks or even my Wested Hero.
Conclusion: the BK has the leather. Other than that, I'll take my vintage Nowaks over the BK every day of the week!
Pics to follow!
I think I saw that when it was for sale. I would love to see it on you when you get the chance to post pics.
Strange to me that yours runs large. I feel mine is just a bit small at the chest. The jacket is not marked for size, but it runs 21" pit to pit. I have a 41" chest so that should be great, but I think 22" would have been better. However I do feel it is a wee bit long in back...say 3/4 to 1". I totally agree the leather is The Best. And the quality workmanship is unsurpassed. That based only on my personal experience with a LOT of leather jackets, Raiders and otherwise.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:27 pm
by Illinois James
Ray, you say your jacket is 21" pit to pit, which, doubled, is a 42" chest measurement overall. And your ACTUAL chest measurement is 41"? I'd have to agree, 1" of extra room would be far too snug!! But I wouldn't say that means the Kelso's run snug. Maybe you just ordered it too small? Most people say they get exactly what they order from Kelso.
Forgive me, maybe you're actually a 36 or 38, but find the 21" pit to pit measurement STILL too small. I'm just asking.
Those jacket dimensions make it a size 36 or 38, depending on whether or not it's a 'regular' fit or a 'military' fit, wouldn't you agree?
I'm asking because I'm about to order a grainy lamb. My chest measures 45". Andy sent me measurements for both sizes 44 and 46. From those measurements, I can tell that the 44 is going to be more than large enough.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:04 pm
by RayROnline
Illinois James wrote:Ray, you say your jacket is 21" pit to pit, which, doubled, is a 42" chest measurement overall. And your ACTUAL chest measurement is 41"? I'd have to agree, 1" of extra room would be far too snug!! But I wouldn't say that means the Kelso's run snug. Maybe you just ordered it too small? Most people say they get exactly what they order from Kelso.
Forgive me, maybe you're actually a 36 or 38, but find the 21" pit to pit measurement STILL too small. I'm just asking.
Those jacket dimensions make it a size 36 or 38, depending on whether or not it's a 'regular' fit or a 'military' fit, wouldn't you agree?
I'm asking because I'm about to order a grainy lamb. My chest measures 45". Andy sent me measurements for both sizes 44 and 46. From those measurements, I can tell that the 44 is going to be more than large enough.
Sadly, my understanding of the proper use of fitting terminology is lacking. I can tell you that I comfortably fit a mens suit coat size 40R. What that measurement is, I don't know. A tailor ran a tape around my chest and it's almost a perfect 41". And a Raiders is supposed to be a little tighter than a suit coat, so i made a guestimate.
Also, I have a Wested I recently measured at 23" across the pits. It fits great. I'm sure I made the improper chest request with the BK like you suggested.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:32 pm
by Illinois James
Ray, so you're like me, falling between marked sizes!
Is your well-fitting Wested marked for size? If it's 23" pit to pit, making it 46" actual, minus 4" to 6" for room, which is generally what's allowed in these type garments, makes your Wested a 40 or a 42, I'd think, unless it's a Hero, in which case it could be a 44.
Ultimately, the pit-to-pit measurement is all that matters. If I were you, I'd ask for 23" pit to pit measurement, or as close to that as possible, regardless of the maker, and regardless of the marked size. Now, that's not taking into account all the other important measurements, like back/front length, sleeve length, shoulders, sweep, etc.
I think the 4" to 6" extra room is a general rule built into marked sizing. But, that's certainly never to be automatically assumed! I always ask the manufacturer!
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 11:00 pm
by JC1972
Tibor wrote:RayROnline wrote:Texan Scott wrote:Its stamped on the lining inside the chest pocket.
Strangely, mine is not numbered. I turned the pocket inside out. Then looked in the other pockets and all over the inside (again).
I've been wearing it in the 40 to 50 - something degree weather days lately and loving it all over again. Now if I could just get the darker, lighter leather from earlier in the thread, I'd get one with the smaller collar, too. (yes, I emailed Andy

I suppose it's possible it didn't get stamped, but it can be very faint and hard to see. I've had to try different lighting and holding it on angles to see it but every Kelso I've had was numbered on the inside of the interior pocket lining.
Just checked mine, its not stamped either.
Re: Bill Kelso's Relic Hunter
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 1:48 am
by Illinois James
Is it possible Kelso doesn't mark custom- sized jackets? That is, not their standard sized jackets with their set dimensions and measurements?