Compliments on the general gear

Bags, Boots, Shirts and all other gear should be discussed here.

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Re: Compliments on the general gear

Post by MARQ »

Here´s the latest of mine.Last Friday was my niece´s graduation,and I was wearing my Todd Indy-shirt and in the school-auditorium,in the bench-row before us was this couple,and I noticed the misses looking at me,many times ...didn´t think nothing of it. :roll: So,anyway when it was over and we were waiting to fit ourselves to the corridor,I can swear that she poked her man to the side and whispered "Indiana Jones" while looking at me... :D Think about it,so "in-your-face" type of thing..
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Re: Compliments on the general gear

Post by irishjones »

MARQ wrote: So,anyway when it was over and we were waiting to fit ourselves to the corridor,I can swear that she poked her man to the side and whispered "Indiana Jones" while looking at me... :D Think about it,so "in-your-face" type of thing..
Good Lord, that's just so rude! I can't believe that!
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Re: Compliments on the general gear

Post by Indiana Bugs »

Aragorn658 wrote:does anyone wear their fedora and satchel when ever they leave the house? i do
All the time. I keep my medical supplies in the bag. I've always carried a bag and the MkVII is the best yet for my purposes. And I never go anywhere without a hat.
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Re: Compliments on the general gear

Post by MARQ »

MARQ wrote: So,anyway when it was over and we were waiting to fit ourselves to the corridor,I can swear that she poked her man to the side and whispered "Indiana Jones" while looking at me... :D Think about it,so "in-your-face" type of thing..
:o oh no,no,no,no..she didn´t push him aside...she know "look that´s indy shirt"..nudge to the side..type-a-thing
After recognizing my shirt,I believe that she tried to make him look at my shirt...that´s all!! :rolling:
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Re: Compliments on the general gear

Post by Adirondack Jones »

So I stop at the convenience store this morning to buy coffee and the (fairly young) girl behind the counter says, "I really like your've got the Indiana Jones thing join'. And you got the jacket too." (Wested cotton, BTW, not even leather.) So then I stop by another Convenience store this evening to buy beer and the girl there says "That's a great hat." "Thanks," says I, "this seems to be a popular hat." To which she replies, "well yeah. it's really cool."
So I guess it's a good hat. (Steele and Jones--I try to get a plug in for them every chance I get.)
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Re: Compliments on the general gear

Post by backstagejack »

I'm on a conference in purdue u. In Indiana. I'm wearing my mark vii.

. The gov of Indiana was just made the pres of purdue. Or vice versa. So there is a secret service like guy wandering around, talking on his ear piece. All of a sudden he comes up to me and says, "that bag is awesome, I had one about ten years ago. " I told him it was the Indy bag, he said " yeah man. I had a great messenger bag which was more functional but that one is so awesome."

Made my day after a very very horrible travel experience to get here.
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Re: Compliments on the general gear

Post by backstagejack »

Wearing an Akubra "Snowy River" in Sandtone with a light brown blazer and I'm told I look like Indiana Jones.
Wearing an Akubra "Federation" in Brown and I get called "cowboy"

I live in Texas!!!!! I can't win...... hahaha :rolling:
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Re: Compliments on the general gear

Post by Ohio Jones »

Mine is my US Wings Jacket. It's lightly distressed and even though its new it looks like a good old comfy jacket that's seen many miles of use. No mAtter where I go someone always complents on it. It's been kind of a running joke with my wife and I!!!
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Re: Compliments on the general gear

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

I wore my AB CS fedora, G&B Expedition, and Magnoli satchel to the Indiana Jones and the Adventure of Archaeology exhibition on Saturday--got some of the most genuine compliments yet (particularly the jacket and hat).

:TOH: Best wishes,
Nebraska S.
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Re: Compliments on the general gear

Post by A.J. Cairo »

I get complimented frequently on my AB, but the comment that always sticks with me happened when I was stationed in Louisiana, and some highschooler at Walmart told me he liked my Abraham Lincoln hat. :o :roll:
On a related note, don't trust the educational system in Louisiana. :D
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Re: Compliments on the general gear

Post by ChrisMD »

Alot of people compliment my jacket. I always am dressed for action. Meaning i just always look squared away, i guess because of work it just has me always ready. No flip flops, or anything like that. People see my 5.11 pants, hiking or work boots and just figure im some "tacticool" mall ninja type. I walked into my buddies house and he said, "you always look like a guy who's carrying a gun, but that jacket makes you look like a guy carrying a revolver." He knows i carry everywhere including outside work. Thought it was funny, jacket is SO recognizable!
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Re: Compliments on the general gear

Post by ChrisMD »

Alot of people compliment my jacket. I always am dressed for action. Meaning i just always look squared away, i guess because of work it just has me always ready. No flip flops, or anything like that. People see my 5.11 pants, hiking or work boots and just figure im some "tacticool" mall ninja type. I walked into my buddies house and he said, "you always look like a guy who's carrying a gun, but that jacket makes you look like a guy carrying a revolver." He knows i carry everywhere including outside work. Thought it was funny, jacket is SO recognizable!
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Re: Compliments on the general gear

Post by Gorak »

I wear the full gear at least once a week and get "Cowboy" comments more than Indiana Jones! #-o
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Re: Compliments on the general gear

Post by Charybdis »

Last week, I was going over to the local high school gymnasium to call a basketball game for our local radio station and since it was rather cloudy and rainy out, I wore a cotton A2 with my Fed IV...when I walked into the gym, a couple of high schoolers opened the door for me and when I walked off, I heard one of them say "that was Indiana Jones!"
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Re: Compliments on the general gear

Post by backstagejack »

My boss told me I look like a time traveler and that my style of clothing is like someone from the 40s. I took it as a compliment really. I was just lamenting the other day with a friend over drinks about how people are shocked when you in their terms "dress up". Even though 70 years ago, it would've been everyday wear.

I was wearing some black cordrouys, a long sleeve jumper, a vest and a frock coat and a guy asked me if all of it was custom made, I informed him that most of it was from Walmart or Target (the frock coat, not so much). He seemed shocked but I pointed out that you don't have to buy custom clothes to look nice.

My new response to the question, "Why are you so dressed up?" will be "Why aren't you?"
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Re: Compliments on the general gear

Post by Flowah »

backstagejack wrote: My new response to the question, "Why are you so dressed up?" will be "Why aren't you?"
It's past 5, what am I, a farmer?

I do wish I could pull off the kind of clothes Indiana wore at the end of Raiders. But I'm a short Asian guy so it's tougher :P

But yeah, that old style is sharp as ####. The men and the women just look hotter, smarter, more sophisticated. It'd be nice if it made a comeback. For now, I've been on a few trips where my bag has been pretty handy. I take it whenever I'm traveling. My boots I wear a lot but... I'm a little afraid of taking them on anything too adventurous, you know? They cost $430!
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