Where do you wear your complete gear?

Bags, Boots, Shirts and all other gear should be discussed here.

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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

maboot38 wrote:Because Indiana Jones and Star Wars have nothing to do with them whatsoever. If I went and saw someone dressed as that, it would kill it dead for me.

That's just my opinion though. I don't see the Indiana Jones - renaissance connection. I thought people went to those to immerse themselves in a time period, not watch a parade of homemade fanboy costumes.

Don't mind me though, I'm just a crabby old purist. Heck, I don't even like cream in my coffee.
A better case can probably be made for Indy as an historian and archaeologist attending a Faire to study/teach/critique than could be made for many of the other outfits there. :-k

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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by maboot38 »

nicktheguy wrote:Not everybody who goes to a renaissance fair is in period clothes maboot. The Indy clothes are closer to regular wear than other costumes - I could see it being odd if you showed up at a renfair wearing a vader outfit or x-wing pilot - but with Indy you could be just another regular clothed spectator - and renfairs have plenty of jeans and t-shirted spectators too. I've never heard any renfair participant complain about that - though it would be very cool to go to a renfair where wearing period clothing was mandatory - I would love to see that one day.
No I know not everyone dresses up in period clothing, but dressing as a 1980's movie character just doesn't make sense for a reni fair in my opinon. Then again, I'm not expert on that type of event.

I wear my Indy gear at halloween. Actually, just one halloween...years ago....which is how I ended up meeting everyone on here and sticking around. I haven't dressed up as Indiana Jones since. I still love the gear but there's only one Indy and he isn't me. I suppose the next time I wear my gear in public will be the year I convince my wife to dress like Elsa Schneider, and since she's never seen any of the Indiana Jones movies, it is highly unlikely that it'll happen anytime soon.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by maboot38 »

_ wrote:We did a Ren fair in Santa Barbara. It was cool. The food was great. But there was a guy in full Vadar armor. The consensus was WTF?

It kinda has that "didn't get the memo" feel to it?
Along those lines, I guess where I'm going with this is that I would put the guy dressed as Indy and the guy dressed as Vader in the same category at a Ren fair.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Indyzane »

I'm thinking of going to Disneyland this year with my son and wife for Halloween. Maybe I'll pack the Indy costume for the costume party. Anyone know if you can dress as Indy in the park on Hallowen BTW? I remember reading here some time ago that Disney won't let you in the parks if you're wearing similar costume to characters. I understand the reason why.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by maboot38 »

Indyzane wrote:I'm thinking of going to Disneyland this year with my son and wife for Halloween. Maybe I'll pack the Indy costume for the costume party. Anyone know if you can dress as Indy in the park on Hallowen BTW? I remember reading here some time ago that Disney won't let you in the parks if you're wearing similar costume to characters. I understand the reason why.
They most always will not allow whips and fake guns. The rest....it is hit and miss. I've seen pics of folks wearing it there, and I've heard stories of folks asked to go back and change. Bring a change of clothes to be safe, or better yet....leave the dressing up to the park employees. ;)
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Indyzane »

maboot38 wrote:
Indyzane wrote:I'm thinking of going to Disneyland this year with my son and wife for Halloween. Maybe I'll pack the Indy costume for the costume party. Anyone know if you can dress as Indy in the park on Hallowen BTW? I remember reading here some time ago that Disney won't let you in the parks if you're wearing similar costume to characters. I understand the reason why.
They most always will not allow whips and fake guns. The rest....it is hit and miss. I've seen pics of folks wearing it there, and I've heard stories of folks asked to go back and change. Bring a change of clothes to be safe, or better yet....leave the dressing up to the park employees. ;)
Good point. I might be signing autographs and taking photos with kids when all I want to do is have fun. Also the "Hey Dr. Jones" or "look it's Indy" comments! My wife laughed when I told her I wanted to do this, she joked and mentioned I'll go as Snow White then. :shock: :rolling:
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by maboot38 »

Yeah, outside this small community of enthusiasts, most adults are still laughed at for wearing costumes to movies and shows and themeparks. Some folks just choose not to hear the taunting. I wish I had that skill. My wife would shoot me before going to disney with me dressed as a character.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Texan Scott »

Yeah, maybe more a SoC type look, with a bannana in the holster. :P
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Texan Scott »

Just kidding. ;) :tup:

Might could get away with the bag? :-k
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by maboot38 »

Texan Scott wrote:
Might could get away with the bag? :-k
Sure. People wear purses to Disney every day.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Texan Scott »

...how about a manly archaological purse?
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Well, I've been to Disney in California with Canyon and Dejah Thoris. Both had their Indy bags, and I had something a little larger. No problem. They just took a quick peak inside.

Having been to Ren Fairs many times, I can tell you that wearing an Indy outfit would be out of place. It would also paint a target on you. Ren Fair actors and workers will zero in on anything that remotely stands out, even a t-shirt. Once, I was called out for having "armor on my teeth!" (braces...) Since most of them are geeks like us, they would see Indy gear and start salivating. So, if you don't mind spending the day being embarrassed by strangers in front of lots other strangers... wear your Indy gear! :mrgreen:

As for me - sorry, love. I dress as comfortable as possible for Ren Fairs, where it's almost always hot, humid, and muddy. No Indy gear. Strangely, though, Marion SoC would probably work very well. Heck, at a Ren Fair, I could get away with SoC Marion!!! :lol:
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by maboot38 »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:Strangely, though, Marion SoC would probably work very well. Heck, at a Ren Fair, I could get away with SoC Marion!!! :lol:
Stella, keep a close eye on your wardrobe!
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Strider »

maboot38 wrote:Along those lines, I guess where I'm going with this is that I would put the guy dressed as Indy and the guy dressed as Vader in the same category at a Ren fair.
I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down, but people who do that are the exception rather than the rule. I think you're short changing yourself by avoiding Ren Faires simply on the basis that it would stink to see someone dressed out of period there. They are grand spectacles, and the food, as stated, is wonderful. Great performers, great looking costumes, and lots of fun.
maboot38 wrote:Yeah, outside this small community of enthusiasts, most adults are still laughed at for wearing costumes to movies and shows and themeparks. Some folks just choose not to hear the taunting. I wish I had that skill. My wife would shoot me before going to disney with me dressed as a character.
I hear the taunting, all right. However, I think dealing with it and rolling along with those doing the taunting is a skill that is developed over time. Indiana Jerry is a master at it. At the Indy IV premiere, I wore full gear and was waiting in line for popcorn and soda. My gun belt was bugging me, so I had to take it off to adjust it, and a customer behind me burst out laughing. I turned to him and smiled, and said: "Good to see I can still get the laughs when I'm not even trying!" And he tried to tell me that he was not laughing at me, and I chuckled, saying back: "I've been a dork far too long. It's ok, no harm, no foul." He complimented my costume, too.

Shoot, I get teased just for wearing the hat and jacket. "Hey, Indy!" "Yep ... that's me!" Some girl once yelled: "INDIANA JONES!" I said: "No time for love!" She laughed her head off and that was that. God, though, I used to be SUPER self conscious about the fedora. I felt like I was being stared at everywhere I went.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by AZ Pete »

Outside of Halloween or the occasional costume party (of which I am not a big fan, wife will drag me to one here or there), I never wear complete gear. I wear my Penman Beaver CS on weekends and vacations, etc. and carry an MKVII to work. I have a couple of Indy-like safari shirts that I wear as well with the hat. For me, that's pushing it though. Overall, I think all the gear is great...independently. Besides, my wife and kids will not let me out the door if I have too many Indy items on. :shock:

As far as Disneyland/Disney World is concerned, I agree with the comments of most. I sometimes wear the hat or safari shirt, nothing else though...Don't want to cause a scene. Less is more!
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Canyon »

maboot38 wrote:
Chewbacca Jones wrote:Strangely, though, Marion SoC would probably work very well. Heck, at a Ren Fair, I could get away with SoC Marion!!! :lol:
Stella, keep a close eye on your wardrobe!

Chewbacca Jones wrote:As for me - sorry, love. I dress as comfortable as possible for Ren Fairs, where it's almost always hot, humid, and muddy. No Indy gear. Strangely, though, Marion SoC would probably work very well. Heck, at a Ren Fair, I could get away with SoC Marion!!! :lol:
Okay. No gear. But, please understand that I want to wear a dress. Something like this perhaps?

http://www.funfolly.com/h/c/cren2ax.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; :mrgreen:
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Good to know I'll be marryin' a proper wench! ;)
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Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by 61ButteMT »

New to this forum, and this thread caught my attention. I wondered "where" you guys wore this stuff. I've done some reenacting (WWII) with my son, and so that's easy as you've got 100's of like minded folks with you, recreating an event.
This clothing, sans the whips, guns, and maybe fedora, are all great daily wear, IMHO. But to finish it all the way is indeed seemingly "Star Wars" and I'd guess you'd get some ribbing.
Interesting answers!
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by maboot38 »

Strider wrote:I think you're short changing yourself by avoiding Ren Faires simply on the basis that it would stink to see someone dressed out of period there. They are grand spectacles, and the food, as stated, is wonderful. Great performers, great looking costumes, and lots of fun.
I didn't say that I was avoiding them for any reason. I'm not avoiding ren fairs.
Strider wrote: I hear the taunting, all right. However, I think dealing with it and rolling along with those doing the taunting is a skill that is developed over time. Indiana Jerry is a master at it. At the Indy IV premiere, I wore full gear and was waiting in line for popcorn and soda. My gun belt was bugging me, so I had to take it off to adjust it, and a customer behind me burst out laughing. I turned to him and smiled, and said: "Good to see I can still get the laughs when I'm not even trying!" And he tried to tell me that he was not laughing at me, and I chuckled, saying back: "I've been a dork far too long. It's ok, no harm, no foul." He complimented my costume, too.

Shoot, I get teased just for wearing the hat and jacket. "Hey, Indy!" "Yep ... that's me!" Some girl once yelled: "INDIANA JONES!" I said: "No time for love!" She laughed her head off and that was that. God, though, I used to be SUPER self conscious about the fedora. I felt like I was being stared at everywhere I went.
OK, that's a skill I'll never posess. I got that awkward feeling just READING that. I guess you're a lucky guy. There are those of us who can walk around in public in a costume and those of us who just don't see any reason to do so. I'm in the latter group. At the movies, there's one Indiana Jones, and he's on the screen. That guy standing in front of me buying popcorn and adjusting his gun belt....I'm not sure what he's doing. ;)

Seriously though, I'm all for doing what makes you happy, and I'm not saying that folks SHOULDN'T wear costumes out in public at non-costume events, I'm just saying I don't posess whatever facilities are required to understand why anyone would do it. In the end if you feel good about yourself when you do it, then that's great. I wouldn't, and that's why I don't.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Indyzane »

Disneyland Halloween costume Rules:
(These are special dates in which you have to purchase a Mickeys Halloween party ticket. Park is closed to general public.)

Costume Information
All event attendees — including adults — may dress in their favorite Halloween costume and must follow these and other guidelines:
Costumes should be child-friendly and may not be obstructive, offensive or violent.
Guests may wear masks. However, masks must not obstruct vision and eyes must be visible at all times.
Guests who dress like Disney Characters may not pose for pictures or sign autographs for other Guests.
Costumes should not drag on the ground.
Costumes should not contain sharp objects, pointed objects or materials that may accidentally strike another Guest.
Costumes should not contain any weapons which resemble or could easily be mistaken for an actual weapon.
Guests of all ages may only wear costumes to the Disneyland® Resort Halloween event to which they have valid tickets.
During normal Park operating hours, costumes are permitted only for Guests ages 9 and younger.
Guests who do not adhere to these guidelines may be refused entry into the event unless his or her costume can be modified to meet the above standards.
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by indyclone »

to add to my post so long ago.....
i wear my gear when i go to comic conventions or movie presentations of the indy movies . i also have my son wearing his indy gear to conventions.
i hope to be able to wear it when indy 5 comes out ( prays to the almighty jebus).
here is a picture from the last comic convention when i met another indy ....
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by maboot38 »

indyclone wrote:to add to my post so long ago.....
i wear my gear when i go to comic conventions or movie presentations of the indy movies . i also have my son wearing his indy gear to conventions.
i hope to be able to wear it when indy 5 comes out ( prays to the almighty jebus).
here is a picture from the last comic convention when i met another indy ....
Obviously that Indy you met was from the not so popular film "Indiana Jones and the Lost Clothing Iron".
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Solent MKIII »

:rolling: My thoughts exactly! Must've kept 'em rolled up in his MKVII. Image
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Re: Where do you wear your complete gear?

Post by Ken »

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