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Re: Indy ribbon

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:07 pm
by Texan Scott
I guess what gets me is it's about the ribbon of all things...if any one of us were doubling for the man tomorrow, it might be important.

Re: Indy ribbon

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:14 pm
by BendingOak
Texan Scott wrote:I guess what gets me is it's about the ribbon of all things...if any one of us were doubling for the man tomorrow, it might be important.

It's not important to you doesn't mean it isn't important. forget about finding a piece of the Raiders hat but finding vintage ribbon being made today. for a custom hat maker it's hugh. some time soon all that nice vintage ribbon will be long gone and then we are stuck with the modern @#$%. :-0 oh wait not me. :D

Re: Indy ribbon

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:18 pm
by Texan Scott
I know...if a tree falls in the woods and no one is present, will it make any sound? Certainly, just because you are not there doesn't mean it will not make a sound.

You get after it then, Johnny boy! :P

I just thought this guy was trying to finagle the ribbon secret outta' you, like you are going to bust out with it here in the forum... :-s

I guess somebody's got 'ta be the ribbon gatekeeper. Might as well be you.

Like Homer, I think you have been put in charge of relish. :P

Re: Indy ribbon

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:29 pm
by Indiego Jones
BendingOak wrote:Your assuming that this person is in fact showing you what he states is a AB and HJ ribbon. Point two, I can't block out anyone who has gotten the ribbon before us. Point three, why in the world would I help out anyone to find the the Indy ribbon? Sorry brotha, but this is business.
I'm sorry if I have offended you, in any way, by asking how can we know if it's the same ribbon.
You are right. It's business. I'll do my own research.

Tell you what, for respect to you and Steve, if we found a way to buy the same ribbon, I would never tell the supplier.
Kind regards.-

Re: Indy ribbon

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:39 pm
by Briscott
BendingOak wrote:
Briscott wrote:
BendingOak wrote:Your assuming that this person is in fact showing you what he states is a AB and HJ ribbon. Point two, I can't block out anyone who has gotten the ribbon before us. Point three, why in the world would I help out anyone to find the the Indy ribbon? Sorry brotha, but this is business.
You mean you can't tell if the ribbon on the left is one of your ribbons? Or you don't trust me that the one on the right is a Poets ribbon?

WHy would I trust anyones word, when no one trust mine????

And again, you don't answer the question and just ignoring what I say... On Fortune and Glory you accused gunslinger of ignoring what you are saying. Here you are doing the same with me. It's not a question of trusting your word or not. I believe that you believe or want to believe that you are the only one having access to this ribbon what you believe is the ribbon used in the "Raiders of the Lost Ark". I believe neither you are the only one nor that it's the same ribbon. That is why I am questioning. And that is why I trying to find answers. I am not searching for your source. If someone wants to find it, I am sure he can. England is big, but there are not so many ribbon manufacturers left.

It must be a poor English ribbon manufacturer when AB and Penman are its only costumers.

Re: Indy ribbon

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:49 pm
by Dalexs
Gentleman, if this thread turns into another mudslinging match, we'll need to shut it down.

Briscott, I've read the thread over there, and while extremely amusing to say the least,
there are few posters in that thread who are innocent.

If you have a problem with John, take it up with him offline or over there, the argument seems better suited for them.

Re: Indy ribbon

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:10 pm
by Briscott
Dalexs wrote:Gentleman, if this thread turns into another mudslinging match, we'll need to shut it down.

Briscott, I've read the thread over there, and while extremely amusing to say the least,
there are few posters in that thread who are innocent.

If you have a problem with John, take it up with him offline or over there, the argument seems better suited for them.

I don't have a problem with John Penman. I like his work and hats. That is why I own one. I am not attacking, I am not accusing. I am just trying to debate whether his ribbon was used in Raiders or not / or if he is the only one having access to the ribbon he uses. I don't believe that. Am I not allowed to say that? Am I not allowed to show arguments for this here?

Re: Indy ribbon

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:24 pm
by Dalexs
Debate is one thing, bringing up arguments and accusations from a different site is a totally different thing.

And the direction this thread is going is the same thing that occurred over there, and they actually had the common sense to split it off.

If you want to discuss the ribbon, fine, thats why we're here.

And I think you may want re-read what he has stated... over and over...

His ribbon his apparently made by the same manufacterer as the one Swales used for Raiders.
He's offered what proof he can without excercising poor business sense. You need to trust his word on that.
It is your right not to believe him. But then it is your responsibilty to provide your evidence of such...

He never said he's the only one using it. If one also finds this source, there is no stopping them from using it as well.


Re: Indy ribbon

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:58 pm
by BendingOak
Thank you Dalex very well stated.

I'll try and state this so It's clear. All I'm saying is that you can't use photos and screen grab as proof. you can't replicate the same conditions. Some have used photos of hats like the Desi hat as part of their argument. Even though I think the Desi hat could be a screen used hat. You can't use it in a argument as proof because You don't know it is in FACT one of the hats. Your taking the guys word only. If you can't take my word, then you can't take anyone else. So, that means the Desi hat is thrown out of the mix. again, not saying I don't believe the guy, just that you can't use it.

I have so much information about this ribbon, paper trail, lab results, etc, etc. but I can't share it. Besides that, someone would pop up and say the proof I would posted would be doctored up or something.

Bottom line is, If you like some ones product and it checks off all your points that you want in a hat, buy that hat.


I am answering your questions. How am I to know in fact that the ribbons in that photos are what you claim.Do you not see my point. If no one takes my word on anything, why would I take anyones word. The street must travel both ways. It could be of any ribbon. They could be the same ribbon. I can't stop anyone who have had access to that ribbon before we came around.
If you un-happy with your hat. send it back in the condition I sent it and I'll re-fund your money. If you think I missed lead you and your un-happy with your hat, send it back and i'll re-fund you. Sorry if I can't provide proof to you that you want. I'm sorry my word means nothing.

general statement, not directed to anyone person..........

because of all of this, can you not understand why I won't trust anyone?

Re: Indy ribbon

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:20 pm
by Briscott
I see this leads us nowhere. Since you can not provide a proof for reasons I totally understand (I'd keep it a secret, too, if I would believe it), I think I'll have to look for a proof or disproof myself. I am not going to post pictures, I promise.

But, if you would allow me to say so, I find it funny that you don't recognize your own ribbon when you see it. This shows how bizarre this whole thing about the ribbon is. And yet here we are.

Re: Indy ribbon

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:46 pm
by BendingOak
Briscott wrote:I see this leads us nowhere. Since you can not provide a proof for reasons I totally understand (I'd keep it a secret, too, if I would believe it), I think I'll have to look for a proof or disproof myself. I am not going to post pictures, I promise.

But, if you would allow me to say so, I find it funny that you don't recognize your own ribbon when you see it. This shows how bizarre this whole thing about the ribbon is. And yet here we are.

It's not that I don't recognize my own ribbon. I don't see the point of a blown up photo does. Photo's don't tell the entire story. I really wish I could share with you what I have, I really do but I can't, I just can't. If you only knew how nasty this business is, you would understand.

again, if your un-happy with your hat, I'll re-fund your money.

Re: Indy ribbon

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:02 pm
by Ridgerunner58
Image :|