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Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 6:03 pm
by McFly
Agreed... no pink, but I think a shade of light green might look good... *rubs chin* You could wear it with jeans and black shoes! lol

In Christ,

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:07 pm
by IndianaGuybrush
I think a nice french blue type color would be great, like those blue oxford work shirts that I wear until they fall apart. I love khaki, but a bit of color never hurt anybody :P

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 8:42 am
by Renderking Fisk
IndianaGuybrush wrote:I think a nice french blue type color would be great, like those blue oxford work shirts that I wear until they fall apart. I love khaki, but a bit of color never hurt anybody :P
If I'm not wearing a shade of Khaki I break into hives.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 9:14 am
by binkmeisterRick
Hey, how about Indy shirts with paisleys, or better yet, in PLAID? :lol:

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 11:02 am
by Renderking Fisk
Bink... you're a sick man.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 11:33 am
by Rixter
Renderking Fisk wrote: If I'm not wearing a shade of Khaki I break into hives.
Fisk, I can’t help it, but I was watching an old war film the other night, and a phrase that one of the characters used popped right out at me and reminded me straight away of you immediately when he referred to another characters imagining being home with a bevy of beauties, beer, and other things he missed while being stranded in the jungles of Bataan when he referred to his imaginations as just being ‘Khaki Wacky.’ :P

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 11:56 am
by Renderking Fisk
I first heard the term "Khaki-Wacky" when I first saw 1941 on HBO or The Movie Channel about 20 years ago. Since then I've been off-again on-again wearing khaki and I have indeed noticed a diffrent reaction to both.

I noticed a diffrence in my wife's reaction to me when I went from black slacks to Khaki slacks. She noted that I actually ACT more like a gentleman in Khaki's... "Khaki-Wacky" goes both ways I guess.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 12:02 pm
by Michaelson
To be more practical, the only real reason I prefer khaki colored clothes (beside the obvious tie to our hobby) is that when I spill coffee on myself, it totally disappears when it dries! :D The British used to use coffee to keep their khaki uniforms 'crisp' in appearance when they were stationed in India and Burma, so it was/is a pretty common practice. Ah yes, the practicality of wearing khaki..... :wink: Regards. Michaelson

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:04 pm
by Renderking Fisk
Awe... you found me out. All my pants start out white, then after a spills... they're khaki.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 2:37 pm
by Michaelson need to work on that, old friend. That's a waste of a LOT of PERFECTLY good coffee! :shock: :D Regards. Michaelson

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:24 pm
by zohar
Schwammy dyed one of his NH shirts blue, and it looked great.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 5:22 pm
by cliffhanger
Michaelson wrote:To be more practical, the only real reason I prefer khaki colored clothes (beside the obvious tie to our hobby) is that when I spill coffee on myself, it totally disappears when it dries! :D The British used to use coffee to keep their khaki uniforms 'crisp' in appearance when they were stationed in India and Burma, so it was/is a pretty common practice. Ah yes, the practicality of wearing khaki..... :wink: Regards. Michaelson
Correct me if I am wrong, but I read somewhere (I think here...sheesh, I'm getting my history from this place :roll: ) that the British army "invented" khaki, as someone spilled coffee into a vat of British military laundry (they used to wear white pants) and the resulting color was khaki. No? :?:


EDIT: I found it: ... ght=coffee...nevermind...Michaelson, useful as always.


Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:00 am
by McFly
Well, if you ever want a matching Khaki shirt and can't afford dye... :wink:

In Christ,

Re: Hmmm...

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 8:17 am
by skbellis
Guys...think about this. The British army and coffee? How about tea! I beleive that Khaki came from Tea. Lol.


Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 8:46 am
by Renderking Fisk
Michaelson need to work on that, old friend. That's a waste of a LOT of PERFECTLY good coffee! :shock: :D Regards. Michaelson
You should know me better then that by now! You should have know that was a joke. Coffee is the life blood of COW. Why else are the two part of my morning ritual?

::In a Zobie-State, Ren walks in a trance to the coffee pot before clicking SUBMIT::

wrinkled pleats

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 11:54 pm
by Starman Jones
I had a friend make me an Indy shirt from the Cabelas safari shirt. She used a new shirt for both the material for the false pleats and the shirt itself. The pleats came out more wrinkled than the rest of the shirt. It's not shrinkage, but part os the sewing process when you sew fabric onto fabric.



Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 11:11 am
by Peacock's Eye
Something I read on a tag on some khaki pants I bought said that the dye color came from the juice of mulberries.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:58 am
by schwammy
Where are we at with this new WPG shirt? I am Jonesing for a new shirt.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:24 am
by Minnesota Jones
Jerry's done with his next prototype and is sending it to Pyro for his critiqueing (spelling?) of the shirt. I'm sure Pyro will be posting comparison pics and the like once he get it.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:48 am
by Fedora jr.
You spelled it right. Can't wait to see the pics

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:10 pm
by Pyroxene
I brought my 3 Indy shirts into the office today. I'll be comparing it against NH Raiders, Wested and my own custom shirt I had made.

I need to find a model who will wear them.....Stay Tuned....


Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:14 pm
by Jack Flanders
Yes, it looks good. I think I'm going to hold out for a wpg shirt...

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:17 pm
by Pyroxene
Pyroxene wrote:I brought my 3 Indy shirts into the office today. I'll be comparing it against NH Raiders, Wested and my own custom shirt I had made.

I need to find a model who will wear them.....Stay Tuned....

Oh...I couldn't find my L.L. Bean shirt or I would have brought that too.....Just in case anyone was wondering.....

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:20 pm
by Starman Jones
Just what IS the correct color for the shirt? I watched all 3 movies this past weekend and noticed some wide variations, depending on the scene. I know the colorr is goig to vary, depending on how much dirt he's been rolling in, but in Raiders it varied from an off white to color very close to the Stone Cabela shirt, while in ToD and LC it was about a 10% gray, almost identical in color to the prsioners' shirts in The Shawshank Redemption, which was on also. Maybe it would be easier to choose scene accurate rather than screen accurate. :)

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:42 pm
by Got Maul
uh oh..I would say hot pink and leave it at that.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:53 pm
by Michaelson
Starman, you're dead on target, in my opinion, as the shirt color has been a topic of contention for years. To my eye, the closest to screen accurate I've seen to date is the Wested offering, and that's after owning and comparing to the MBA offerings of years past. The next closest was the original LLB safari shirt, but that has since been usurped by a replacement subcontractor for LLB, and the color has shifted with that brand. The color I'M referring to is the washed out stone color you mention above. As you say, though, like the jacket and hat ribbon, the color is different just about every time you see it, and it's all due to lighting, location, and age of the particular shirt that's in a particular scene. :roll: Regards. Michaelson

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:35 pm
by JerseyJones
Great shirt. when can we order these beauties !?


Here it is!

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:54 pm
by Pyroxene
Well here is my review of the new WPG shirt.

Before I get started, Jerry has informed me of the following....
Jerry wrote:-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: Indiana Jones Shirt - Phase 2 prototype.
Some notes on this sample:

1. I have washed it once to see if the plackets would pucker properly. They did, but the shirt shrank a lot. My factory assures me production fabric will be sanforized against shrinkage.

2. Buttonhole stitching is coming out. I expect this not to occur with production shirts.

3. Buttons are still not correct on this sample. Correct buttons have not arrived yet. Everything else about the shirt is subject to criticism/evaluation.

The Shirt


When I received this shirt the first thought that came to my mind was L.L. Bean (LLB). Unfortunately, I was unable to locate my LLB shirt at the time of this writing. In any case, I would classify it as a weighted version of the LLB material. The material feels thick and durable. I would feel very comfortable hiking or working in a shirt like this. The color is similar to the LLB as well. To my eye, the LLB always had an ever so slight greenish tint to it. This shirt has that same look. The hem is taken up as one would expect underneath a regular shirt.

The fabric in detail

Workmanship underneath the shirt

The Buttons


As Jerry pointed out, the buttons are not “true to spec”. However, the mother-of-pearlish button is a creative substitute. I did observe some loose threads around a few of the buttonholes. This will probably be corrected when it comes time for production. The buttons appear to be well sewn on. For a shirt that is going to see some real work, I would like to see the final version of the buttons sewn on in an “X” pattern.

The Collar

The collar seemed rather small in comparison to the NH. Again, it was similar to the LLB. It may be difficult to keep a tie underneath it in an LC fashion. I know if I were to try to button the top button on it, the tips of the collar might rise up. The custom shirt I commissioned a few years ago had collar stays sewn in to correct this problem.


The Epaulette

The Epaulette is stitched to the seam that runs around the arm. On this shirt, it runs a full 7 inches. As you can see, it is stitched around the button. I believe that after a few washings, it would round off similar to what has been observed in ROTLA.


The Pocket

First, the pen pocket, right now, is a notch in the top of the pocket flap. In comparison to the NH design, the pen pocket is it’s own little pocket down the full length of the pocket.


Second, when I saw the actual design of the pocket, I was really excited. It appeared from the outside that the pocket was similar to the LLB in that the pleat would open or expand allowing more room inside. Not 100% screen accurate but very practical. It was only till I looked inside that I realized the pocket was sewn shut. This, for me, was a big let down. When outside, the expanding pocket comes in really handy at place like the gun range to hold extra shells or a pocketknife. If I could change one thing, this would be it.

Pocket from the outside.

Pocket from the inside.

The Sleeve

The sleeve of the shirt has the second button. Currently on this model, the button is too small to fit through the buttonhole. Hopefully, this will be fixed in the production version.



I think this shirt is going to fit quite nicely into the IndyGear collection. We are already familiar with Jerry's workmanship from his bags. I would imagine he will put the same quality into the shirts as well. Naturally, there are some changes that need to be made. But remember, this is still in the prototype phase.

All in all, thanks go Jerry for giving me an early look at a new IndyGear offering.


Shirts in sunlight

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:43 pm
by Gobler
Very nice indeed! Looks like the epaulettes are the virsion I drew up and sent him. I agree that after a few washings and some wear they will have that rounded look but can be ironed to have the edges. Over all a great looking shirt and one more way into debt :oops: Can't wait till the final virsions are ready. Any word on price?


Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 11:45 pm
by Starman Jones
Are the body pleats false (sewn on)' or true pleats like the ones on the Cabela safari shirt pockets?



Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 12:02 am
by Captain D
Thank you Pyro for posting and compliments to Jerry at WPG!

The only thing that kinda eats at me is.....the color.

The Wested shirt ABSOLUTELY nailed the color down has a nice off-white/antique white look to it (at least to me it does).....However, I can't say that I am crazy over the new WPG Indy shirt having a "greenish tint" to it :(

But hey, if it's a durable material and at a reasonable price, theres always our buddy, RIT dye remover eh? lol.... :wink:

Thank you once again for posting Pyro....and I don't mean to bash Jerry's product.....he is well appreciated in our camp!

Kind Regards,
Captain D

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 12:37 am
by Jack Flanders
Hang on now. Isn’t this a review of a prototype? Doesn’t that mean that the color will be adjusted?

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 1:52 am
by Bufflehead Jones
Captain D, I agree. (Hey that rhymes) The Wested has the best looking color, so far. However, it is a tad pricey for a shirt.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 10:12 am
by Minnesota Jones
The Wested's color is good for the "on screen" Raiders look. The old NH's, LLBeans, and Jerry's are more Khaki, like Tod and LC (or also Raiders before being filmed) - personnally, I like it. I'd like to see both colors (stone for the "on screen ROTLA look" - regular Khaki for the ToD/LC look). Also matching buttons on the Raiders version (like Wested & NH) but darker buttons for the Tod & LC versions (again, like Noel's). That way you have variety, and can pick and choose what movie you want to emulate.

One thing I saw, the pleats were sewn on the main shirt body, but I didn't see the stiching on the pleats going over the pockets, shouldn't those have the stitching as well so it all matches? Otherwise, this shirt is looking great!

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 10:27 am
by Dalexs
I suspect that if the WPG shirt is made o fa standard weight cotton poplin like the the llbeans, the shirt color is going to look awesome after afew washings. The bean shirts are pretty dark to start off. This shirt looks alot lighter. I can't wait to a see a production shirt.

It's amazing that we now have 2 or 3 good sources for these shirts!

Lets see... buy a new house... buy new clothes... :-k


Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 11:04 am
by Swindiana
I like the darker colour too, for variety. I think the Wested colour is great but sometimes in direct sunlight it looks a bit too much like a standard white.

I'm not sure about the pockets though as I like them square as on the Wested and MBA shirt. Also, the pocket flaps would look better if they were straight rather than scalopped in my opinion.

Thanks for the info and great shots, as always.


Feedback needed...

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 12:18 pm
by Pyroxene
I just received an email from Jerry. He's still having problems logging in but asked me to kick this out to you all.
Jerry wrote:I would like to get some input from COW members on the size range needed. I plan to make these shirts in as many sizes as needed to give everyone a good fit. I am currently planning neck sizes 15-20, with 2 sleeve lengths for each neck size. That's 20 sizes. I just can't see selling quality shirts in sizes S-XL.
What are your thoughts?


Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 12:20 pm
by skywlkr
I'll definitely be getting one of these once they start rolling off the production line. Finally an affordable Indy shirt. I'd love to get a Wested Indy shirt, but at that price it's just not feasable for me.


Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 12:29 pm
by Hemingway Jones
From Pyro:
I just received an email from Jerry. He's still having problems logging in but asked me to kick this out to you all.
Jerry wrote:
I would like to get some input from COW members on the size range needed. I plan to make these shirts in as many sizes as needed to give everyone a good fit. I am currently planning neck sizes 15-20, with 2 sleeve lengths for each neck size. That's 20 sizes. I just can't see selling quality shirts in sizes S-XL.

What are your thoughts?
I think that's great. I have a 16 1/2" neck, so I would probably go for a 17" to make it slightly more roomy and allow for any shrinking of the fabric. My arms are 36" long, so an extra-long sleeve would be great. I know some people need the opposite; so options are a great idea.
I can't wait to see how this turns out.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 12:41 pm
by binkmeisterRick
I love the idea of two sleeve lengths to choose from! I usually find that when I get a shirt with a comforatable neck size, the sleeves are too long. Unless you're going to make a long and longer sleeve, then I'm happy! :wink:

Did I miss the price on these shirts?

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 12:48 pm
by Pyroxene
Jerry did not communicate a price to me but he did mention that he was hoping to have the first run of the shrits in time Christmas.


Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 12:49 pm
by skywlkr
I think two sleeve lengths is also a great idea. Whenever I find a shirt with sleeves long enough, the neck is too huge. It's not easy to find tall sized shirts in department stores.


Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 1:16 pm
by Gobler
Same here, I wear a size XL with a 17 1/2 neck but the sleeves tend to be a tad long. Over all great idea doing a wide variety Thank you Jerry!


Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 1:24 pm
by Hemingway Jones
It is a lot eaier to shorten a sleeve than lengthen one. A tailor can take a sleeve in at the shoulder, but if you need one longer; now that's an issue.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 1:31 pm
by skywlkr
Hemingway Jones wrote:It is a lot eaier to shorten a sleeve than lengthen one. A tailor can take a sleeve in at the shoulder, but if you need one longer; now that's an issue.
That's my problem. I need longer sleeves.


Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 3:32 pm
by schwammy
Perhaps I'm the only picky person here ( :roll: ) but it doesn't look to me like any of the changes we suggested have been implemented. Specifically, off the top of my head,

1. The pockets are still rounded.
2. The sleeves are still rounded.
3. The fabric sounds too heavy.
4. The collar is too small.
5. The collar flaps look too small.
6. The 'pleat' over the pocket has no stitching.
7. The sleeves still have extraneous second buttons.

Not to be a grump, but I'm really pining for the days of NH, and wishing I'd had about $500 extra back when I heard he was going out of business. Much as I wanted to like the Wested shirt, I ended up ditching mine because of the small collar, the loose fit, and the the startlinginly too-large pockets. This shirt doesn't look a whole lot better.

What happened to "critique it so we can improve it?"

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 3:54 pm
by Minnesota Jones
binkmeisterRick wrote:Did I miss the price on these shirts?
First post in the thread my friend - approx $58 is the price at the moment.

And Schwam, I'd say be as picky as possible. :wink: The more imput, the better the shirt, that's why Jerry wants us all checking it out before they hit production.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 4:04 pm
by Swindiana
I think I was picky enough. :wink:

Let me put it this way then:
The pockets NEED to look better as they are a major part that catches the eye among the first things to me. :)


Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 4:06 pm
by Dalexs
Edit: A huge dumb comment removed!

Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing the pocket "squared off" like the NH.

But that is just me.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 4:09 pm
by Swindiana
Maybe the stitching could go through only one layer of fabric for decoration? The pleats would still be functional, but accurate looking...
