Thanks buddy. I have sold a few of them so far. Sins my five month wait time it will take a little time before we see any. A couple of the orders are in other colors.
John, I have to say I love "The Kane"! Knowing you had such a cool hat in the show led me to watch that episode having never seen the show before. My wife and I are now hooked and have spent a few weeks catching up on seasons 1-3.
Just wanted to keep everyone update.better late then never. Made several Leverage/Kane hats but didn't time out with Brian aka squidkidd being around to snap some shots. The good thing is after a year or so I finally got the blasted hat maker who made this hat to make me one. It took me over a year to get one finished but when brian gets connected with me I'll have a set of shots taken and will post them up.
The question is, are you going to KEEP it!? That's what most of those 'blasted' hatmakers do....make themselves a hat, then sell it off to fill an order.
Michaelson wrote:The question is, are you going to KEEP it!? That's what most of those 'blasted' hatmakers do....make themselves a hat, then sell it off to fill an order.
Regards! Michaelson
This One Im keeping. I wore it all day today. I gave away my Raiders hat that I had to Jorenz. I miss his happy smile.
Late to the party to congratulate John on a fine piece of work, and apparently later to the party for this show. How do you miss something like that? Like mcmann, this is the first time I've ever seen or heard anything about it.