First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by MARQ »

I imagine if one wears the fedora,satchel and some sort of button shirt; be it khaki,white or light grey,it´s always "Indy-wear". :-k If you get a comment,good but people do "know" know?! ;)
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Charybdis »

I have devised a "rule" for wearing my Indygear around in public: no more than two things at the same time!

Jacket and fedora, but no satchel, or jacket and satchel, but no fedora.

You get my point. Perhaps that can help some of you who might not be inclined to wear the stuff out.

One thing though, I am really getting to like wearing my fedora. I only worry about the weather turning warm, might not look as good without a jacket...we'll see... ;)
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by jlhampton »

Well, fedoras do look pretty good with a suit, so there's always that route. Then again, not too many people wear suits all that often.

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by ChrisMD »

On the other forum i frequent "" my screename is Indiana Jones. So when i stop in my favorite gun shop my buddy Wes who works there greets me with a polite nod and "Dr Jones". People then see the jacket and usually put two and two together. Im absolutely proud to be easily identified by my jacket. I mainly where my Jones gear on the weekend because its my "adventure gear". It never goes to work with me. My usual gear consists of jacket, gloves, and cargo pants. Fedora when its cold or raining. No negative comments yet. People love the jacket, especially the smell since its new. All of the gear goes wonderfully with jeans.

Heres my gear when its not being used. Sorry for the poor iphone quality and off color.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by temple_runner »

I’m reviving an old thread because I think it’s great to hear from so many folks on here about a problem I’m sure we’ve all encountered.

Recent;y, I decided to take the dive and start wearing my Penman TOD everyday. I work as a high school English teacher, so I get “seen” quite a bit throughout the day.

Day one: the first comment was “Freddy Krueger” from my principal, but just a friendly joke. A few other comments, all by students, saying they liked my hat.

Day two: a few more “nice hat” comments. An older lady told me Inlooked like Indiana Jones but she really liked it. Another teacher said she liked my dapper hat and needed one to keep the sun off of her.

Day three and on: No comments anymore, unless it’s a stranger. I think I’m the “hat guy” now.

Looking back on when I first started, I’m shocked I didn’t start wearing it sooner. I attended a book event where I was reading from my new western and wore the hat and Wested jacket. No comments, good or bad. I added the Alden’s and the gas mask bag a few days ago. No comments yet.

We all want to be Indiana Jones (for the most part), but it’s odd weird afraid to be called Indiana Jones or mistaken as trying to look like him. I, for one, would rather be called out for being Dr. Jones than a sports star or singer (who are often imitated in clothing).
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Michaelson »

Just wait until the day comes that folks are SO used to seeing you in a fedora and you forget to wear it in!

I did that once....just ONCE, mind you, to our local post office. The ragging I got from the staff there was awful!

"WHO'S THAT GUY!!!????GET SOME I.D.!!!" #-o

Needless to say, I NEVER go in now without one of my fedoras on my head! :[

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by IndianaJustin »

I think it's great you're wearing your hat daily, and practical.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Nosirrah »

Michaelson wrote:Just wait until the day comes that folks are SO used to seeing you in a fedora and you forget to wear it in!
Ah, yes. there was an undergrad who'd tease me if I showed up without my "Indiana Jones hat." One such time, it was raining and blowing 25 knots, so I wore my foul weather gear instead.
Now, on such occasions, I'm more liable to wear my Donegal tweed walking hat, a Barbour coat, and carry a proper brolly under the flap of my satchel. If I were IJ, I'd be turning into my dad... :?
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by bearbeast »

I wear one of my Indy hats almost always. And the jacket whenever it's needed. The jacket doesn't get a second look.

The hat attracts looks, people look weirdly at me, but whenever someone says something it is something positive. Though I hate the cowboy references....

But I try to use my gear as much as I can. I mostly buy the gear that I can use:

- the clothes, the bag
- the whip
- the guns (airsoft replicas, but they are fun)

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Michaelson »

What I've always found interesting is folks are more drawn to the color rather than the actual item.

If you wear, say, a gray fedora with a brown jacket, or a brown fedora with a black Indy jacket, no one even gives you a second look.

Heck, you can wear a tear drop bashed brown hat and a classic A-2 flight jacket and still get the 'Hey Indy!' comments. Just change up the color, and they walk right past you. :lol:

Then again, you can wear ANY hat and leather jacket and occasionally get the 'look, Mom....a cowboy!' remark. #-o

At least that's been MY experience all these years.

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Indiana Jeff »

When I wear any of my fedoras and any leather jacket, in any color combination, I get more "Indiana Jones" comments.

I used to get more "cowboy" comments before moving to Texas. Here, people know a cowboy hat so I don't get those anymore. O:)

Though I have had several cool conversations with "older" men who are wearing fur felt cowboy hats as opposed to the straw hats favored by the "youth". We can spot and appreciate quality felt hats regardless of the style.


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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Michaelson »

Really? Remind me never to hang out with you, Jeff unless you're wearing a cowboy hat..... :-k :lol: ;)

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Wotalark »

I've never had any comments when wearling any of my jackets.

I tend to think my Magnoli "Solo" jacket from the new movie is much more snazzy and likely to attract a comment but I've never had one with that either.

Not many people wear "proper" hats in the UK nowadays but even the fedora doesn't really attract comments. I think I've just become a man of a certain age so people think you're just an old eccentric...

I'll leave that one open! :-k :TOH:

Fun thread and good to hear all the experiences
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by WetDigger »

I wear an Akubra Australian army slouch hat in the field, so I am pretty used to getting the hat stares wherever I go. One of my favorite incidents occurred at an airport while flying home from a dig... A woman of the stereotypical Texan persuasion approached me and looked upset at my choice of headgear "Honey what kind of hat IS that?" I told her it was Australian and she walked off giving me a side glance and shaking her head. I think she was genuinely upset at the way I irreverently let the hat wear in as it will with ten years of sweat and grime and no pretense of even looking like I tried to maintain a bash to it... Sorry it wasnt the starched and pressed 10 gallon stetson your hubby would wear! :TOH:

Concerning any piece of my Indy gear that I choose to wear - I love the comments from people who do not even know me, to the tone of "You know no REAL archaeologists would actually wear that right?".

My reply - "THIS one does!"
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by temple_runner »

Well, it happened. yesterday proved to be stifling hot for October in North Carolina, so I left my hat at the front door. The first woman who saw me asked, "Where's your Indiana Jones hat?"

I replied that it was too hot and she commented, "Well, I liked it."

I think it's safe to say people like the hat, whether they recognize it as "Indy" or not.

I'm wearing the hat again today (less humid, thank God), along with my Aldens.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by bullit »

I generally wear something of my gear daily. Be it bag, boots, hat or even just a military canvas belt. Like most who live in certain parts of the UK. I garner comments here and there but I'm getting past caring these days and just want to be me. 'Me' is indy gear. :TOH:
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by pnh810 »

It's not what you wear that matters, but WHO wears it. If you wear anything with confidence then it really doesn't matter what others think anyway. Especially if you don't know them, who cares. Wear what you want with pride and confidence. Everyone should be so lucky to love something this much and be able to express it.

Ultimately ask yourself this. Is it more important to wear what makes me happy? or deny myself my choices for any fear of comments.

This took me years to come to terms with as I once wore a star wars shirt as teen and some girls at the mall made fun of me. Didn't wear anything movie/comic related for 7 years. Wore a superman shirt then got made fun of again. Now as a grown ### man I wear what i want.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by bearbeast »

pnh810 wrote:It's not what you wear that matters, but WHO wears it. If you wear anything with confidence then it really doesn't matter what others think anyway. Especially if you don't know them, who cares. Wear what you want with pride and confidence. Everyone should be so lucky to love something this much and be able to express it.

Ultimately ask yourself this. Is it more important to wear what makes me happy? or deny myself my choices for any fear of comments.

This took me years to come to terms with as I once wore a star wars shirt as teen and some girls at the mall made fun of me. Didn't wear anything movie/comic related for 7 years. Wore a superman shirt then got made fun of again. Now as a grown ### man I wear what i want.
My feelings exactly! As you get older you realise all that matters is what you think. If you stop doing something you love (that doesn't hurt anyone and is no one's business) you are disconsidering your own opinion.

There is always some wise-guy saying: why are you wearing that? Why are you reading that? Why are you watching that?

The answer should be: "because I bloody well like it!"

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Nosirrah »

bearbeast wrote:There is always some wise-guy saying: why are you wearing that? Why are you reading that? Why are you watching that?
Trying to meet other peoples' expectations is definitely the way to make yourself crazy. Instead, I try to have fun with them, and not take it all too seriously. When folks ask "why the fedora?" I might answer, "dress code-- very strict."
Even that can backfire, though. A few years ago I was returning to the States after delivering a paper at a conference in Ontario. At U.S. customs, the border patrol guy asked what I'd been doing in Canada, and I told him. "You're an archaeologist?" I gestured over my shoulder at the fedora sitting on the back seat, figuring "gotcha!" Pause a half-beat: "Yeah, but where's your bullwhip?" Wise-guy indeed. #-o
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Well played, Mr. Border Patrol Agent. Well played indeed. :clap:


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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by IndianaJustin »

bearbeast wrote:
pnh810 wrote:It's not what you wear that matters, but WHO wears it. If you wear anything with confidence then it really doesn't matter what others think anyway. Especially if you don't know them, who cares. Wear what you want with pride and confidence. Everyone should be so lucky to love something this much and be able to express it.

Ultimately ask yourself this. Is it more important to wear what makes me happy? or deny myself my choices for any fear of comments.

This took me years to come to terms with as I once wore a star wars shirt as teen and some girls at the mall made fun of me. Didn't wear anything movie/comic related for 7 years. Wore a superman shirt then got made fun of again. Now as a grown ### man I wear what i want.
My feelings exactly! As you get older you realise all that matters is what you think. If you stop doing something you love (that doesn't hurt anyone and is no one's business) you are disconsidering your own opinion.

There is always some wise-guy saying: why are you wearing that? Why are you reading that? Why are you watching that?

The answer should be: "because I bloody well like it!"

Agreed! Many people wear whatever their passion is. While it hasn't always been the case, currently I don't worry to much about others comments. Again, observe what people's likes let's them wear. Not for me but also not for me to criticize. I'm getting my fedora and heading for adventure somewhere.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Trenin »

Being your own person takes courage. It is a difficult thing, but like anything becomes easier with practice. Most people who are going to negatively comment on your wardrobe are not their own person and feel threatened by your non-conformity. Be bold and stand out; their opinions are not their own. Let your opinion be your own and be a leader. There is a villain and a hero in us all, and the people drawn to this place are looking to emphasize there heroic qualities by honoring a classic archetype, so be proud. This is a good place to be.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Cajunkraut »

The good news is, retro-style fan wear and fandom display in general has been mainstream for quite a while. Just walk into any national retailer's graphic tee section.

I credit the evolution and popularity of gaming/con/culture, the newest comic book movie wave, and older fans' growing lack of concern with others' negative opinions.

"Geekdom" is the new cool. And as the saying goes, haters gonna hate.
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